The Plan

No way, Right?

So frustrating! Taemin was completely not himself. He had been scratching his head a number of times and gave Kai and Moonhye the cold shoulder. How could he not give then the cold shoulder? All week he has been hearing stories about how they flirt with each other, well...not technically flirting but sort of...not themselves. The way they act with each other is completely different to how they act with different people. When they talk to each other, it feels as if they're in their own world that no one could enter. That's what made Taemin frustrated. The two idiots, the two stupid idiots had to be his best friends and  he had to be involved.

Taemin has heard everything; about Moonhye kissing Kai and about Kai kissing Moonhye, on the lips! He wondered how on earth have they not found out yet. Taemin has been constantly annoying Kai during the past week and he eventually forced him to admit out loud that he likes Moonhye. The problem is, the two need to confess to each other.

"Hyung!" Taemin called when he saw Yunho walk into the cafeteria.

"Oh! Taemin-ah. What's up?" Yunho said as he took a bite out off his sandwich.

"I heard we're entering another competition!" Taemin jumped excitedly. "Is it going to be like last time?"

Yunho laughed, "We are dancing infront of an audience but I don't think it's what you're thinking..." Yunho led Taemin to a seat, "I'm sure people will be comfortable unlike last time..." Yunho laughed at the thought of how he locked Kai and Moonhye in the practice room just so they can be comfortable with each other.

Taemin tilted his head, "What do you mean? We're all very comfortable."

"Not all." Taemin tilted his head more which made Yunho explain, "Kai and Moonhye weren't exactly good at first remember?" Taemin slowly nodded, "Well I locked had to lock them up in the practice room for hours so that they can be comfortable with each other then ta-dah." Yunho made small jazz hands, "They're dancing machines. y dancing machines. y, tango dancing machine.'

Yunho didn't notice that Taemin had gotten wide eyed. "Yah! You okay?"

Taemin snapped out of his trance. He leaned forward so he can take a better hearing of what his hyung had just said, "you really locked them up?"

"Yup." Yunho held his nose high feeling proud. "And I got them to be y, tango dancing machines."

When Yunho had opened his eyes Taemin was no where to be seen. He looked around and found no sight of him. "Where do that kid go?" Yunho scratched his head before shrugging and continued to eat his lunch.


"I love you." Moonhye whispered as she cried kneeling down in front of Sehun.

Kai crossed his arms he watch with his eyebrows furrowed at what he think is a disgusting scene happening right in front of his eyes. He had drama with Moonhye and it just happened that Moonhye and Sehun were to perform a very touching scene in front of the whole class because they were the two 'best' actors in the class. Kai didn't know that jealousy was just taking  over his body and soul that's why he's all grumpy and moody.

"And scene!" The teacher called, "That was perfect! Well done guys!" She patted Moonhye's and Sehun's back as the two made their way to their seat.

Just when the teacher was about to speak again, the bell that signalled it's the end of the school rang and the students started scurrying off. Kai had asked Moonhye to drop her off at her locker to bring out her dance clothes before they made their way to the studio. Kai was pouting the whole way through which Moonhye noticed.

"Yah. What's wrong?" Moonhye elbowed Kai lightly as they walk along the sea of students.

Kai continued to pout, clearly showing his dissatisfaction, "I still think I'm the best actor in the class."

Moonhye wanted to squeal at how childish Kai was being since it made him look cute and adorable but ssince there was no way she would do that, she scoffed instead. "You're already the best dancer, now you want to be the best actor too?"

"Yes." Kai bluntly answered.

"That's greedy Kai~" Moonhye sang as she laughed at the childish Kai.

"This is not called being greedy." It's called being jealous since I wanted you to say 'I love you' to me and not Sehun! "It's called being enthusiastic." Kai lied.

Moonhye 'pshhed' and continued to walk with Kai to the dance studio.

After Moonhye and Kai had changed, Yunho called everyone over to announce something, "Some of you might already know about an event we're going to." Yunho waited for the loud clapping and the 'hoorays' from Eunhyuk to stop before he continued, "Yes, we will be dancing. But!" Yunho halted everyone before clapping, "It's not a competition. We're not going to be doing any competiting whatsoever." With that, the club sighed.

An hour of dancing came to end and soon everyone started dispersing. Taemin however, kept the two back to 'help' find his 'lost' phone.

"So why exactly are we helping?" Kai asked.

"Because you're my friends." Taemin bluntly said as he pretended to look for his phone in his jacket pocket.

"It's so troublesome having friends like you" Kai sighed as he continued to search.

"You're telling me that?" Taemin whispered so that Kai and Moonhye wouldn't hear. "I'll go look at my last class!" Taemin suddenly blurted out then ran towards the door and slamming it close.

The two continued to search in silence before Kai whined, "We've been searching for over an hour now! I give up!"

Moonhye giggled at the childish Kai again, "Kai, we've only been searching for 5 minutes."

"It seems like forever though", Kai sighed once more before standing up, "I'll go tell Taemin that we'll search for it tomorow." Kai headed towards the door but stopping once he felt vibration in his pocket.

It was from Taemin, 

"You're so gullible Jongin-ah~ I hope you finally tell 'you know who' (Moonhye) ^^ Don't worry about your parents looking for you since I told them you and Moonhye will spend the night at my house. Good luck! And you're welcome!"


Kai looked at the doorknob then back at Moonhye before gulping his saliva. They're trapped. Again. In the dance studio. Alone.






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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!