
No way, Right?

Again and again. Each day after each day, Kai had been completely ignoring Moonhye. Although he had been ignoring her, he can't help but admit that Moonhye will always be inside his head. Every second of the day his mind was all about Moonhye. He couldn't even focus in his lessons, he doesn't even have the energy and focus to dance. It was as if, a big part of him had been ripped out of his body. He felt incomplete.

Every morning he would walk out of his door looking at Moonhye's bedroom window and thinking if she was still asleep. When everything was fine then and Kai woke up quite early, he would never mind waiting for Moonhye. It felt weird that he wasn't waiting for her, it felt weird when he walked down the street and there was no loving presence by his side. It felt weird when he felt no warmth in between his fingers. It felt completely un-natural. 

When he got to class and he hears Sehun calling Moonhye's name out, like he does every morning, Kai would turn to his left and face the boring clouds. He wouldn't talk, the only time he did talk was when he answered for the register and that was it. He would ignore Kris' attempt to talk to him and other people's attempt to get his attention. All he was doing was facing the white clouds but his thoughts were all occupied by Moonhye. It was as if she was controlling his mind.


It was a Tuesday and at lunch, he again avoided sitting anywhere near Moonhye. It wasn't just his fault; Moonhye also had not been talking to him, she hadn't even said one simple greeting or even a wave or a smile or even eye contact. It made him frustrated. He expected that Moonhye should at least say sorry to him and continue to say sorry to him to show her efforts of the relationship they had together.

So he sat there, glancing a few times at Moonhye who was talking to her group of friends. He was completely ignoring to what Sehun had to say to him and just gave a few nods and 'yeah'. He wouldn't want to make it obvious that he had been looking at Moonhye so he pretended to look at the food which was behind Moonhye. What pained and surprises Kai the most was when he saw Moonhye laugh. It pained him to see Moonhye smile because he thinks that she's more than okay about the situation that they're in.

Yoona came and ate with him, again. It wasn't surprising since she had been spending more time with Kai recently, now that Moonhye and Kai are having a fight. She sat next to him and side-huged him as soon as she sat down.

"Hi Jonginnie!" Yoona beamed as she playfully pinched Kai's cheeks.

"Oh. Hi noona." Kai smiled weakly.

"Yah. Why so depressed?" Yoona pouted.

Kai sighed, a long and loud sigh. "I don't even want to think about it noona. It makes me feels so confused." Kai rubbed his temple at the sudden headache that was forming.

"Well... You can talk to me about it okay?" Yoona gently placed her hand on Kai's shoulder and gave him a (fake) reassuring smile.

Yoona knows what Kai's thinking about. Even if she's trying her hardest not to think about it, she can't help the fact that she knows what going on. It's completely obvious, Kai and Moonhye had a fight. It had been at least five days since they hadn't talked to each other. At first, Yoona thought that the two just wanted to hang out with their own friends for a change. But on the second day, she started to feel that something happened. 

Yoona invited Kai at her aunt's restaurant to eat over the weekends and surprisingly Kai agreed. Kai would normally go and do something with Moonhye but not that weekend and during that weekend, Yoona made sure to fully take advantage of it. It was the perfect opportunity to have Kai all for herself and spend the time with Kai with a loving atmosphere and she had the best moment of her life. She didn't care what had happened to the two, she was just more than happy for Moonhye and Kai to be well away from each other.


Moonhye went with Kris to dance practice since Kris kindly offered. Moonhye happily accepted and it was times like these that she's reminded why she even fell for him in the first place. Kris may be childish and ignorant but he knows how to treat a girl right, maybe because he had been brought up with mostly girls in his family.

The two both started stretching at their usual corner and made small chats with each other. Of course Kai didn't miss this. It pained him but anger overthrew that pain. It was like the days when him and Moonhye weren't going out. He always sees Kris flirting with Moonhye and Moonhye's gladly playing along. Yes he knew that Kris means no harm and yes he knew that Moonhye isn't that type of person to cheat on someone but his blood can't help but boil.


Kris was smart enough to notice something was up between the two love birds. Of course he knew since he would roll his eyes every time he sees the two doing sweet stuff with each other and he hadn't been rolling his eyes recently which made him anxious. Moonhye had not been sitting at his and Kai's usually table for a while now and he knew since he hadn't heard Suho's muttering of envy and Chen's un-appealing flirting to Moonhye.

He glanced over at Kai who was talking to Sehun. He then glanced back to Moonhye then back at Kai again. He examined Moonhye's face and he started to read his eyes. Kris knew Moonhye very well, considering the fact that they had been going out for 3 years, he knew when Moonhye acts real and when she acts fake.

Moonhye isn't the type of person to show her sad feelings. She hates it when people asks if she's okay when she's not, that's why she puts this act up in front of everyone. She was able to pull it off in front of everyone but not with Kris. He knows when Moonhye puts up her act and he knows it because he focuses on Moonhye's hazel nut eyes. Those eyes of hers can never lie to anyone, her expression might but her eyes can't.

Kris examined Moonhye's eyes and he was right. Moonhye's acting now because her eyes have this aura around it that shows a lonely girl. He figured the cause of those lonely eyes was Kai because they have been clearly showing that they were avoiding each other. Even if Kris has already gotten over Moonhye, he's still worried about her as a friend and as much as he hates it or not, he likes to see Kai and Moonhye actually happy and lovey dovey.

"Moonhye." Kris finally decided to speak, "Why haven't you like... Not..." Kris scratched the back of his head, trying to find which words to say.

Moonhye chuckled and the frustrated Kris, "What is it?"

"You know you can be normal around me right?" Kris looked up with worried eyes at Moonhye.

Moonhye laughed, "Duh. I've known you since middle school."

"Then stop the act." Kris said sternly.

Moonhye sat there, speechless. She forgot that Kris can tell when she's faking her smile. She forgot that Kris can tell when she's lonely, when she needs someone. She forgot that at times like these, it was only Kris that she can turn to and Kris knows exactly what to do in these kinds of situations.

"Come here you." Kris grabbed Moonhye and pulled her close by his side.

Moonhye didn't reject Kris' comforting arms. She really needed someone and Kris might just be the right person, taking in the fact that Kris knows her, a lot. She snuggled in closer into Kris' chest and inhaled Kris' manly scent. The smell was familiar to her, it was still the same; Lacoste Noir. She wrapped her left arm around Kris' waist and pulled herself closer. She might look like she's flirting but like hell she cares. Kris was there trying to comfort her and she's accepting that comfort.


Kai was pissed off. He was pissed in a whole new level of pissed. He was pissed along with jealousy to the maximum level and Sehun and Taemin were scared. They started backing off slowly, they know that they shouldn't be around Kai when he's angry, especially when he's really angry.

Kai clenched his hands into a tight fist. He swore right there and then he will rip Moonhye off of Kris and punch Kris endlessly until he won't be able to breath. Even if he and Kris was on good terms, he was still able to do that to him if it involves Moonhye. Kai was really going to do it, but Yunho's announcement that practice had finished stopped him. He let out a sigh and he un-clenched his fist seeing that Moonhye and Kris were finally separated.

Kai wiped his forehead with his towel and got his gym bag at the far corner of the room and slung it over his shoulder. His head was aching as well as his body, he couldn't wait to lie down on his bed and have a long and peaceful sleep. He remembered that he left his English book in his locker so with a groan, he made his way to the main building, to his locker.

He unlocked the lock and brought out his English textbook and shoved it in his bag. Once he locked his locker again, he turned to go but he bumped into someone. Kris.

"Hey." Kris said.

"Oh. Hey Kris. What're you doing here?" Kai asked with his right eye brow raised up.

"I need to talk to you." 

"You're talking to me right now."

"Kai." Kris sighed, "Moonhye's upset."

Kai remained silent. He didn't know how to respond, was he happy or sad to hear that? He didn't know.

"Look. I don't know what you did to her but you need to fix the problem you two have." Kris said strictly.

"Oh, now it's my fault?" Kai scoffed, "She was the one that had been hiding secrets from me. Yunho hyung knows about her asthma. You know about her asthma. Am I the only on-"

Kris' eyes widened, "She has asthma?!"

Kai smirked, "Stop pretending you don't know Kris. How was she able to hide about her asthma that's apparently not normal from you? You've been together for how many ing years. So don't treat me like I'm an idio-"

"!" Kris punched the lockers leaving a dent. Kris eyes stayed wide as he was recalling a memory. "It makes sense... That's why..."

Kai rolled his eyes, "You're one damn good actor Kri-"

Before Kai could finish his sentence, Kris grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the locker. "You." Kris heavily panted, "I had no ing clue about her asthma. She had been hiding it from me and I'm sure she had been hiding it from everyone." Kris clenched his fist tighter, "Don't hurt her Kai. Don't judge her when you know nothing about her! You call yourself her boyfriend?" Kris smirked, "Boyfriend my ..." Kris finally let go leaving Kai speechless and shocked about the scene that occured just a few seconds ago.

Kris swung his bag over his shoulder before turning to leave. He stopped and turned his head to Kai.

"You're starting to make the same mistakes I did Kai. Be careful or it will be too late..."



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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!