What She Wants

No way, Right?

Well that settled it. Moonhye had walked off leaving the devastated Kai there, standing alone. He was rejected.

Kai dragged his body home after a couple of minutes standing there, only replaying his rejection over and over again in his mind. Was that the end? Moonhye didn't even flinch when he asked her to date him again. She didn't even need a second to reply a 'no'. Does it mean Moonhye doesn't love him anymore?

He let his whole body drop unto his bed. His energy slowly draining out of his body. There are billions of questions inside Kai's head and they're all crushing both his mind and heart.


The following day, Moonhye had acted as if everything is normal. She greeted a simple 'hey' to Kai and it all seemed as if yesterday's event had never happened. Did she really think that Kai's confession was really that basic and simple? It took determination, reality, love and desperation. Kai didn't just think, 'oh! I want Moonhye back'. It took three months! Three whole months for reality to finally slap him in the face and to fight for his selfishness. But. To Moonhye, it was simply a confession, a challenge even. Now, Kai is finally feeling what he was scared of since the day he broke up with her. Regret.


Kai managed to bump into Moonhye at the corridor by accident. He didn't even know Moonhye was walking towards him considering that his head was looking at the ground.

"Oh! Kai!" Moonhye beamed, "I've been planning to ask you something."

"What is it?" Kai asked.

"Want to go home together? It's getting darker now... and well... there are probably going to be some kidnappers and whatnot... and your house is near mine..."

"Don't bother explaining the rest. I'll walk you home." Kai chuckled.

"Assa!" Moonhye made a fist and punched the air, "I'll see you by the gates!"

With that, Moonhye had ran off whilst waving to Kai and Kai did a small salute. His chest clenched all of a sudden and he tried to grab his chest but instead he grabbed his shirt to stop the pain. He leaned against the lockers that were by him and rested there for a while. Why did it hurt? Shouldn't he be happy? At least Moonhye is talking to him. At least Moonhye is smiling to him. So why does it feel like someone had stabbed his heart?


Kai was quiet again during lunch whilst his friends were as loud as ever. They were talking about some drama that had their favourite actress in it. Even Han Ye Sul was in the conversation but Kai didn't seem like he cared one bit. He sat between Sehun and Luhan which where laughing like idiots. 

All Kai was thinking about is why does Moonhye act the same around him? Doesn't it bother her that her ex-boyfriend asked her out again? Surely Moonhye still loves him right? They were happy when they were together so it has to take more than three months to fall out of love. Right?


"Yah! Kai!" Moonhye shouted as she flailed her arms in the air, trying to grab Kai's attention.

Kai looked up from the ground and found a jumping Moonhye by the gates. He gently smiled then chuckled when he saw her embarrassed face as she look at the people staring at her.

"Hey." Kai greeted.

"Hey? I've been waiting for like ten minutes for you." Moonhye pouted as she crossed her arms.

"Sorry." Kai scratched the back of his head, "The teacher kept me back."

"And why is that?" Moonhye leaned in, glaring at Kai.

"I-..." Kai sighed, "I wasn't paying attention in class."

"Tsk. Tsk." Moonhye shook her head in disappointment. "Anyways. Let's go!"

Moonhye started walking and Kai followed her. Moonhye was being her casual, talkative self. Kai didn't know why but it felt as if Moonhye didn't want any silences between them but he shrugged off the thought and continued to walk and talk with Moonhye.

"Kris asked me out again." Moonhye said all of a sudden which made Kai stop in his footsteps. Moonhye felt Kai not waking by her anymore and she turned around. "You coming?"

Kai blinked for a moment then answered, "Ye-yeah."

They continued to walk again and Kai was feeling frustrated. So what was her answer? Are they dating now? Does she love him? It was killing Kai inside so he decided to just ask, "So what was your answer?"

"What?" Moonhye blinked.

"Your answer to Kris. He asked you out didn't he?" Kai tried to maintain a poker face on and did not look at Moonhye one bit.

"Oh... I said to give me time." Moonhye looked up at the grey sky. "I don't really know what I feel anymore. Do I like Kris? I always ask myself that since he started talking to me again" Kai saw a smile creep up Moonhye's face. "He's changing... I don't know." Moonhye exhaled. "Maybe I do like him."

Kai froze and he couldn't get words to come out of his lips. Moonhye eyes widened when she realised that she had already walked passed her house and she looked back to see Kai standing there.

"Sorry!" Moonhye awkwardly laughed, "I didn't notice we had arrived already." Moonhye bowed to Kai, "Thank you for walking me home!" Moonhye smiled. She flinched when she felt something wet touch her face. She looked up and noticed that it was starting to rain. "Oh gosh! I'll see you tomorrow Kai!" She ran to her door and opened it and thanked Kai once more before going inside.

Kai stood there, paralysed. He didn't even know it was raining. Those words which escaped Moonhye's lips kept replaying and replaying in his head. "Maybe I do like him." Was it over? Did that mean that he has no chance anymore? Did Moonhye completely forget about him?

After a couple of minutes later, he managed to get back to reality and it was then he realised he was soaking wet. His clothes probably weighed about thirty kilograms but yet he didn't care. Kai managed to drag himself inside his house and he was welcomed by his mother's gasp.

"Jongin!" Mrs. Kim shrieked and immediately went by her son's side and escorted him into the living room. "Wait here. I'll go get a towel." She rushed upstairs and grabbed a the first towel she found in the bathroom. She hurried downstairs and started drying Kai's face then his hair. "Jongin... You should've brought an umbrella or called me to pick you up." Mrs. Kim received no response and she sighed. "Aigoo Jongin."

Once Mrs. Kim did what she could do to dry Kai, she went into the kitchen and started boiling water to make hot chocolate for Kai. While she waited for the water to boil, she thought about her son. Why was he like that? Usually when he comes home from school, he would just get something to eat in the kitchen or go straight upstairs to his room but it seemed like he was lifeless. Is it about Moonhye? She thought. 

Mrs. Kim did know about Moonhye's and Kai's relationship ending. In fact, both parents knew. Yes they were sad and disappointed but if they didn't love each other then they would have preferred if they broke up instead of being in a relationship with no love in it. But to the mothers, they seemed to think that both parties still likes the other.

When the hot chocolate was made, Mrs. Kim took it and made her way back in the living room again. She settled the mug down unto the coffee table and sat on the same sofa Kai was sitting in. She finally looked at her son's face and her eyes widened when she saw a tear escape Kai's eyes.

A sigh escaped Mrs. Kim's lips, "Jongin... Is it about Moonhye?"

Kai nodded his head slowly as he wiped the tear that fell off his face. "Was I wrong umma? I only broke up with her for her sake. I broke up with her because I love her." Kai sobbed as he tried to stop the tears that are threatening to fall out of his eyes.

"Jongin." Mrs. Kim said gently as she took hold of her crying son's hand. "For a relationship to last forever, you need to not think of just one person but both." She rubbed Kai's hand with her thumb trying her best to comfort him. "Did you ever think what Moonhye though? What if she didn't want to break up with you? What if she was perfectly fine with your relationship then?" There was silence in which Kai was trying to answer all the questions in his head. "And what about you? I'm pretty sure you didn't want to break up with her either."

"I was an idiot umma. I know... I... I didn't think I would be this broken and lonely without her." Kai let out a half-heatedly chuckle. "I think I loved her a bit too much."

"Oh dear... Love doesn't have a limit. You can love a person all you want." 

"But umma... How am I going to get her back? I... I don't even think she has feelings for me anymore." Kai lowered his head.

Mrs. Kim smiled. "Moonhye's and your situation right now reminds me of a time when me and you father were still dating." Kai gave his mother a weird look before nodding his head signaling for her to continue. "Your father cared about work more than anything else. He would always work and work... He still does. But then, he would work everyday nonstop. I began to be insecure. I kept asking myself 'does he love his work more then me?'" She chuckled, "I know it's pretty stupid but that's how I really felt. One day, he promised he would celebrate my birthday with me. I waited for hours and hours in that lovely restaurant... He never came. I was in tears that night. I was so angry at your father that I broke up with him and ignored him for days, weeks, months... But during those months, he began to change. He would chase me wherever I go. He was such a stalker." Mrs. Kim smiled. "He began to give me his attention... I began to feel that I was loved... and that's what I wanted."

"I don't get it." Kai creased his eyebrows, "What am I suppose to get out from this?"

"Oh Jongin~" Mrs. Kim cooed, "You were always so blunt. What I'm trying to say is. Give Moonhye what she wants. I don't mean jewelry or gold. I wanted some attention off your father and I also wanted love. What does Moonhye want? Because to get her back... You have to give her what she wants."

"But I don't know what she wants." Kai panicked.

Mrs. Kim laughed at her panicking son. "I'm pretty sure you do Jongin. Just think of the reason why Moonhye doesn't want to be with you." She patted Kai's head and gave her son some space to think.

Kai's memory went back to where he confessed to her again.

"Tell me one reason why you don't love me anymore?"

"Because I deserve better than someone who won't even fight for our love."




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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!