Lover's Act

No way, Right?

Yet another hour stuck with that thing. She just had to make up an argument to cause them in the state they're in. Detention. Kai kept sighing, grunting, , groaning, which made Moonhye irritated. She tried to ignore and endure it since she was trying to be nice today but if one more moan or groan, no, a sound comes out of that mouth.... She'll lose it.

There was silence for a while and Moonhye finally had some peace and quiet. Miss BoA was out to do some marking in the staff room so it was just the two of them. Moonhye rested her head unto the table then closed her eyes hopefully that she can go to sleep. But he just ruined it. Another irritated groan came out of his mouth and she has had it.

"Yah! What the heck's wrong with you?! Just sit there quietly! I am trying to sleep!" She breathed hard at the end because she used a lot of energy in shouting that loud that it could be heard from space.

"That's what I was looking for." Kai smirked.

"What?" Moonhye asked irritated.

"Never mind~ carry on sleeping." Flicked his hand.

"Wait.... You were just irritating me out of your own entertainment?"

"Aniyo~ I'm not that type of person~" Kai lied cutely hoping Moonhye would fall for his charms.

"And you also think that would work on me?" She said in disgust.

"Shut up. You obviously love me." Kai smirked while running his fingers through his hair. "I'm hot."

Moonhye laughed. "Is that your way to show your y?! Please. I've seen monkeys do it way better than you."

"You're a good at lying. But please give up on your unrequited love. It's never gonna happen." Kai said still being stubborn.

Moonhye laughed once again before making a serious face. "Seriously Kai. I don't like you. I'm not looking for a relationship right now either. So... Yeah... Sorry to break it to you but this girl" Moonhye pointed at herself. "Doesn't like you." Then smiled innocently before turning around.

Somehow Kai felt kind of disappointed but at the same time a bit relieved as well. He has always been stalked around by girls at different school, he's just thankful that the principal, Lee Soo Man, doesn't allow them here because he knows that guys here will be stalked.

Five minutes passed and they were a long, silent one. Moonhye didn't complain though, she finally had time to start going to sleep but then Miss BoA came. Damn, it was finally quiet as well.

"Ok, you can go now." She said before leaving as well.

Kai packed up his things and went off to the dance studio thinking to practice by himself. Moonhye started to exit the gates when he saw Taemin running over to her.

"Moonhye! Wait up!" Taemin came over panting hard.

"Taemin-ah. You know you don't have to run so fast you know." Moonhye giggled.

"Sorry~ Do want to go home together? I just finish dance practice." Taemin offered.

"Yeah. Sounds great." She smiled, gladly accepting Teamin's offer.

They started walking off together having small chats along the way and Taemin's face immediately fell when he saw a few girls by the front gate.

"Oh no. They're still here?" Taemin's face was becoming more worried and scared by the second.

"Who's here?" Moonhye looked over to the gate and also found some girls by it. "You know them?"

"Yeah.... Moonhye, I think you should go first. I don't think I would be going home with you today."

"Why? Who are they?" Moonhye's face also started becoming worried. Not because of the girls but because of how she's seeing Taemin so scared.

"They're the girls from the university near here. They're my 'fans'. I'm scared of them though. They keep pinching my cheeks hard and even touch my . I've seen them before and went to say 'hi' thinking they were just my normal fans but they're not fans at all. My fans would never do that. They respect my privacy. They're the scary noonas." Taemin looked like he was about to cry but toughened up a bit because Moonhye was there.

"Taemin......" Moonhye felt sympathetic towards Taemin. Being molested by them. Truly disgusting. "Why don't you just tell them you have a girlfriend?" Moonhye suggested.

"Moonhye! That's lying though! I can't lie in front of people."

"Taemin..... It's not really lying.... It's pretending." Moonhye suddenly thought if a genius idea. "Oh! I know! Why don't I 'pretend' to be your 'girlfriend'."


"Well, I am a girl and I am your friend right?"

"Right! Yeah let's pretend!" Taemin excitedly jumped. "Ohhhh~! Moonhye's clever!" Moonhye giggled at the remark Taemin gave.

Kai left the dance studio because no one was there and it was boring. As he walked he found Taemin and Moonhye excitedly jumping. He raised an eyebrow thinking what the heck could they be doing. They walked towards the front gate and Kai followed them behind.

He looked over to the gate and found the scary girls standing by it. Crap. Taemin is scared of them. He's got to help. Kai ran towards the gate hearing the word 'girlfriend' came out of Taemin's lips. What? 

"That can't be true! Taemin you can't be with her! You have to be with us!" One of the girls cried and the rest joined her.

"I'm sorry but it's really true. Moonhye is my girlfriend." Taemin gave an apologetic look. He should have taken drama club instead, Moonhye thought.

The girls went running away from them with hands on their faces to hide their tears. Kai just stood there frozen, still trying to figure out what had just happen.

"Kai! You're here?!" Taemin had just realised Kai was standing a few meters away from him and Moonhye.

"Hyung, what you said about her being your girlfriend. Is it true?" Kai was nervous. Not because he was jealous of Taemin but because he thinks Moonhye wasn't worthy enough being Taemin's girlfriend. 

"Yeah it is." Taemin smiled while Moonhye was laughing on the inside how easily the jerk will be fooled.

Soon Kai's nervousness soon went to anger. He clenched his fist. Taemin and Moonhye they're boyfriend and girlfriend. In a relationship together. That pisses him off.





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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!