The Second Warning

No way, Right?

Moonhye couldn't move. She was stuck, paralysed, unable to move or speak a word. She could only stare at where Kai stood a few seconds ago and breathe. A tear escaped her eyelashes then another and another. She wasn't sobbing, she wasn't whimpering, she wasn't scared... What in the world is this feeling?

She could only sit there and feel the tears fall freely down her face. Then a whimper came and she was finally back to reality. The crying girl stared at the closed door, replaying the scene that just happened right before her eyes. Then it struck her.

Kai broke up with her.

Kim Jongin broke her heart.

The man who she loves had broken their promise. 

"I promise I'll never leave you"

"I promise I'll never hurt you"


Kris had witnessed the whole entire thing and his heart felt like it was squeezing. The sight of Moonhye crying before him, the sight of the girl he loves crying before him... It felt exactly like two years ago.

He turned away not wanting to see her cry anymore. Unfortunately he heard the whole thing. Kai breaking up with her but he knew the reason why. To be honest he would have done exactly the same thing if he was in Kai's position but if he did it, he would have been the most stupidest human in the world. He learnt from the past. He knows how to treat Moonhye right and he wants to do it right this time...


The following school day, the club members went all out. They shouted, screamed at each other's faces. Now that the depressing mood was gone, they could finally enjoy their wonderful trophy and burst laughing at how JYP looked when they won first place. Everyone was showing real smiles, all except Moonhye, Kai, Kris and Yoona.

While Moonhye, Kai and Kris were wearing forced smiles, Yoona was wearing one of the biggest smirk-grin ever. She noticed something different at the couple and it seemed like they fought. They weren't talking to each other and they weren't looking at each other at all. Did her plan actually work? If it did, and it sure like it did, it's time to play all innocent again.


The small party that Yunho threw had ended and everyone had a pretty good time except the three. Moonhye had been quieter than usual; usually, when a small party was held, Moonhye would be one of the loudest along with Eunhyuk and Shindong. She and Hyoyeon would start to dance and eventually everyone would be dancing. It wierded everyone out when Moonhye wasn't as loud as she usually was. She really did try to be all hyper and active but she was just too worn out. How long had she been crying last night? She cried for hours and hours, the tears would stop and then burst out again but the worst thing was she had to hide the whimpers and the smallest sobs from her parents. Eventually she put herself to sleep while crying.

Kai too, cried. At first when he closed the door to Moonhye's hospital room, he wasn't fully aware at what he did. It was only when he got home and stared at the ceiling that it struck him. Moonhye wasn't his anymore... What made it worse was the stuffed toys that she gave him during Christmas and his birthday. He coudn't help but look at them which only made him miss Moonhye more. It was for the better right? Breaking up with Moonhye has got to solve the problem. He made a huge sacrifice for her to be safe. If he was the reason for Moonhye to continue dancing then might as well break up with her. It was the right thing to do wasn't it?

Kai made his way out of the dance studio along with Sehun and Lay. He stopped when a deep voice had called out his name. He turned around only to see Kris with a hand raised, signalling him to come over.

"You go ahead guys" He said and the two boys accompanying him walked away before shrugging.

Kris jerked his head to his right, "Follow me"

Kai raised an eyebrow then followed Kris. They kept silent for a while when Kai asked, "Where are we going?"

"Just follow me" Kris answered, not even looking at Kai.

Kai raised his eyebrow again and sighed before following Kris again. Kris led Kai to the park near the school; the same park Kai and Moonhye usually walks past.

Kris stood beside a bench and slung his bag on it before finally turning around to face Kai. Suddenly, a fist landed hard on Kai's face and he swore he head his jaw crack.

"What the ?!" Kai shouted as he touched the area Kris' knuckled landed.

"Don't act all innocent, you know you deserve that punch." Kris' poker face remained as he crossed his arms looking at the wincing boy in front of him.

"You know?" Kai winced between his breath as he touched the pained area again.

"I over heard you. You're a for breaking up with her you know?" Kris casually sat down on the bench then crossed a leg over the other leg.

Kai rolled his eyes "Tell me something I don't know." He joined the calm Kris, "I had to do it though"

"No you didn't." Kris answered almost immediately.

"What do you mean I didn't? Of course I had to. She was going to hurt herself even more!" Kai retorted, flinging his arms into the air.

Kris scoffed, "I can't believe she went out with a coward like you." There was silent until Kris broke it, "Do you know why Moonhye broke up with me 2 years ago? It was because I was too busy..." Kris sighed as he stared at the pavement, "I was too busy for her..."

Kai only stared at Kris, signalling him to carry on. "Moonhye was the best girlfirned you know? Loving, caring, she was always there for me, always there to make me smile. But. I was fooled by all those love and care that I didn't know what Moonhye was feeling." Kris snickered, "Then one day all of a sudden she said she wanted to break up. I was so shocked then. I really thought our relationship was going well... It was only two days after that day that I realised what a terrible boyfriend I was. I ignored her. I was more focused unto my father's work than her." Kris leaned back unto the bench, "You know what she said to me after she told me to break up? 'I don't want a boyfriend who doesn't fight for our love'... I finally knew what that meant after so long... I didn't fight for our love..."

Kris stood up and breathed in and out, "I'm telling you this now Kai because I'm acting like a good guy... and also because I know that Moonhye still loves you. Fight for her Kai." Kris weakly smiled, "Fight for her and never let her go... unless you want to end up like me."





DUN DUN DUUUN!! I'm so sorry guys for not updating often so I thought I present to you an almost-double update. I'm working on my new story now and I have to say, it's turning out to be pretty good.

The vote was a good a battle between Kai and Kris but I guess there are many Kai lovers here. So in the end Kai won!!! Wooo!!!


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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!