
No way, Right?

"Kai! Hurry up and bring the ham sandwiches!" Mrs Kim shouted while placing blankets in the trunk of their car.

"Okay!" Kai replied back and easily carried the sandwiches and the juices as well. He placed them in the trunk then sighed as he looked over to the Lee residence.

The Kims and Lees were all having a picnic at Han River which made Kai and Moonhye grumpy. They weren't exactly on good terms yet and they have been either bickering about the smallest thing or completely ignoring each other; which was hard since they go to school everyday, they sit by each other in class and they go to same freaking club. There was this one time when they started bickering just because they accidentally touched each other. They bicker so much that other people think they both are close, dating, or just plainly love bickering. It was mostly on the last one though.

Moonhye sat at the back seat of the car sighing and sighing over and over again trying to catch her parents' attention that she absolutely did not want to go to a picnic with the Kims. Mr and Mrs Kim were fine but it was their jerk of a son that she had a problem with. She spent the last week bickering with him and now she had to be all 'nice' with him. Just the thought makes her cringe. She absolutely cannot show her parents that they hate each other's guts or she'll be forced to have a never-ending bonding time with him. So is she plays nice in front of her parents then that won't happen.

Kai on the other hand was completely tired of her instead of being annoyed. He felt tired of the constant bicker but his ego and pride won't back down from the pride. Yes, maybe he sometimes start the bickering but it was her fault from the beginning. Being stupid and all, he can't help making fun of her or tell her that what she's doing is either annoying or wrong. He can't help it. It just simply comes out of his mouth saying all those rude stuff. But at least the bickering would take a break for today since he knew that no way Moonhye would let them bicker in front of their parents. And with that a ding went off in his head and thought of an evil, yet brilliant plan.

Finally arriving at the picnic area the mums quickly spun around taking the breath of Mother Nature and thanking the heavens that the weather was so wonderful. It really was. The sun's shining but the wind blew gently, it was the most perfect weather for a picnic. But it didn't make Moonhye smile. She hoped that it would rain the followed by thunder then hail then a snow storm because she knows a simple rain won't scare their mothers away. It needed it to be the end of the world for the mothers to stop and go home.

The picnic was all set and ready for it to be dug by hungry mouths but the two families waited for a while before eating and just made small talk to each other. Moonhye just sat there awkwardly and played on her phone because she was bored. And Kai listened to his music again (no surprise) with closed eyes, nodding his head to the beat. Moonhye was so into the game of temple run that she didn't even know her mum has called her.

"Moonhye-ah!" She finally snapped back from the games world and looked up then noticed she had lost when the character was burnt by the fire. Awww, I almost made a new high score as well. 

She looked up at her mother. "Yeah?"

"How was you two weeks been at school so far? Made any new friends?"

"It was aright. Normal I guess. I made a few friends and even joined a club."

"What club?" Mrs Kim asked, interested.

"The dance club." Moonhye replied.

"Ooooh! I heard only the best of the best can join the dance club. You must be really good Moonhye." Mrs Kim awed.

"She is. My princess won so many medals from she was little due to dancing. From ballet to jazz to hip hop. Oh gosh she won them all!" Mrs Lee rubbed Moonhye's shoulder proudly.

"Thank you." Moonhye thanked.

"Our Jongin goes to the dance club too!" It was Mrs Kim's turn to boast. Kai looked up nervously by the call of his name.

"What?" Kai removed his earphones and listened to their conversation.

"Jongin also won loads of trophies and medals due to dance competition as well. He also danced jazz like Moonhye. Oh! And also ballet!" Mrs Kim beamed.

Kai looked away embarrassed when his mother said he did ballet. He was waiting for Moonhye to laugh or snicker at him but she didn't. She just sat there, quiet, listening to the rest of what his mum was saying. Why isn't she laughing at me? It's funny isn't it? A guy doing ballet? Kai blinked, confused but listened to them anyway. The whole time he was still trying to figure out as to why Moonhye wasn't laughing at him like the rest. 

Ever since someone has heard that he does ballet, they would laugh or snicker at least. It wasn't exactly the manliest thing in the world so to why Moonhye didn't snicker nor ever batted an eyelash, confused him.

After a few minutes talking. They were finally eating the delicious food. Moonhye ate like a pig since her favourite dessert was there. Cheesecake. Kai stared at her, not in disgust though, he was smirking at how funny looking Moonhye looked to him right now. But the question was still on his mind. Why didn't she laugh at me?


*Not edited


Since I'm being awfully nice..... DOUBLE UPDATE!!

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!