Not Alone

No way, Right?

"Moonhye..." Kai said softly as he reached for the crying girl in front of him.

Moonhye slowly peeled her eyes open, and was happy to what she saw. She hugged him immediately knowing the one who saved her was Kai.

"Kai!" Moonhye cried, "I-I... I was-"

"Shhh..." Kai Moonhye hair gently with his manly hands, "You don't have to explain okay? I'm here." He huged Moonhye tighter into his embrace.

She must have been so afraid in there alone, in the dark. Kai thought and continued the shivering Moonhye. I promise, I will never let anything happen to you Moonhye.


Kai and Moonhye stayed silent about the incident. When Kai asked if Yoona caused it, Moonhye stayed silent. Of course Kai knew Yoona did this; it was written in both of their faces! But that's the least of Kai's worries. It just bothered him a lot that his noona. His favourite, innocent, charming noona, would do that to his girlfriend. He's known Yoona for how many years now? He'd known her for a very long time and he would never think of her doing something like that, especially to someone he cares about deeply.

When Amber and Sulli found Moonhye, they were very happy and relieved but when they saw Moonhye in that state... It was completely heartbreaking. It looked like the girl had seen the most scariest thing on earth. She was shivering when Sulli and Amber found her. When Amber looked Kai in the eyes, she knew that Kai could handle it. The look in Kai's eyes seemed so protective. It was warm and loving. Amber smiled and gave a knowing nod when she knew that Kai does indeed love Moonhye. What confuses her though was why was Yoona with them and why did it seem like she was going to burst any second because of anger? Her hands were in a tight fist that it made her knuckles white but Amber shrug the thought off anyway.


Everyone ran out the buses as soon as they reached the school. They were so happy leaving that work temple, the boys were anyway. 

Sehun flew his arms in the air and shouted, "God has saved me!" He earned some weird stares and some laughter from the girls.

Moonhye hadn't spoken at all since Kai had saved her. She would only give a small smile and nod to people who said if she was fine or what. That made Kai more worried though. Moonhye wasn't the type of person to not say 'hi' back. She wasn't the they're of person who wouldn't talk. Yes, she was a chatter box. She's sociable and she would always bring up random topics that both party can enjoy. Yet she was quiet. She wasn't even talking to Kai; whenever Kai asked her of she's alright, she'd only give a half hearted smile and a small nod. Kai figured she needed some time to calm down.

They both started walking to their home, Kai decided to take the short and quiet way to the park instead of the noisy and busy town. It was a quiet walk and all Kai could think about was if Moonhye was actually alright. He just can't imagine how scared she was. He knew she has the phobia of the dark but why? Did something happen to her? It was at times like these that Kai grew irritated because he wished he could've met Moonhye sooner so he could know all these things.

When they had arrived, Moonhye gave a small bow as thanks for walking her back. Kai saw Moonhye's figure walk to her front door, he halted her before she could go in. "Wait!"

Moonhye turned around, confused.

"You're parents aren't home right?" Kai asked and Moonhye nodded as a response, "Then let me be with you until they come back."

Kai didn't even wait for Moonhye to answer when he walked himself in Moonhye house. Moonhye just froze in her spot, thinking why was Kai being all stubborn all of a sudden. Then a click went in her head. Did he act like that because he didn't want her to be alone? She saw Kai already making himself comfortable in her living room sofa. He patted the side next to him signaling Moonhye to sit with him. Moonhye smiled, this time, not a force one and she sat beside Kai.

"You must be tired right?" Kai asked as he pulled Moonhye more closer to his body

Moonhye hummed and wrapped her left arm around Kai's waist, "But you must be more tired right?"

"Nah~" Kai replied. There was a couple of seconds of silence when Kai broke it, "What I meant was about you in that closet..."

"Ah. That." Moonhye sighed, "I'm okay now, you're here so I'm fine." Moonhye smiled and buried herself in Kai chest, inhaling his manly scent, completely oblivious that Kai was blushing like mad.

Silence fell over both of them again and Kai, once again broke it. "Moonhye."


"I am your boyfriend aren't I?" Kai asked while staring into space.

Moonhye broke away from their embrace and looked at Kai as if he had lost his mind, "What are you even trying to get out from this?"

"Just answer my question."

"Of course you are Kai!" Moonhye shouted. "Haven't I made it obvious enough?"

Kai chuckled, "You did. Don't worry, I know very well I'm your boyfriend, I just wanted you to confirm it." He pulled Moonhye back down unto his chest.

"I think when I said 'yes' to your 'question' in the dance club has confirmed that you were my boyfriend." Moonhye rolled her eyes.

"Then promise to tell me everything okay?" 

Moonhye sighed, "I promise."

Kai broke their embrace and sat opposite Moonhye on the comfy sofa, "Then start. I'm all ears." He smiled.

Moonhye inhaled then exhaled, "Where should I start? There's so many things to tell you..."

Kai took hold of Moonhye hands, in assurance, "Then start to why you love me."

"Well..." Moonhye thought about it for a bit, "I don't really know but this is what I think anyway. You're... You're there."

"Huh?" Kai tilted his head, confused.

Moonhye laughed at Kai's cuteness, "I don't really have anyone I'm close to you know. My parents are always away. It was ever since I was little, I was the only child so I was spoiled. I had all the toys, I had delicious food." Moonhye scoffed, "People say I had everything but I never did." 

"But you." Moonhye giggled, "God, how much I hated you back then. Shouting at me for no reason, leaving me alone in the dark, calling me something I'm not."

"Okay, okay. I get it." Kai rolled his eyes.

"But it seemed like you were there when I needed someone by my side. When I was attacked by those girls, you were there. When my ankle was bleeding, you were there. On my birthday as well, you were there." Moonhye continued.

"Wait, wait. Birthday? When was that?" Kai asked, frantically. He celebrated Moonhye's birthday? When was this?

Moonhye laughed, "Oh right! You didn't know it was my birthday then right? I told you after we were dating. It was during Autumn. Remember when we played with the leaves at the park?"

Kai tried to remember then he clicked, suddenly remembering the thought, "Ah! When you showered me with dried leaves!" Kai blinked, "Wah. That was your birthday?"

Moonhye curled her index finger and brought it up to to contain her laughter, instead she gave out a cute giggle, "Yup! I was suppose to celebrate it with Kris but instead I ended up celebrating it with you without even noticing." She breathed out, "That's why I think I love you." 

"Kai, you're always comforting and the thing is I think only you could do that. If Taemin or some other guy would have done what you did to me, I don't think it would have the same effect." Moonhye smiled, "Only you could make me feel like I have no troubles, only you could comfort me so thanks for that."

Kai couldn't help to avoid the brightening of his cheeks. Moonhye was expressing herself, expressing her feeling to him. She's telling him what's inside of her and he absolutely loved it. But something still confused him.

"Moonhye... You know when you said that no one knew about your asthma... That wasn't true was it?" Kai nervously chuckled, "I mean for someone to hide their asthma from everyone... Isn't it a bit impossible?"

Moonhye half heartedly laughed, "I thought it was impossible as well but it seemed like I pulled it through." She paused, "I wasn't lying Kai. No one knew about my asthma during then except me and my doctor."

"Seriously?" Kai blinked, "How about your parents then?"

"My parents..." Moonhye sighed, "They're too busy... They already have so much work and stress that I didn't want to cause that stress to increase." Moonhye hung her head low, trying to fight back the tears.

Kai sighed loudly, "You too huh?"

Moonhye looked up at Kai with confused eyes, "What do you mean?"

"Me too... Whenever I was feeling ill, whenever I'm afraid, whenever I'm sad, I would never show it to my parents." Kai chuckled, "Some people wouldn't understand. When I little, people would always tell me I had everything. I had all the toys I wanted, I had delicious food..." Kai scoffed, "Those weren't the things I needed... I just wanted my parents attention." He pulled Moonhye into his chest, wanting some comfort, "I didn't want to add to their stress so I never did show my sad feeling to my parents... Other people wouldn't understand. I'm just glad you do."

Moonhye gently let her eyes close and just enjoy the peace and quiet atmosphere. She could smell Kai's scent from his t-shirt. Kai's warmth against her body. Kai's welcoming and protective arms wrapped around her body. It felt peace.


Later on that night, they would be there by each other's side, just letting the other talk, share what was on their minds. It felt complete. They could finally let out all those troubles, all those weaknesses that they have hid for so long from everyone else and they would let it all out on the person they love. They were happy that they have got to finally know more about each other and they were happy that they weren't alone.


OhMyGawd!!!! I just got back from school and rushed to youtube and listened to all of EXO's songs!! Gosh they're too flobing amazing! My favourite so far are Baby, Peter Pan, Don't Go, Baby Don't Cry, 3.6.5 and My Lady!! I really love all of their voices. Lol what's your favourite??

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!