The Three Words

No way, Right?

Kai had spent all day staying at the hospital with Yunho and he was exhausted. What confused him was Yoona seemed to be fine to him. She had that big cast around her leg but that's all he could spot on her; she didn't show any sign on pain. She was smiling and laughing for the last few hours and she seemed more than perfectly fine in Kai's eyes.


Kai walked up his street. It was almost midnight and he didn't have any dinner yet so he was starving. She sighed as he looked up at his door. Surprised, he saw Moonhye sitting in front of his door on her phone, she was probably listening to music since she had earphones on. Why is she here? And at this late? 

Kai walked up to her and bent down to match the height of their eyes before giving her a small wave. Moonhye took her earphones out immediately and buried it in her pockets.

"Kai! You're back!" Moonhye beamed.

"Yeah... Why are you here?" Kai tilted his head, "I mean it's nice to see you and everything but why are you at my house so late at night?"

"Ah! I needed to tell you that you're parents and my parents had an emergency meeting in Busan and won't be back for a week. Sooo yeah..." Moonhye trailed off before standing up.

Kai chuckled, "So you stayed out here in the cold night just so you could tell me that?"

Moonhye just nodded her head.

"You do know you could just text or call me right?" Kai raised an eyebrow with a smile on his lips.

"Yeah but... I just felt I needed to tell you in person." Moonhye lowered her head, looking at her feet making circular shapes on the pavement.

Kai chuckled and went up to Moonhye to ruffle her hair. "Wanna come in?" Kai looked at Moonhye's house and found all the lights turned off, "I know how you hate the dark."

Moonhye lifted her head up with a smile embed on her face. This was probably one of the reasons why she loved Kai, he's so sincere, he knows exactly what makes her happy. "Yes please."

They both entered Kai's house. Moonhye jumped on the sofa while Kai went straight to the kitchen. Moonhye turned her head at Kai's back and scrunched her eyebrows wondering what Kai was doing in the kitchen.

She jumped off the sofa and skipped her way to the kitchen finding Kai turning the stove on. She silently walked over to him and peeked above his shoulder, "What are you making?"

Kai jumped a little bit, "Moonhye you scared me!"

Moonhye giggled, "Sorry, but what and what are you cooking?"

"Secret~" Kai sang and pushed Moonhye out the kitchen, "Wait until it's cooked. Stay. Out. Of. The. Kitchen." Kai emphasised every single word giving Moonhye one last glare before continuing what he was doing before.

Moonhye obediently sat on the sofa and hugged her legs making a small pout in her lips. She reached for the TV remote, making sure her feet doesn't leave the sofa, and turned it on. A drama popped up and she changed the channel immediately, she was in no mood to watch a drama that would make her cry so she kept changing the channel until she finds a decent show to watch.

She gave up in then end since there was no show that caught her interest. She felt vibration at the top of her thighs and found her phone in her pocket. It was a message from Kris.

To. Moonhye

U busy tomorow?

From. Kris

Moonhye thought for a moment, thinking if she did have any plans. All she had was dance club and that was it. She started texting Kris back.

To. Kris

Nope. All I have is dance club. Why?

From. Moonhye

A few minutes later and she felt vibration again. She checked the message.

To. Moonhye

Great! Let's go to this new cafe I found just the other day! There was this chocolate brownie and I fell in love with it immediately! So you wanna go?

From. Kris

Moonhye got all excited about the text. Brownie was one of her favourite dessert and seeing how Kris loved the brownie even though he hates desserts, she was more than tempted to eat that chocolate heaven.

To. Kris

Sure! I can't wait to eat it! I'll see you tomorow then!

From. Moonhye


Kai has still not finished cooking whatever it was that he was cooking and Moonhye grew impatient. She would occasionally turn around and take a peek inside the kitchen to see how Kai was doing but she couldn't see anything. All she could see was Kai's and nothing of that food in the pot and on his hands.

Moonhye sighed after failing another attempt to peek over at Kai shoulder and she plugged her ear phones in her ear to listen to some calming music. Sooner than she knew it she was off and dreaming in dreamland. Good thing since Kai took another hour to finish what he was cooking. Cooking was not a thing for him. It took six attempts for Kai to finally finish the dish he wanted to prepare for Moonhye and he clapped his hands at the perfection in front of him. It was perfect in his eyes anyways after so much attempt. He kept dropping ingredients and putting them in the wrong order. He would burn the food and put something in the dish that should definitely not be in the dish or else someone could die.

Kai placed the food unto two seperate plates and placed them on top of the glass dining table along with two glasses of cold coke. He went over to the living room and found Moonhye's head rested at the arm rest of the chair. He saw her peacefully sleeping that he would feel guilty by waking her up but he really wanted to show Moonhye what he had cooked and he wanted her to taste every bit of his master piece.

"Moonhye-ah~" Kai chimed into Moonhye's ears.

Moonhye wriggled on her spot but she still was fast asleep and Kai giggled at her cute movements.

"Moonhye~" Kai chimed once more but this time a bit louder.

Moonhye flickered her eyes open finding Kai's face very close to hers. She jolted up and she was now sitting with her legs crossed. She rubbed her eyes and smiled when she saw Kai's handsome face right before her.

"Come on. It's ready." Kai helped Moonhye up and he guided her to the dining room.

Moonhye found two plates of spaghetti sitting in the glass table and she smiled at the sight. "Spaghetti?"

Kai guided Moonhye to the chair, pulling it out for Moonhye to sit. He sat on his won chair which was fit across hers. "Yup. It's the same dish you made me during New Year's right?" Kai smiled.

"I'm surprised you remembered." Moonhye's eyes widened, not as much as D.O's though.

"You think I wouldn't remember the first dish the girl I love made for me?" Kai placed his hands on his chest acting hurt.

Moonhye laughed, "Okay. Sorry~ I should have more trust in my boyfriend."

"Indeed you should Lee Moonhye." Kai and Moonhye both laughed before Kai offered to let Moonhye have the first bite.

Moonhye happily wrapped the noddles around her fork and slurped it in . She took a moment to fully taste the food before she gave a thumbs up to Kai. "It's very delicious!"

Kai smiled brightly before he also dug into his food. He looked up at Moonhye who seemed to really like his cooking. You did well Kim Jong In. Kai praised himself and continued to eat while looking at Moonhye who was happily eating the spaghetti.

Moonhye slurped the slippery noodle leaving sauce behind on top of Moonhye's upper lip. Kai smirked. Should he replay something out of Secret Garden? He stood up and bent over the table and planted a kiss on Moonhye's soft lips. 

Moonhye was left speechless. She didn't expect that to happen at all so she couldn't find the words to say. She couldn't even find reactions to how she could react at the matter.

Kai sat back down and bluntly said, "You had some sauce in your lips."

Moonhye touched her lips. Kai was such a tease and she laughed at it. She shook her head and continued to eat the rest of the spaghetti left on her plate.

Kai stood up and bent over once more to plant yet another kiss on Moonhye's lips. Moonhye stared at him and touched her lips, "Did my lips have sauce again?"

"No." Kai stared back at Moonhye's eyes, "I just wanted to kiss you." He smiled before kissing Moonhye yet again but the kiss was longer this time.

"I love you Moonhye. I love you damn much."


*Not edited



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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!