Not Again

No way, Right?

Why did it have to be him out of all the people in the world. It had to be that rude bastard. Moonhye swears her life just hates her. It's bad enough that they had to move house but to be in the same neighbour hood with this guy. She rather die. Kai thought the same thing.

"You guys know each other?" Mrs Lee asked surprise.

"No" they both replied, although a bit too quickly.

"Anyway Moonhye, this is the Kims and we have been friends for a very long time." Mrs Lee introduced.

Moonhye bowed politely and glared at Kai for a second. Kai also glared back when bowing. Yeah, they hate each other. After the introductions they headed to the dining table and sat down with their own families facing the other. Kai sat down opposite Moonhye and were having a staring, no glaring contest at each other. The same thoughts ran through their minds when piercing each other's eyes, both not wanting to give up. 

"I'm sorry we haven't helped you with your packing, we were both at work." Mrs Kim apologized.

"Oh no, it's fine. We got it done more quickly than expected actually." Mrs Lee replied.

Mrs Kim turned towards Moonhye. "Moonhye may I ask what school you will be attending?"

"Umm... It's SM high. It's quite close to here I think." 

Kai widened his eyes. "Great that's where Jongin goes too! Why don't you two go together there tomorrow. In fact everyday. Jongin could show you around the area and show you where the school is and everything." Mrs Kim beamed.

Moonhye waved her hands frantically, "No it's really alright! I know where it is! And I'll get used to the area eventually so I'll be alright on my own!"

It was more than alright actually. She didn't want to walk together with him and seeing his face every morning? No thanks. She was completely against the idea and so was Kai but all he could do was sit there pretending to remain calm when he too was panicking.

"Don't be so modest Moonhye, Jonin would gladly help you. Right Jongin?" Mrs Kim turned towards Kai and gave a forcing look.

"Ye... Yeah.." He stuttered forcing himself to agree.

"Yay! All settled then! Let's eat!." Mrs Lee beamed.

Great. Having to see each other every morning, walking together, going the same school. Fun.


The next morning just as expected, Kai was was waiting for her, leaning back against the lamp post with his eyes closed and his head nodding to the music on his phone. Moonhye stepped outside sighing because of her new uniform and seeing 'that' face early in the morning.

"Hey!" Moonhye tried to get his attention but failed. Sighing she went over to him and shouted louder, "Hey!" Kai knows she's there but chooses to ignore her over his favourite music which was now playing.

Moonhye is annoyed. That guy just kept irritating and annoying her since Day One. She sighed and clenched her fist then yanked his earphones out of his ears. Hard.

"Yah!" Kai shouted, guess he deserved that after ignoring her two times. But he's in a bad mood today so he won't let it off.

"I finally got your attention, now you coming or what? I don't want to be late in my first day." She started walking off completely ignoring his anger like how he ignored her.

"You know for a girl, you're such a man." Kai smirked trying to irritate her again.

She clenched her fist and turned around, "Look. Jong-"

"Kai. Call me Kai." Kai interrupted.

"Fine. Kai. You and I both completely hate each other right?" 

"Right." Kai agreed.

"Then let's just ignore one another, okay?"

"Fine by me." He shrugged then walked off.

Even though Moonhye didn't want to, she followed him to find out where the school was.

Finally arriving, she looked around and it was a big school. Most of the people were basically handsome and beautiful. Some looked like models and actors. Why did her parents pick a school for the rich? Again. The only thing she was looking forward to moving, was the school. She didn't want to be in a school for only the rich again. Sure she's also rich but that doesn't mean she has to go to a rich school as well.

She entered the building to be welcomed by a teacher around her late twenties and she looked absolutely beautiful.

"You must be Moonhye right?" She greeted.

"Yes." Moonhye bowed.

"I'm Miss BoA and I'm your home room teacher and also your math so should I show you to the classroom now?" BoA smiled.

"Uh, yes, thank you." Moonhye smiled back and followed BoA upstairs, where the second year of highschool go.

Room 2-B. She hopes this class is good.

"Wait here Moonhye. I'll call you when you can enter." BoA smiled once more before leaving Moonhye on the deserted hallway, thinking that at least her teacher is nice.

"Class!" BoA tried to quiet down the class but failed then again she raised her voice louder but failed once more. She was getting irritated and banged the table. Hard. "Class!" 

Moonhye flinched at the loud noise that can be heard from even outside of the class. Guess her teacher wasn't so nice after all.

"It seems like everyone has a good weekend?" She asked then the class responded with a nod and a, "Yes~".

"Good. But now your here to work so be quiet the first time I tell you!" BoA shouted giving them a threatening look.

The class gulped. They knew how Miss BoA can be really scary and they don't want that to happen.

"Anyway. I would like to introduce you to someone. She's new here and I would like you to be friends with her and show her around school for a bit until she knows this place enough. I mean it's a huge place after all. So... you can come in now Moonhye." She called on the door.

Moonhye heard the signal and slid the door. She was super nervous but didn't want to show that so she walked in calmly and gracefully.

"Everyone, this is Moonhye. She came from Incheon and she's new around the area so be nice to her. I don't want her to have the wrong impression to Seoul." BoA joked.

Moonhye gave that the signal to start introducing herself, "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Moonhye, nice to meet you." Moonhye bowed and on the way up, her eye caught a guy sitting at the corner of the room by the window with his legs on the table and his eyes closed whist listening to music on his earphones. It's Kai. Crap. His seat was empty too. Her life just completely hates her. Same neighbourhood, same school same class and maybe the same table? Oh no please. She rather take any other seat but it looks like that's just the only spare one.

Kai didn't notice her presence since he was too busy nodding his head to the music playing. I got you~ under my skin. The song finally came to an end, and he tugged his earphone off of his ears and was about to put it away in his bag when he finds a skirt by his side. He looked up and there she was. Moonhye. 

He got startled. Not Again.

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!