Then Let's...

No way, Right?

Moonhye was rushed to the hospital accompanied by the girls. Unfortunately, the boys had to stay back and finish their performance even if Kai tried his hardest to be with Moonhye—to see if she was okay. Kai had no choice but to stay and dance. He had no soul whatsoever in his body to continue to dance. This had never happened to him before. Kai always had motivation to dance, he always wants to dance but why doesn't his body want to dance now?

The MC had announced SM to perform and once Kai looked at the stage, he saw Moonhye's dancing figure. Her powerful dance moves. Her beautiful postures. But then he remembered the pain she was in. Her pained face, he couldn't help but think of it. It broke his heart seeing the girl he loves hurt, in pain; it was heartbreaking for him. He thought again... Inside her pained face was her eyes, her passionate eyes. Those hazel orbs of hers was astonishing. There was passion and motivation in them. Moonhye wanted to dance even if she was in pain. She danced all her best even if she was suffering. And Kai needs to do just that as well.

Yunho called out for Kai and he flinched when he saw Kai's expression change in a second. First, it was as if someone had just stabbed in his heart; second, burning passion was embed on his face. He stared at the kid who walked right past him and walked unto the stage. Yunho blinked and followed him.

During the dance, Kai indeed danced his best. He made sure he danced how Moonhye danced. With passion and charisma. Sweating, he walked out the stage and poured water down his throat.

Yunho and Eunhyuk had both ended their duet together and after they bowed, they made their way to the backstage. Eunhyuk already slumped down on a chair while Yunho was still thinking about Kai. That boy's expression had not changed since he saw Moonhye get carried away by the paramedics. Yunho was almost scared by Kai's stare. It was as if he was going to kill someone.

"Kai." Yunho finally said.

Kai hummed, not even looking at Yunho.

Yunho coughed uncomfortably, "Moonhye will be okay. She's a strong girl. I'm sure–"

"I know she's going to be okay." Kai clenched his fist hard, crushing the bottle water.

Yunho gulped, "Then what's the matter?"

Kai had finally turned around to face Yunho, "Someone had caused Moonhye to almost have her life in real danger." Kai looked away, "I saw her running. She was running desperately and I figured she was going to her inhaler." Kai scrunched his eyebrows, remembering the thought, "Someone sprayed something in front of her face. I saw it with my own eyes."

Yunho's eyes widened, "Seriously?!" 

Kai nodded.

"Who on Earth could have done that?!" Yunho clenched his teeth, "It's those JYP bastards isn't it?"

"I don't know... But there is a person that comes in mind that would hurt Moonhye." Kai's voice had lowered.




Moonhye was already conscious after a few hours and the girls were in her room, waiting for the boys to bring them the news: If they had won or not. Moonhye was also very curious.

When she had woken up, she was attacked by bear hugs from the girls. Yuri was crying, worried if something bad had happened. But the secret was finally revealed. Everyone knew about Moonhye's asthma now and they couldn't help but show pity in their eyes. Once, they saw a strong girl, now they saw a weak girl. Moonhye's face was pale and she still had problems breathing but she could cope.


The competition had finally ended and they won 1st place overall. Yet why was it that they could only pull out a fake smile? They had too been worried sick about Moonhye. She had only joined the dance club for 8-9 months and they felt as if she was little sister. As if she was family. Moonhye had been taking good care of the club. She cooks them food and try to help other members that's why they care for her a lot.

The boys reached the hospital and after Yunho had asked which room Moonhye was in, they walked to the room, finding Moonhye in the middle of the girls. Kai had stopped one metre from the door. No matter how much he wanted to see Moonhye safe and sound there was this part of him that doesn't want to look at her weak state. He was afraid somehow... 

He saw Yoona leave the room and his blood boiled. He had never expected for him to behave like that when he sees Yoona around. He balled his hands into a fist and pushed Yoona against the wall.

"Kai!" She shrieked.

"Did you or did you not cause Moonhye to be like this?" Kai's voice had lowered, scaring Yoona.


"Do not make me repeat myself noona." Kai paused, "I don't even think I should call you that anymore."

"Kai calm dow–" 

"Just answer the ing question!" Kai punched the wall, leaving a dent.

"I–I..." Yoona shivered.

"Answer it!" Kai had punched the wall again, this time with much more force.

"I did!" Yoona shouted, "So what if I did? That deserves it! She took you away from me Jongin! She tore us apart!" Yoona had tears trickling down her eyes, "Jongin, stay away from her..."

Kai's eyes were wide and anger filled them. "She didn't take me away from you. You took yourself away from me. I told you that if you hurt Moonhye again, you'll regret it." Kai let go of Yoona and looked at her in disgust.

"And what are you going to do huh?!" Yoona smirked, "Just remember Jongin that you have worse problems than this. Moonhye is still dancing. Her life is still in danger." Yoona chuckled and made her way to Kai, "I wonder what will make her stop?" She hissed unto Kai's ears.

Kai stood there as he watched Yoona walk away into the end of the corridor. He couldn't move or talk. Paralysed, he stood there, remembering what Yoona had just said to him a few seconds ago, "I wonder what will make her stop?"


Everyone had left for lunch after Moonhye convinced them that she wanted to be alone for a while. She was of course waiting for Kai to appear and embrace her in his arms but she hadn't seen him yet. When everyone did go, he appeared with a weak smile.

"Hey." He raised a hand up.

"Hey." Moonhye smiled, "Where were you? You know I expect you to be the first one here out of the boys." Moonhye tried to joke as she sat up.

"Sorry." Kai hung his head down and sat down at a stool next to the bed.

"It's fine." Moonhye smiled, "There had to be a reason right?" Kai could only nod, recieving yet another question off Moonhye. "You okay?"

"You said you'd be fine." 

Moonhye could only blink, "Well... I'm fine now aren't I?" She weakly smiled, "Kai. I'm fine."

"No you're not!" Kai shouted as he jumped out off his seat. "Don't you get it Moonhye? You'll never be fine! Your life will always be in danger because of you dancing!"

Moonhye could only stare in shock at Kai. She had never seen him like this before. He had never shouted like this at her before. What has gotten into him?

"Moonhye." Kai inhaled deeply, "I want you to quit dancing."

"What?" Moonhye gasped, "Kai I told you the reason why I don't want to quit and yet you're forcing me?" She gawked.

"Are you going to quit or what?" Kai's voice turned cold, causing Moonhye to have goosebumps.

"N-no." She stuttered.

"Then let's break up." And with that Kai left a stunned Moonhye.



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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!