The Three

No way, Right?

"Quiet!" Ms BoA banged her hands of the table to quiet down the ridiculous amount of noise that her class was making.

The class quieten down at the sight of their angry teacher.

"You may know already that Holloween is only a couple of days away. Our school is going to hold a Holloween fundraiser on the 31st to raise money for the people in care homes. So. What do you want our class to do?" She picked up the chalk ready to start writing some ideas down on the board.

"Haunted House!"



"Face Painting!"

"Love booth!"

All ideas were shouting at Ms BoA and people were arguing against each other's idea. They were shouting even if they were sitting next to each other.... Again, the ridiculous noise was back. Ms BoA rubbed her temples and sighed.

"Class!" Her patience exploded. The class became quiet right away. "We can't have all of your ideas! We only have one classroom so we are going to do it as a class." She tried to put her patience back down as she said the sentence. "Now..."

She wrote down all the things she heard from the ruckus. Haunted house. Café. Shop. Face painting? And Love Booth.

"Who votes for Haunted House?" 5 people put their hands up and Ma BoA continues surveying the class.

In the end, the cafe had one by 11 points. "Café it is then." Ms BoA dusted her hands from the imaginary dirt.

"Each class has to have at least three members helping others and basically organising this whole thing." Ms BoA explained.

Sehun raised his hands. "Teacher, aren't you suppose to do that?" The class raised their suspicions on her.

"Yes, but the other teachers have yet still to mark some tests and they have no time to organise this event so we decided that the seniors, which are you guys, will be organising it for you and the juniors."

"So who are they?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I already marked your test, some of you failed and has to re-do it by the way. The three I picked are the top three that scored the highest out of the class."

The class leaned in, interested. "First being Kris, second being Kai and last... Moonhye." Kai flinched from his boredom and widened his eyes at the teacher. He looked over to Kris and Moonhye who was smiling and high-fiving each other. Great. Working with the love birds. Damn my brain! He dug his head back down in his crossed arms and is silently cursing.

It was the first day for everyone to start working and it seemed like everyone was was anticipating the fundraiser. Boys were busy building stuff and girls were busy designing posters etc. Kai, Kris and Moonhye was called to a meeting as soon as their first class started. So far... Kai hasn't spoken a word out of his mouth.

"So, you need to see if everyone has troubles and if they do, help them. The juniors will need a lot of help so I suggest you visit them often, you will have your lunch as normal but as for your break, you will till be continuing with this. Now, the schedule for you lot is hung up on the bulletin board outside. So get working!" The principal demanded. And with that, everyone rushed out of the room crowding over the schedule.

Kris managed to look at their class schedule by using the advantage of his height.

"It looks like we have to clean the storage room first then go help class 1-3." He checked once more before making a nod.

"Let's go then! Kai!" She bragged both arms of Kai's and Kris' and dashed her way to the gym storage. 

Kai and a kris couldn't help look at each other, raising their eyebrows then back at the heavy panting Moonhye. They too, joined her and dashed their way to the gym storage.

Moonhye got in her knees breathing, panting like there was no tomorow and so did Kai and Kris.

"I am in no mood and no energy to start cleaning!" She fell on her and continued panting.

"Yah! Who's idea was it to run all the way here?!" Kai caught the words through his breath.

"My body!" Moonhye retorted, she just made another stupid excuse considering that she is a 4D girl after all.

Kai rolled his eyes while Kris chuckled at Moonhye's remark.

Moonhye made the first move and chucked all the basketball balls into the basket where all the balls were kept. Kris neatly arranged the skipping ropes and Kai dusted the dust off the mats.

They continued working in silence until Moonhye bursted out, "Have to pee!" She dashed off the leaving Kai smirking and Kris chuckling.

Silence was emmanancing through the air and it was awkward as well but Kris broke it.

"So... Umm... You and Moonhye are close?" Kris asked.

Kai turned, "Yes. But I don't think it's the 'close' you were thinking."

Kris nodded and silence again flew in the air, this time Kai broke it.

"You still like Moonhye?" Kai asked, he steadied himself waiting for the waited answer.

"Is it that obvious?" Kai sighed. He got the answer he was expecting and he didn't like how his heart..... Twinge.

"Really obvious."

"Why do you ask? Do you like h-"

"No!" He answered a little too early, "I don't like her, but I don't hate her. Now."

"So you hated her before?" Kris raised an eyebrow.

"We sort of had a bad start. Long story." Kai sighed.

Then, Moonhye bursted in. Kai and Kris staring at her.

"What?" She tilted her head.

"Nothing." Kai and Kris said in unison before getting back to work.

It went on like that for the rest of the day, and the day after. Kai just did his work silently while Kris and Moonhye were chatting then Kai would complain on how much work he has dne compared to then which was a lot. They were too busy chatting, no, flirting with each other to work.

On the last day of work, Moonhye was called out by the juniors leaving Kai and Kris alone again.

"Kai." Kris suddenly said.

"What?" Kai turned around.

"About the last conversation we had..... Don't tell her I like her."

"I think she already knows." Kai rolled his eyes.

"And." Kai raised and eyebrow waiting for Kris to finish. "If you don't like her, stay away from her."

Moonhye came back and found the two awkwardly turning back to their work. She raised an eyebrow then looked back at the two again then went back to work. I wonder what happened.


Hey guys!! Sorry if I hadn't updated in like forever!! Some of you may or not know but I have been in hospital so yeah... I'm back and ready though to write!! ^.^

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!