
No way, Right?

"What?" Moonhye blinked, her mind still clearing up what Kai had said.

Kai's cheeks were fuming red at that moment and he felt like he wanted to die, "Please don't make me say it again. I gave up my massive ego just to confess."

Moonhye broke their contact. "Please Kai say it one more time." Moonhye plead.

Kai coughed awkwardly, "Lee Moonhye." Kai stared right into Moonhye eyes, "I love you."

Moonhye can die peacefully now. She will be happy if she died right at that moment. The guy that she loves, loves her back. She cannot believe it. She never felt so happy. She felt that her heart is throwing a party with her stomach that's why it felt like it tickles. She felt so damn happy. She could not explain it in words. So she just stayed there, unable to move or speak, not even blink or breathe.

"It's okay, if you don't answer me now..." Kai sighed, "Just think-"

"No!" Moonhye stopped him.

"I told you not to answer me now. I know you used to hate me but-" Kai scratched the back of his head.

"No! I mean!" Moonhye shook her head frantically, "I mean, me too..." Moonhye gulped, "I also... love you."

Kai's eyes widened. He did not expect that to happen at all. He's happy about it, he's really happy about it. He's absolutely, incredibly, 100% happy to hear that Moonhye accepted his feelings. He couldn't even describe how he felt, he is happy but there is also a mix of excitement in there and relief and loads of feeling all crumbled up inside him that he couldn't move, talk or even breathe.

Moonhye gulped at the sudden silence. Se looked around awkwardly around the room, waiting for Kai to speak.

"So...Umm..." Kai coughed, "I have one more question to ask."

Moonhye looked up at Kai who was already looking at her, "What is it?"

Kai shifted around so that his body is fully facing Moonhye, "Lee Moonhye. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Moonhye smiled the biggest smile she could ever make and hugged Kai in one swift move, "You have no idea how long I have been waiting to hear those words." Moonhye pulled away but still has her arms wrapped around Kai's neck and she stared right into those dark brown orbs of his. "Yes."

And with that Kai pulled her in for a passionate kiss. He could finally do whatever he wanted with her. He could hold her hand, he could hug her, he could kiss those tempting lips of hers and he could do it without having a stupid excuse. How much he wanted that to happen; to be with Moonhye and do the most sweetest things together, he could share to the whole world that  the goddess Lee Moonhye is his girlfriend.


"Well. Well." Taemin smirked as he looked at his best friends in each other's arms while sleeping. 

Kai flickered his eyes at the sudden light. He fully opened one eye to see who disturbed his and Moonhye, his girlfriend's peaceful sleep. He smiled at the thought of last night once more but the smile soon disappeared and he became irritated by the person standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his face. 

"It's nice to see the two love birds all curled up together." Taemin clapped his hands gleefully, "You two are a couple right? Because I swear if you're not-"

"Taemin shut up will you? Moonhye's still sleeping." Kai glared at Taemin.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Taemin intentionally shouted to wake Moonhye up and he succeeded.

Moonhye flickered her eyes open then stretched since she wasn't used to that position when sleeping. She found Taemin smiling like an idiot and found her head resting upon Kai's broad shoulders. The memories from last night replayed in her head and she smiled slightly at the memory. She was now officially Kai's girlfriend.

"Good Morning Moonhye-ah~" Taemin sang.

Kai stood up then helped Moonhye up as well. The two looked at each other with a smile formed on their faces completely oblivious at the proud Taemin.

"You guys ready for school?" Taemin asked.

"Are you kidding? We haven't even had breakfast, didn't wash up, brush our teeth and thanks to you that I had to hold my bladder last night." Kai pouted.

"Yes. But what can you thank me for as well?" Taemin closed his eyes ready for the answer he was going to hear.

"And thanks for locking us up and making me and Moonhye be together." Kai smiled.

Moonhye blushed a little bit then she made her way outside with Kai. The sun shone brightly on their faces probably congratulating them for finally being a couple.

"Here's a mint, a wet towel a breakfast bar." Taemin smiled, "Enjoy." Then skipped towards his hyungs.

Kai stood there holding the items Taemin gave. That hyung is truly such a weirdo. He sighed then gave Moonhye some of the items as well. He's got to fully thank Taemin though, without his help he might have never confessed.


After the two ate, washed up and chewed the mint, they headed for their class but bumped with Yoona on the way.

"Kai!" Yoona flung her arms around Kai and gave him a small peck in the cheeks, hoping that Moonhye will back away. Moonhye did try to back away but she was held back by Kai.

"Noona! Don't just do that!" Kai rubbed the spot on his cheeks where Yoona kissed it. He looked down to Moonhye and saw her uncomfortable face. He held her hand tightly reassuring her that there is no need to worry.

Yoona sure didn't miss this but pretended that she saw nothing and remained her calm posture. "Kai, do you want to hang out with me Saturday? We should go to the lake like we used to do!" Yoona beamed.

"Sorry noona." Kai showed Yoona his hands holding Moonhye's, "I'm planning to spend it with my girlfriend." Kai felt so damn good saying that. He could finally show it to everyone that Moonhye is his and he is hers, no one else's. He will show it to the world no matter how much Moonhye gets embarrasses about it.

Yoona couldn't breathe but still managed to say, "You two are dating?"

"Yup." Kai proudly said.

The bell suddenly rang making Kai flinch then waved goodbye to Yoona while dragging Moonhye with him.

When she knew Kai was out of sight, she clenched her fist and screamed while scrunching her hair. She needs to work. And she needs to start as soon as possible.

I can't believe some of you guys thought that Moonhye was sleeping. LOL! I'm mean but I am not that mean. I was getting sick of myself not making them be together as well. XP But watch out for some drama..... >:P



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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!