The Exposed Secret

No way, Right?

After lunch, Kai had been told to help out clean the storage facility leaving Moonhye to play by herself. All the children were taking their afternoon naps so she just sat there, sighing to herself. She watched the peaceful face Minhwa made and found it really adorable, all the children were and it still amazes her that Minhwa was an orphan. If she didn't know that the place was an orphanage then she would have never imagined that the children were orphans. They all looked so happy as if everything's alright and perfect in their world. Moonhye sighed and wishes she was more like them.

"Hey." Kris suddenly spoke, taking a seat next to Moonhye.

"Oh. Hi Kris. I haven't seen you around lately" Moonhye smiled.

"Probably because you're too busy flirting with your boyfriend." Kris rolled his eyes and smiled at Moonhye.

Moonhye slapped his arms lightly then turning her head towards him wearily, "Kris... You don't still like me do you?"

"Why?" Kris stared right into Moonhye's eyes, "What if I still do?"

"Kris." Moonhye sighed, "You need to move on..."

Kris chuckled, "Don't worry silly." He ruffled Moonhye's hair, "I like you but not like as you know... I don't have those feeling for you anymore." Kris sighed, "I guess this is what you meant when the 'sparks' left huh?" Kris slightly smiled.

"I'm glad you understand Kris..." Moonhye continued, "Finally." She joked receiving a small pinch on the nose by Kris.

"Hey! You know how heartbroken I was when you dumped me?" Kris pouted.

Moonhye laughed at the childish Kris, "It really doesn't suit you." She wiped a tear from her eye from too much laughing, "Just stick with your cold exterior Kris."

"Yah! I'm cute you know!" Kris whined.

"Cute my !" Moonhye laughed.

Just then, Kris saw a boy move his body and he placed his index finger on Moonhye's lips, "Shhh, you're too loud."

"Sorry." Moonhye mimed. 

While Kris and Moonhye were enjoying each other's company, Kai was watching. He was working outside when he saw the smiles of Moonhye through the window. He smiled seeing her smile but when she saw who's causing it, his smile faded. He knows Kris said he'll keep to himself and not cause any harm to his and Moonhye's relationship but Kai couldn't help a tint of jealousy. He sighed since he couldn't do anything and so he continued to tidy the messy shed.

When it turned dark, Moonhye volunteered to cook supper for everyone including the children. She always wants to cook whenever she's in a good mood and she was hell in a good mood since Kai did something that made her heart do cartwheels inside her.


When she switched shifts with Yuri to look at at the sleeping children, she wanted to check on what was happening outside, well...she wanted to do that because she wanted to see Kai mostly. She checked the shed but only found the other club members and no traces of Kai. She checked the front playground to see if he was playing but he still wasn't there. She then checked the house to see if he went back to his room but she still couldn't see any sight of Kai.

She sighed and headed back to the main building. But as she turned a corner, she was pinned onto the wall by two muscular arms blocking her escape from the sides. She raised her head up to the see the criminal and it was no other than Kai. Moonhye breathed out a sigh of relief once she knew she was safe.

"Kai, I almost kicked your balls..." Moonhye put her hand against her chest and sighed in relief once again.

"Don't do that." Kai leaned in closer, "Or else we wouldn't have children..."

Moonhye's eyes widened and pushed Kai off of her, "Don't say that!"

Kai was giggling at Moonhye's expression earlier. He held Moonhye's hand as he led her somewhere. He swung his arms like kid as he made small chats with Moonhye.

In only a matter of time did Moonhye realise that they weren't going back to the main building, or even anywhere near the orphanage.

"Where are we going?" Moonhye asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"Somewhere..." A grin crept up Kai's lips.

Moonhye didn't ask any further and just let Kai lead her to some place unknown. She looked up at Kai and there was a grin embed on his face. Moonhye shrugged since she always sees a kind of smile on Kai's face; a normal smile, a smirk, a grin, she's seen it all. So she got used to having Kai with that kind of expression.

Moonhye saw a garden of flowers; roses, tulips of many different colours and her eyes sparkled at the beautiful sight she was seeing.

"Pretty~" she sang as she skipped towards the yellow tulips.

Kai giggled at Moonhye's childish attitude and patted himself at the back. He knew Moonhye would like it and seeing her smile like that was the prize he was more than satisfied with. Kai walked up to Moonhye's back and hugged her waist and pulled her closer towards him making him scent the strawberry smell of Moonhye's shampoo. He dug his face in her soft hair, enjoying their moment together.

Moonhye blushed at the sudden skin ship, "K-Kai." She stuttered.

Kai hummed in response.

"What are you doing?" Moonhye asked.

Kai smiled then turned Moonhye around. He cupped her face and brought it closer towards his, making him fully look at Moonhye's now reddened cheeks.

"Have I ever told you you're beautiful?" Kai asked.

Moonhye nodded slowly, "At the party...remember?"

Kai smiled, "How about this then?" Kai paused, looking straight into Moonhye'a hazel orbs, "Have I ever told you that you're mine, and mine only?"

Moonhye feels like her heart will explode any second from too much beating. She swore Kai will be the death of her.

Moonhye shook her head in response to Kai's question.

"Well I'm telling you now. No one can take you away from me. No. No one will take you away from me." Kai's eyes looked so determined as he gazed upon Moonhye's eyes.

When Moonhye nodded, Kai smiled then pulled Moonhye for a kiss. A long, passionate, tender kiss. A kiss where both were enjoying each other's lips. A kiss that seemed like it lasted in a second but even then, it felt completely perfect.

Kai pulled away first, still holding Moonhye's face. He stared into her eyes and he found the sparkles. The same sparkles he's feeling in his own eyes.

"Moonhye." Kai said, "Remember this." Kai continued, "You're mine and mine only."

Moonhye just stood there facing Kai, her heart trying to keep up what was happening. 


After they ate the delicious meal Moonhye cooked, with the help of Yunho's cousin called Jihye, everyone got ready for bed since they will be waking up early tomorrow for some grocery shopping.

Moonhye was the first one to wake up since she actually has the energy and think positively of the day ahead. That's what love does to you. Usually, you would want to snuggle up in bed longer, not wanting to get up and face the up coming day ahead. But it's different when you're in love. The second you wake up you will be tired of course but then once you think of that special person, you're already fully awake and have the energy to do anything. Just by thinking about that special someone, you're tiredness and laziness will be lifted up. And that's exactly what happened to Moonhye.

She decided to play on the swings for a bit to inhale Mother Nature. It's spring and Mother Nature is at its best condition. The strong and relaxing smell of the flowers can calm anyone's mind, especially Moonhye's.

She swung there, and remembered that she was at Itaewon. She giggled to herself at how much things have changed. Just a months ago, Moonhye hated living in Seoul. After encountering Kai, she hated it even more. Then along the way, she found friends and found to love Kai. She seriously needed to thank her parents. Without them, Kai would have never entered her world and she wouldn't be as happy as she was now.

"Ah! Moonhye!" Moonhye turned around to identify the voice that called her name. She found Yunho walking over to her.

"Yunho oppa!" She smiled and waved cheerfully.

"You seemed to be cheerful." Yunho smiled then ruffled Moonhye's hair.

"Oppa. I'm always cheerful." She stood up and nudged Yunho with her elbow.

Yunho laughed, "Okay." Yunho paused for a bit then an idea popped into his head. "Hey! Wanna come with me to visit my cousin?"

"Haven't I already seen her?" Moonhye asked.

"No, my other cousin. Hyung knows I'm in town and he'd kill me if I don't pay a visit." 

"Isn't it rude if I get between families though?" Moonhye tilted her head.

"Ey~ it's okay. He's at work right now so we would only be seeing him for a short while." Yunho insisted.

After Yunho tried to convince Moonhye a heck of a lot, they were on their way to the city of Itaewon. Moonhye smiled as she rendered her hometown, she remembered from shops to parks to restaurants. Her mind remembering all her memories there all at once.

They stopped at a hospital and Moonhye assumed Yunho's cousin was a nurse there. She also remembered the hospital. How can she not forget? She spent a lot of time in that hospital.

Yunho led Moonhye inside. Yunho talked to the receptionist while Moonhye frowned at the dead looking boy who was wrapped around in his mother's arms. She never did like going to that hospital. She never liked going to any hospital really. She hated how she saw people crying and seemed like they have no source of life in them.

"Moonhye." Yunho called, "Let's go."

Moonhye nodded, giving the boy one last look before sighing and following Yunho. They took the elevator to the 5th floor, Moonhye remembered it all too well. Her heart clenched just remembering the place. They turned the corner and Yunho flinched when he saw the room number. Moonhye stayed outside, not wanting to intrude in family matters.

She scanned the place and felt her heart clench even more. As soon as she stepped in the hospital, it was like stepping back to her past. She hated it.

While Yunho was greeting his cousin and having small laughs, he noticed Moonhye wasn't in the room. He called her name to tell her she can come in. Yunho saw Moonhye's face when she entered the room. It was so dead. The complete opposite of what he was used to. It was not a while ago that he saw Moonhye's lively, usual smile. How come it turned 180 degrees?

"Moonhye?!" Yunho's cousin shouted in disbelief.

Moonhye's eyes widened, "Doctor Jung!"

Yunho stood in the middle, looking at the two people beside him in confusion. "What's wrong? Do you know each other?"

Doctor Jung completely ignored Yunho as he rushed over to hug Moonhye and spin her around like a child. Yunho felt insulted, his cousin hugged Moonhye like that and they weren't even relatives.

"Oppa!" Moonhye laughed and happily hugged Doctor Jung back too.

Doctor Jung put her down and cupped her face while he had a smile on his face, "Moonhye! I can't believe you're back!" He pulled away, "And you know Yunho?" He pointed his thumb at his cousin who was sitting on a chair with a pout on his face.

"Yeah!" Moonhye beamed, "He's the president for our dance club! We're currently helping down at the orphanage right now."

Doctor Jung's smile dropped, "You. You still do dance?"

Moonhye's smile dropped too, "Y-yes."

Yunho stood up, feeling really curious, "Why? What's wrong with Moonhye doing dance?"

Doctor Jung coughed, "Moonhye... You know I told you can dance but didn't I tell you?...You needed to quit by the end of last year."

"I know..." Moonhye lowered her head, "It's just I can't right now." She muttered not wanting for the others to hear the last phrase.

"Why?" Yunho stepped between the two, "What's wrong with Moonhye dancing?"

Doctor Jung sighed, "Moonhye... She has asthma."




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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!