
No way, Right?

"Umma!" Moonhye shouted in horror at what she was seeing.

"Isn't it pretty? I want you to wear it tomorrow." Mrs. Lee smiled at the master piece she bought in one of the most fashionable shops in Seoul.

"Pretty? Isn't it too revealing?" Moonhye poked the red clothing and flinched in disgust.

"Oh come on dear! It's the beach! It's summer! This is fine!" Mrs. Lee shoved the clothing into Moonhye arms, "You're wearing it."

"No way!"


"I wanna go home." Moonhye groaned as she stepped outside their car door, the beach right in front of her eyes.

She was forced by her mother to wear that revealing bathing suit. It was a normal bathing suit, but to Moonhye it wasn't normal at all. She doesn't usually swim much and the last time she swam was when she was around 14 years old and all she wore were long shorts and a t-shirt. 

The bathing suit was a red two piece. It was a normal two piece suit. Nothing good, nothing bad about it. Moonhye was just over reacting. To have Kai see her in that was completely embarassing. Sure he saw her before but that was only for half a second. She was basically 99% if she wore that bikini, at least that was what Moonhye thought.

Moonhye sighed as she brought out the floating tube out if the trunk. She looked down at herself... Well at least she was able to cover it up with shorts and a loose t-shirt. She made her way down to the beach, to where her parents and the Kims have picked a spot for the barbecue. As Moonhye un-folded the blanket to sit on, she was attacked by something from behind which made her squeal.

She looked down at her stomach and found muscular arms. She smiled, she knew exactly who it was. She turned around and it was the handsome face she expected. Kai. She lightly punched him on his chest, "When will you ever stop doing that?"

"The moment when..." Kai paused, "Nope, I will always do this." He laughed and released Moonhye. 

Moonhye started laying out the blanket again, with the help of Kai. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Kim just got back from the car to pick up sunscreen and beach accessories such as hats and sunglasses. Mrs. Lee narrowed her eyes at Moonhye. She wasn't wearing the bathing suit she bought.

"Moonhye-ah." Mrs. Lee said lowly.

Moonhye gulped by the sound of her mother's voice. She slowly turned around with a crooked smile on her face. "Yes?"

"Why aren't you wearing the bathing suit I told you to wore?" Mrs. Lee looked impatient, her arms were crossed and her index finger was quickly tapping unto her arm.

"Well... I thought-"

"Moonhye." Mrs. Lee said, this time a bit more louder.

"But umma-"

"Put it on. Now." Mrs. Lee's teeth were clenched tightly and Moonhye took that as the signal to fight anymore.

Moonhye sighed and walked towards her car to get changed. Kai just stared at Moonhye's walking figure, confused. He looked at the two mothers who were both laughing to each other and hi-fiving one another.

Kai scrunched his eyebrows and turned his head away. He got up and took a piece of barbecue from the grill and started devouring it. He looked at the sea and found many girls with bikinis, showing a lot of skin. It didn't effect him at all. What caught his eyes though was that the males were all looking at something. Kai turned around to search for what they were looking at. Kai's eyes widened and he chocked on his barbecue.

Holy .

It was only for a moment that Kai drooled over Moonhye. Don't get him wrong, Moonhye was absolutely captivating. She had beautiful curves and her body... Her body was just... Wow. Her long and slender legs can be seen from top to bottom, her flat stomach... God, if Kai had to describe y, he would say Moonhye. But then after a moment later, he was alarmed. Moonhye was his girlfriend, the y girl in the y red bikini was his girlfriend. . He ran as quickly as he could over to Moonhye, not forgetting to take a towel with him. He immediately wrapped the towel around Moonhye's shoulder and turned his head to give death glares to any guy who's staring at her.

"Kai." Moonhye said.

"You!" Kai pulled him away from her, "Stay there. Don't move. Do. Not. Move. And try to cover as much skin as possible." After that being said, Kai sprinted off towards the cars and grabbed Moonhye's clothes from earlier. He dashed back to where Moonhye was and immediately dressed her, ignoring Moonhye protest of embarassment.

"Okay." Kai sighed, "You're covered."

Moonhye blushed, "Thanks Kai but umm... Umma said I have to wear the bikini."

Kai sighed again, "She only told you to wear that because they wanted to see me do what I did just."

"What?" Moonhye scrunched her eyebrows.

"Look." Her jerked his head to the left where Moonhye found Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Kim smiling like idiots.

It was Moonhye's turn to sigh, but it was because if relief, "Well thank God, I don't have to wear that thing. That was so embarrassing."

Kai and Moonhye both sat down on the laid out blanket and enjoyed the ice cream the parents brought. Kai played some relaxing music on his phone and they just relaxed and enjoyed each other's presence just like that have been doing for the past couple of weeks.

"Hey, want to go for a walk?" Kai suddenly asked.

"Okay." Moonhye stretched out her arms as she stood up, "Where to?"

"Dunno. I saw this quiet place at the beach earlier. It has rock pools and everything." Kai answered as he took a sip of the bottle water.

"Kay, let's go then." Moonhye started walking with Kai holding unto her hand.

As they walked Moonhye was completely oblivious to the men who were staring at Moonhye hungrily. Kai glared at all of them and they quickly flinched away from Kai's death glare. It was at times like these that Kai wished to have a less prettier and ier girlfriend. He couldn't really blame Moonhye, it was because if her dancing that she became so thin and curvy. Moonhye eats like a pig but all that food is burnt by dancing. Moonhye being pretty, he has Moonhye's parents to blame for that.

When they reached this little cove at the very end of the beach, like Kai said, it was quiet and peaceful and no one was there too. Moonhye sat down on one of the boulders. "Ah!" She flinched as her thighs came in contact with the burning hot rock. "Hot..." She frantically rubbed her thighs.

"I know." Kai muttered as he rolled his eyes and sat on the sand.


"Nothing." Kai smiled at patted the place next to him.

Moonhye sat down by Kai but jumped back up when her came in contact with something pointy. She looked at the ground and found a sticky, sticking out of the sand. She sighed and took the stick out, "It's not my day today."

Kai chuckled, "Just because you got burnt and pricked by a stick."

Moonhye rolled her eyes and drew circles on the sand with the wooden stick. "Not just that. You could never imagine how much glares I have been giving to girls. Sheesh, especially when you took your vest off! All the girl were literally drooling!"

"You have nothing to say! I gave glares to every men who keeps staring at you like you were some food or something." Kai protested. "God, why do you have to be so beautiful?"

Moonhye's eyes widened and she and turned her head to hide a blush that was starting to form on her cheeks. Kai giggled at Moonhye's cute action and started drawing circles in the sand with his index finger. Suddenly, an idea popped into Kai's head; a smile formed on his lips as he wrote down something on the ground.

Once Moonhye felt the hotness from her cheeks starting to fade away, she turned back only to be surprised at what she assumed Kai had written on the ground.

"Moonhye heart Kai" Moonhye read. She turned her head towards Kai and tried to stop a smile that was forcing its way on her face.

"What?" Kai said.

"Cheesy~" Moonhye chimed and playfully punched Kai in the arm.

"Shut up." Kai mumbled and looked down to his feet in embarrassment.

Moonhye laughed, "But it's cute." She smiled while looking at the beautiful sea in front of her, completely oblivious that Kai was smiling at her.

Moonhye picked up the stick she found earlier and started writing something on the sand as Kai watched her.

"Lee Moonhye." Kai read slowly at what Moonhye was writing down, "Loves... Kim Jong In." Kai chuckled and kissed Moonhye's forehead, "Me too." He said as he stare at Moonhye's hazel brown orbs and his lips made his way down to Moonhye's lips and he slowly kissed them every so sweetly.


Annyeong~ ^^ Ahhh.... When was the last time I wrote something fluffy? It's all been too long, drama was over flowing so I decided to take myself and you guys a break from drama xD But it won't be for long.... ㄱㄱㄱㄱ

Did anyone notice that our lovely dancing machine Kai has been rather playful recently? I love seeing him talk more in radio recording and interviews. It makes me love him more and more xD

But that makes my heart hurt even more when I see Wolf's drama version.... *sigh* 


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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!