
No way, Right?

Awkward. Just plain awkward. The dance Moonhye and Kai were dancing so far looks great. If it wasn't them doing it. Yunho has choreographed the y tango dance with Eunhyuk, with Eunhyuk being the female. They thought it would turn out horrible but it was better than when Moonhye and Kai were doing it.

It had been a week, and they practically knew the dance moves already, they just needed to get the skin ship and the attitude right. Kai wouldn't hold Moonhye that close to him and Moonhye wouldn't lift her leg up enough to make it look y. It was a horrible and an awkward dance. When it was done by the two of them.

"Kai! For the 13th time! Pull her more closer to you! And Moonhye! Lift your leg up as high as you could!" Yunho shouted at the awkward couple in front of him.

They didn't budge. Kai was way too close to Moonhye already, her face was already two inches away from his, did Yunho wanted them to kiss? Kai pulled Moonhye two and a half millimetres closer to him and it was already making him and Moonhye blush like crazy but turned away not wanting the other to look to look at their faces.

Moonhye also lifted her leg up a millimetre. She forgot her dance clothes at home so she had to dance in her school uniform, meaning she had to dance in a skirt, a short one at that. There was no way, she was going to lift her leg any higher than it was. Her underwear is at risk!

Yunho sighed and shook his head in disappointment. He knew they were capable and were the best people for the category, it's just the fact that they don't want freaking skin ship with each other is the problem! He didn't know why they didn't want skin ship with each other. Kai has muscles and was y, not to Yunho but to the girls, and he couldn't help but also think Moonhye was y even though he was a year older, she was y. They were perfect and capable but..... Just..... Awkward.

"Guys, you're never going to win that competition if you're like that." Yunho sighed and headed towards his dance bag, taking the key. He was about to go out the door leaving the key behind when an idea popped up in his head. He left the room with a smirk plastered on his face.


Kai combed his hair with his hands feeling frustrated. He wanted to do well in the competition, of course he wanted to do well but doing a y dance with Moonhye is impossible. He thought that it would work out but he felt so awkward. So damn awkward. Every time he touches her exposed thigh, he just blushes crazy but no way would he show that to Moonhye. He has his damn pride to protect.

Moonhye was the same. She knew they were going to win the competition, she had to admit, Kai is a really good dancer. She takes a peek every dance practice at Kai and he can really dance. She even heard he dance ballet, and that just amazes her. So when they were going to be paired up, she thought it will be easy, she thought it will be exciting, boy how she was wrong. Awkward. Awkward was the word to describe how she felt with Kai when she practiced with him. They didn't particularly have a good start, they keep having continuous bickering and fights that dancing with many skin ship with him all of a sudden will sure to be awkward.

"Shall we try again tomorrow?" Kai asked with a sigh.

"Yeah..." Moonhye lowered her head.

They both grabbed their bags and headed towards the door, Kai turning the knob and Oh .

They're locked in.

Kai furiously kept turning the door knob but the door wouldn't open. Moonhye knew right away what had happened. Yunho locked them in. That sneaky President!

Kai sighed and turned around. "We're locked in."

"You think!" Moonhye pushes him out of the way to let her try if she can open the door. Failed. "I'm going to get that bastard..."

"Call him." Kai suggested. 

"I don't know his number." Moonhye lowered her head. "You call him."

"I forgot my phone." Kai said bluntly.

"Kai!" Moonhye shouted.

"What?! I had one of those days!" Kai protested. "Where's your phone?"

"It's in!...... My locker..." Moonhye sighed as she remembered where her phone was.

Moonhye went to the wall and slumped against it, her head down. "What are we going to do now?"

"What Yunho hyung wants us to do." Kai looked at his reflection in the wall's mirror.

Moonhye looked up raising an eyebrow and found Kai with his hands out. "Come on." 

Moonhye stared at Kai's hand then to his eyes. "What?"

"Let's dance." Kai smiled.


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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!