Husband Material

No way, Right?

"Have a safe trip~" Mrs. Lee kissed Moonhye on the cheek then hugged her goodbye.

Once Kai and Moonhye had finished packing and had said their good byes to their parents, the set off to the school where there already found most of the dance club waiting at the entrance.

Taemin waved at Moonhye to call her over. When Moonhye and Kai made their way to Taemin, they couldn't help but look at the luggage beside him.

"Uh... Taemin, you do know it will only be for a night trip right?" Kai asked warily, his eyes still fixed on the massive amount of luggage sitting by Taemin's legs.

"I know. I brought my pyjama, two pairs of underwear, and clothes I want to wear for tomorrow." Taemin said bluntly while blinking his eyes gazillion of times before finishing his sentence.

"Then how come, your luggage looks like you will be staying there all your life?" Moonhye asked, tearing her eyes off the luggage and finally looking at Taemin.

"It's for entertainment Moonhye." Taemin pouted, "I brought my favourite comics, favourite games, my Nintendo DS, my favourite crisps, my favourite sweets, my laptop..." Taemin was about to carry on but Moonhye interrupted him.

"Okay, okay, I get it. You brought a lot of stuff." Moonhye giggled.

The bus Yunho rented finally came and everyone started choosing their seats like middle schoolers. Kai dragged Moonhye with her completely ignoring the protest Taemin gave since Taemin wants to sit with Moonhye as well.

Once the bus started moving, Kai leaned his head on Moonhye's shoulder.

"Kai?" Moonhye turned to Kai finding his eyes closed. Kai looked so peaceful at that moment that she didn't want to disturb him so Moonhye leaned her head and rested it on Kai's head. They both slept peacefully until Yunho announced that they have arrived.

Some stretched from cramps and some dashed out the bus and desperately finding a toilet. The two didn't move from their positions. Yoona started to walk out the bus when she spotted that Moonhye and Kai sleeping together. She clenched her teeth and fist trying to maintain from strangling the hell out of Moonhye since Kai was there. She heaved out the anger and jealousy and got off the bus.

Taemin started getting off the bus too before he did some stretching. He found Moonhye and Kai still asleep.

"Aigoo~ this couple." Taemin smiled and poked Moonhye's cheeks, trying to wake her up. "Moonhye-ah~" Taemin kept on poking until Moonhye finally flickered her eyes open.

The first thing Moonhye felt was something rested on her shoulder, she looked to what it was and smiled immediately when she saw Kai's peaceful face.

"Moonhye. We're here so you better wake up Jonginnie~" Taemin sang then left with his usual smile.

Moonhye giggled at the thought of waking up Kai. She would love it if she woke Kai up everyday, she wondered if that would happen when they live together... Moonhye's face heated up at the thought and slapped herself lightly to wake her up from her daydream.

"Kai." Moonhye whispered unto Kai's ears.

Kai's eyes started to flicker open and his lips automatically formed into a small smile. His ears and heart liking the wake up call, he knew who's voice it was and it was the sweet voice that told him she loved him; Moonhye.

Kai had no plan on getting up since he was so comfortable by Moonhye's side so he nuzzled into Moonhye's neck, not wanting to leave.

"Kai~" Moonhye whined, "We're here so wake up." She pinched Kai's nose lightly before giggling. Never she would have thought on doing stuff like that with Kai.

"Give me a kiss first." Kai mumbled.

Moonhye's face started to heat up, "Wh-what?"

"I won't get up until you kiss me... On the lips." Kai said, bringing out his selfish self yet again.

Moonhye sighed then smiled, "You're so childish."

"And you love me being childish." Kai smiled then turned his head to look at Moonhye's beautiful face.

"I know..." Moonhye smiled and bent her upper body to lay a soft kiss on Kai's plump and sweet lips. "Can you get up now?" Moonhye asked.

Kai nodded and started to stretch his arms. He got his bag and him and Moonhye got off the bus. When Moonhye set foot at the ground, she remembered that they were in Itaewon, her hometown. She took a deep breath of Mother Nature before exhaling it with a smile. They were in Itaewon but it wasn't in the city part. There was this small area where it is just grass and hills so there would be parks around. Moonhye spotted a building which looked like a nursery because it had a playground and drawings of animals stuck on the windows.

"Is this a day care?" Moonhye asked, walking over to Yunho along with Kai.

"An orphanage. My cousin works here so I decided that we should pay a visit." Yunho smiled.

"You brought us along because...?" Moonhye looked up at Yunho, waiting for an answer.

"Because I thought that we should show the kids our dancing." Yunho caught the figure of a lady waving to him. "Ah! That's my cousin!" Yunho rushed towards the lady and hugged her.

"Sheesh, that hyung. Taking his advantage of being a club leader..." Kai sighed.

"I think I'll enjoy it... It will be nice to see Itaewon again. And you can see the adorable kids as well." Moonhye smiled before setting off to the rest of the club members.

Everyone stayed into a small house by the orphanage. There are three large rooms and of course the boys and girls were separated from each other. Kai sighed in disappointment, he wanted to spend another night by Moonhye's side. It may sound creepy but hey, Moonhye is his girlfriend now and he wanted to enjoy it with all his might. He's pretty sure they will never break up. He never gets tired of Moonhye, his heart still beats just as fast when they weren't going out and it will beat just as fast in the future. He has no plan on giving Moonhye up. Ever.


When everyone settled their luggage away, they made their way to a room to meet the children. Moonhye would expect that the children would look lonely and sad but they weren't. They were smiling, laughing and enjoying themselves in their own little world. They're smiling and they don't have parents. Whilst I'm...

Moonhye sighed but didn't want to put herself down because she was on a trip after all. So she forced out her usual smile as she waited for their introduction from Yunho's cousin.

"Kids!" The lady called. The children's attention was caught right away and turned to their beloved unnie/noona. "Today, we have some people that will play with us." She beamed, "They will be here today and tomorrow. They will help around the orphanage and they hope they could be friends with you. So kids treat them with respect~" She smiled.

"Neh~" The children said in unison.

About a few minutes later, the dance club members approached a few children at a time. Moonhye... She was never good with children. She doesn't know what children likes to do. She tried to play peek-a-boo once with a child but it ended up crying and when they cry, she will becomes all flustered, she would freeze not knowing what to do.

So Moonhye just sat a corner of the room observing how everyone interacted with children. She saw how Taemin got along with this girl, Moonhye wasn't surprised that Taemin would get along with a kid so well; Taemin had a brain of a child after all.

Moonhye giggled while watching Taemin and soon her eyes began to search for one specific person. Kai. When she heard that childish laughter of his, she snapped her head to that direction and found Kai carrying a little boy on his neck. Never in Moonhye's life had she wanted to marry someone until that moment. The sight was just so admiring. There was nothing more attractive when a guy is playing happily with a child, especially when it's Kai. Her lips curved into a smile seeing the laughing boy on Kai's neck and also Kai's precious laugh. She imagined that boy being her son and Kai being her husband, oh how perfect her world would be if that happened.

Kai on the other hand was watching Moonhye's blank gaze on him and the little boy he was carrying. He smirked and put the child down and whispered into the innocent boy's ears before forming a mischievous smirk on his face.

Moonhye drifted off into her own world to notice her surroundings. A scene played in her head where Kai would call her 'honey' and would kiss her lips before heading out the door to work. Kai would stop by the door then call their son's name and pinch his cheeks telling him 'behave in school okay?'. The child would then nod ever so cutely and would wave goodbye to Moonhye before giving her a kiss on the cheeks. Oh God, she never wanted anything in her life more than that.

The next thing she knew she was poked in the ribs where she was awfully ticklish and she jumped while letting a small scream out. She looked at who the culprit was and she found a boy laughing cutely. She then heard a familiar laugh and turned around to see Kai rolling on the floor, holding his stomach, laughing like an idiot. Moonhye sighed as she finally caught on and pouted.

"Yah. That was mean." She made a face at Kai.

Kai who just demonstrated what 'ROTFL' really is, went over to Moonhye and pinched her nose lightly before giving a high five to the boy who was called Minhwa.

"Good work Minhwa!" Kai ruffled Minhwa's hair before looking at the cute Moonhye who was pouting.

"You were right Kai hyung! It was funny!" Minhwa let out a cute giggle.

"Sheesh. That was mean, he may be cute but he has the same personality as you Kai." Moonhye's pout soon turned into a smile.

After a while, Moonhye, Kai and Minhwa was playing happily together and only a few minutes later, Moonhye realised that she wanted her life in the future to be like this; living happily with Kai and their children. 

Kai. You would make the perfect husband. 


Kai would indeed make the perfect husband ^^ hehe hoped you like this chapter, I surely enjoyed writing it! XP

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!