Hand in Hand

No way, Right?

"Beautiful..." Kai stared at Moonhye. God how she looked perfect.

Her beautiful collar bone slightly sticking out showing her milky skin. Her beautiful, brown, wavy hair fell naturally just below her chest. Hey masacara and eye shadow bringing out her hazel brown eyes into full view. Her evening dress flowed at her thighs showing her toned legs that made her look even taller. Her white (with a dash of pink) dress hugged her figure nicely revealing her hour glass figure. And that smile that showed...

His legs just naturally stood up and made its was to Moonhye. There was no way to stop it, Kai didn't even know he was walking, all his mind was thinking about during the moment was how perfect Moonhye looked.

When Kai did notice, he was a few inches away from Moonhye's face. They both realised their distance from each other and stepped back hiding their red faces.

Kai coughed, and put his arm out. "Do you want to drink with me..." Kai turned his head to the table and found his friends with their mouths still open. He sighed, "And the guys?"

Moonhye blushed a bit and gladly took Kai's arm with a smile, "Sure." Moonhye didn't know how much Kai's heart was beating at that moment and just naturally followed Kai to the table with the guys who snapped back to reality.

Kai pulled a chair out for Moonhye to sit and he naturally sat by her. He poured her a glass of champagne which she happily drank.

She put the glass down and stared at the four other boys, "I didn't know you guys were invited too."

Taemin tried his best to cough like a man, "I didn't know you were coming too... Moonhye." Taemin still needed his mind to fix that the feminine, gorgeous lady sitting infront of him is the playful, no manners Moonhye who's his best friend.

"Bonghyun ahjussi is a close friend of my parents so yeah... You're in the same position as me I guess?" Moonhye answered and continued to drink her champagne completely oblivious that Kai was still staring at her with such awe.

"Yeah..." Taemin scratched the back of his head. "Umm... you look... nice... by the way Moonhye."

"Uh... Thank you Taemin-ah." Moonhye gave out her dashing smile. "You look very manly today."

Taemin swore his heart had skipped a beat. He nudged Xiumin to say something. Xiumin panicked and looked around the place and saw something interesting. "Is that Yoona?"

Everyone snapped their heads towards where Xiumin was pointing and they did see Yoona. She was talking to many girl who complimented about her silky red dress which flowed all the way down her ankle. Moonhye couldn't help but feel small all of a sudden.  She saw how the guys all look at her with smile and when she saw how Kai look at Yoona, her heart felt that 'pang' again and now she knows what it was. Jealousy.

Yoona spotted Taemin waving at her then her eyes naturally dropped on Kai. She smiled ever so happily but her smile soon turned into a frown. She also saw Moonhye sitting by Kai and she couldn't help but clench her fist but she put on a smile anyway. 

"Hey guys!" Yoona sat between Kai and Minho.

"Noona. You're invited too?" Kai faced Yoona.

"Yeah. My parents were invited since they're close to whoever's birthday it is... Business wise." Yoona took a glass with champagne and sipped it.

The seven talked for some time until the host announced that the guest are free to slow dance.

Yoona took Kai's arm naturally, "Kai, let's dance together." Yoona dragged Kai to the dance floor without a word out of Kai.

Taemin beat the other three in asking Moonhye to dance and Taemin and Moonhye made their way to the dance floor.

Moonhye placed her right hand on Taemin's shoulder and her left hand on Taemin's hand while Taemin wrapped his free hand around Moonhye's waist. He wasn't doing this because he liked Moonhye, don't get him wrong, he thinks Moonhye is absolutely gorgeous tonight but he could never think of liking Moonhye. He was doing this because he wanted to see how Kai would react. And he reacted exactly how Taemin expected.

Kai gritted his teeth seeing the smiling Moonhye and Taemin dancing from the corner of his eyes. How dare Taemin get the first dance with Moonhye. He was going to ask Moonhye for himself but Yoona dragged him away and he regreted not asking her sooner.

"Jongin? What's wrong?" Yoona asked at the frowning Kai.

Kai didn't answer so she turned her head towards the direction where Kai was looking at. Moonhye. She saw the feelings in Kai's eyes and she knew what was in them since she made the same expression to all the girls Kai talks to. Jealousy.

Yoona clenched her teeth at Moonhye. There is no way Kai is going to fall for her. Kai is all hers and no girl can take him away from her. Especially not Moonhye. She has got to act quick soon.

"Jongin." Yoona made Kai face her. "I lov-"

Kai glanced over to Moonhye one more time and found her laughing. He had had it. "Excuse me noona."

Kai separated away from Yoona's grasp and made his way towards Taemin and Moonhye. Taemin gave a small smirk. "Moonhye. I'm going in the toilet, sorry. Feel free to dance with someone though." And with that Taemin hurried towards the crowd.

"Moonhye." Kai spun Moonhye around and pulled her close to him.

"Kai!" Moonhye flinched and took a step away from Kai. "What are you doing?"

"Let's dance together."

Kai grabbed Moonhye's waist and pulled her even closer. He stared right in her sparkling, hazel eyes and they began to move with the music.

"Kai. Ummm, you look nice tonight." Moonhye turned her head slightly to hide her red cheeks.

Kai smiled and made her face him again. "Just 'nice'?"

Moonhye blushed even more seeing the smiling Kai just inches away from her face. What Moonhye was actually thinking was perfect but there was no way she would say that. She'd die from embarassment and she's already close to it too.

"Good looking then." Moonhye managed to straighten up and give that playful attitude back.

"Only 'good looking'?" Kai spun her around with one arm and pulled her close again.

"What do you want me to say then?" Moonhye rolled her eyes and gave a small smile.

"Hot, y, charming, incredibly amazing, the most handsome man on the planet." Kai smirked.

Moonhye rolled her eyes before giggling, "Fine." She took a deep breath and stared right into Kai's dark eyes. "Kai. You're hot. You're y, you're charming, incredibly amazing and the most handsome man on the planet."

Kai made a small blush. "I can think of something way better to describe you."

Moonhye raised an eyebrow.

Kai leaned closer into her ear. "Perfection."

Moonhye swore she looked like a tomato at that moment. The word kept playing in her head over and over again. He heart was pounding like crazy and she was sure that Kai could hear it from a mile away. She really did feel beautiful right at that moment.

Kai pulled away from Moonhye's ear and held Moonhye hand and they began dancing, twirling with each other without looking at anywhere else except the each other's eyes.


Okay... People are saying they like some more fluff. I'm not sure if this is the kind of fluff you want or not. Please leave a comment to tell me if this is the right fluff you were looking for. Thank you ^.^

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!