
No way, Right?

Christmas was only a few days away and the Lees and Kims decided to spend their Christmas Eve together at the Lees' house. Everyone was said to give each other's present, Mrs. Lee to exchange with Mrs. Kim, Mr. Kim to exchange with Mr. Lee, leaving Moonhye to exchange gifts with Kai.

That was the hard part.

They didn't exactly know what to get each other, they had been avoiding each other recently too, meaning their way to being friends were back to awkward strangers. They had exactly two more days until Christmas Eve and they were searching everywhere around the mall in order to find that perfect gift.

Yes. The present have to be amazing, wonderful and just perfect. Neither of them know why but they suddenly wanted to buy the other a present that they'd forever cherish. Do they want to do it to say sorry? Do they want to do it to say thank you? Or do they want to make their way to be friends again? Maybe just even to be plain nice. They don't know, they're way too confused and frustrated about it.

Kai was running around the huge shopping mall looking to what he think she might like. He kept looking at girls stores but there was no way Moonhye would like that. He smiled to himself thinking she's so different from all the girls he knew and continued to look at more shops, hunting down for that perfect gift that will catch his attention. He looked through almost all the stores on the first floor and nothing caught his eyes yet. Four more floors to go... Kai sighed and headed towards the elevator.

Meanwhile, Moonhye was on the top floor, being the 4D girl she is, she thought it would be quicker to start from the top and work her way towards the bottom. She ran from store to store, of course only going in men's store. She also tried very, extremely, incredibly hard to think in what Kai would want. She weren't that good with buying guy presents, any presents really. She never really buys anything for anyone with thought on it, except for Kris. She bought him a watch, cologne, shirts, the obvious thing guys would want so she thought Kris would like it a lot. Kai though... He's somehow almost impossible to buy the perfect present.

Kai reached the second floor and found a jewelry shop. It had all the girls want: diamonds, rubies, emeralds, basically all sparkly jewelry. He found many girls as well staring at them in a daze, every girl obviously want jewelry as their Christmas present but does Moonhye? She is different from girls after all. She's different from everyone really. Kai realised this just now when he has fully thinking about Moonhye. She's witty but kind, she bickers a lot but caring, she's...different. She was the only one that didn't laugh him when she found out bout his ballet. She was the only one that can fight back against him. She was the only one that can make him blush like crazy.

He shook his head and left the store and sat on nearest bench he could find. He rested his chin on his forehands which was supported by his elbow on his thighs. He thought and sighed over and over again, thinking of what could Moonhye be happy with. Food? Clothes? Accessories? Make up? Kai sighed and tried to think what she likes. She likes food, but he doesn't think it's a good present. She likes dancing but he hardly sees her listen to music. He tried to think harder. He tried to think the times when he visited her house, and her room. Her room was a colour orange and yellow so he should get something in those colours. She probably doesn't read that much since there were no traces of books in her room, not even a magazine, so he crossed books off the list. 

In the end Kai ran out of ideas, he couldn't think of a gift that he would think she's happy with so he decided to take a look around the third floor in hope of finding something nice. He found a toy shop and smiled to himself. Getting her a toy would be quite funny. His eyes widened and took three steps back and stared at the display at the shop. It had cute teddy bears and with little quotes in it such as 'Thank You', 'Sorry', 'Merry Christmas' things like that but what really caught Kai's attention was the Pickachu Doll smiling happily with its red cheeks. It reminded him so much of Moonhye. She has red cheeks often just like the Pickachu and the way the Pickachu smiles was also the same way Moonhye smiles. He couldn't help but smile at it. Perfect

Moonhye was strolling around the third floor exhausted and wanting to give up. So far she looked at every store she passed and couldn't find something that she thought Kai would like. He hasn't actually been talking to her recently and all she knows about him is that he loves music and dancing. He also loved Pokemon from what she can remember. When she went into his room to take care of him, she couldn't help but notice the Pokemon comic books the tiny Pickachu alarm clock that was sitting on his night stand. She found it cute that how Kai could be so childish sometimes instead of his full of himself ego. She couldn't help but smile and shake her head at the thought. She passed a toy shop that she found so cute. Her eyes caught a teddy bear that says 'Merry Christmas' on it and wanted to buy it for her self since she found it adorable. Her eyes was soon taken over by the Chimchar doll which was sitting with a Pickachu doll. She found the smiling Chimchar doll to be quite cute and reminded her so much about Kai. His smile was exactly like the doll, whenever Kai smiles she wanted to smile too and she couldn't help but smile when she she saw the Chimchar doll. The way it had a flame on its tail shows how fiery it was and just by looking at the doll shows how playful it was. Just like Kai. Perfect. Moonhye smiled.


"Welcome!" The Kims were welcomed by the sound of Mrs. Lee and she hugging them and dragged Mrs. Kim with her to talk about gossip. 

Mr. Kim gave Mr. Lee a manly hugged and they also made their way in the living room gossiping...about their work. Which leaves Kai closing the door wanting to get away from the cold breeze that had hit him a minute ago. He made his way in the living room rubbing his hands together with a bag dangling from his arms. He placed the bag down under the christmas tree, smiling then sat down at the unoccupied sofa wrapping himself with his scarf.

Moonhye came out of the kitchen with her oversized, cream knitted jumper that made her face seem fairer than usual and her red coloured skinny jeans that hugged her perfectly toned legs. She greeted Mrs. Kim with a hug then a smile and the same to Mr. Kim. She glanced over to Kai and formed a small smile on her lips to indicate the she just greeted him, Kai responded with a nod and continued searching for songs on his phone. Moonhye puffed her cheeks and squinted her eyes at Kai then her lips couldn't help but form a smile again. He's so unsociable. 

The two families gathered at the dining table and ate the delicious turkey with gravy together with chocolate delights as their desserts. While they were eating, Kai secretly took glances of Moonhye and smiled to himself whenever she touched the hot food with her tongues and would slightly twitch her lips and how she ate like a pig when it was time for desserts. He would smile at little things she does, either her flaws or her charms, he would smile at both of them. 

"Let's open the presents now!" Mrs. Kim clapped her hands, itching to see what her present was but more itchy to see what the two kids have bought for each other.

The rest followed Mrs. Kim to the Christmas tree as she checked the names on the presents and gave them out to their owners. When Moonhye got hers, she couldn't help but peak in the small opening of the bag but was stopped by Kai.

"Yah! Don't open it yet!" Kai grabbed Moonhye's hands and held unto it as he sat down on the sofa, bringing Moonhye with him.

Moonhye looked at Kai, confused as to why he was being all touchy all of a sudden when they had just ignore each other for the past few weeks. She took one last glance at her present wondering what Kai had gotten her.

After all the adults had opened their very expected present which was perfumes and make ups from the mums and cologne and a watch from the dads. Surprisingly, they liked it even though they have dozens of them. 

"Okay, Moonhye, why don't you open yours?" Mrs. Lee gestured.

Moonhye nodded her head fast and didn't need to be told twice, so she started ripping open the bag which was stapled very nicely. She brought out the soft yellow Pickachu doll and stared at it for a while. Her lips slowly smiling once she looked at the Pickachu with more detail. It's so cute. 

She looked at Kai, smiling. "Thanks Kai."

With just that, Kai's face was heating up. He rubbed the back of his head, "No big deal." He secretly smiled to himself, She liked it.

"It's so cute! It looks just like you Moonhye!" Mrs. Kim smiled, satisfied at what Kai got Moonhye. It may not be expensive but that's how she knew that her son thought really hard for this gift.

"Kai! Go ahead and open your present." Mrs. Kim clapped.

Kai nodded. He was also very curious as to what Moonhye got him. He expecting something special of course, not like the one she gives Kris or any other guy. He wanted something that she thought hard for just like he did with her present. Kai slowly took the tape off but stopped when he read the note on the little card.

To Kai a.k.a Jongin, Jerk, Meanie and Amazing Dance Partner

This present reminds me a lot about you.

I hope you like it~ I thought really hard about it too so don't throw it away!

Merry Christmas!

From Moonhye a.k.a Not a and Amazing Dance Partner

He shook his head and laughed to himself. This girl... He continued opening the bag and took out the soft, smiling Chimchar Doll and held it in his hands. A smile crept up his lips, How does this reminds her about me? She's so weird. 

Moonhye took close attention to how Kai would react and found his hidden smile. He liked it.


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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!