
No way, Right?

Saturday was suppose to be the day to lay back. Saturday was suppose to be the day you can just hang out with friends. Saturday was suppose to be the day to relax. But this Saturday though, Moonhye and Kai were trapped inside Moonhye's house.


It was around eight in the morning when Kai went out to buy some groceries while his parents were at work. On the way back Mrs Lee had spotted Kai and invited him in for some breakfast. Kai didn't refuse since he starving and all he could cook is ramen. He's a really bad cook, in fact the only person that can cook in the house is Mrs Kim. His dad, his dad's brothers, his granddad, they all can't cook. He thinks he got the bad omen from their blood line, he just thanked the heavens that his mom's family were cooks so he can actually eat a proper meal. His dad always said that "You have to marry a woman that can cook to satisfy you."

Anyway, Kai was leisurely having breakfast with Mr and Mrs Lee. He wondered where Moonhye was but he just thought that she's still sleeping. Lazy git. Kai smiled to himself. 

Mr Lee suddenly looked at the time and jumped out of his seat. "It's already 8:30?!" 

Mrs Lee also jumped out of her seat. "Oh my goodness! Kai dear, just call Moonhye if you need anything! We'll be going to work now!" Mr and Mrs Lee both hopped into their car and dashed off. 

It happened way too quickly and Kai just sat there with his chopsticks near his mouth, which was about to eat the cut bacon. He turned and found the door already closed. He resumed eating his breakfast though since he likes to finish what he had started. 

Meanwhile, Moonhye came down in her pajamas and messy hair, rubbing her eyes, not fully awake yet. She thought no one is in the house and so she ended up looking like a cave woman. When her eyes were clear enough, she found Kai sitting there eating. Eating breakfast. Eating at her house. Eating at her table. She rubbed her eyes again thinking she might have gone crazy. She didn't properly sleep last night since the indirect kiss was invading her mind all the way through.

Kai felt a presence behind him and found the wide eyed Moonhye. He couldn't help but snicker to himself before continuing his bacon.  

"Yah! Kai! What the heck are you doing here?!" She pointed at Kai.

That was the exact expression Kai was hoping out of her which made him smile to himself. "Eating." He said bluntly. 

Kai continued eating as Moonhye continued staring at him in a daze. He finally stood up once he completed his food and patted imaginary dust off of his lap walked towards the door.

"Thanks for the meal." He waved two fingers behind his back before turning the door knob. It wouldn't budge one bit. "Hey, mind opening the door?" He turned around.

Moonhye raised an eyebrow, "What?" 

"It's locked." Kai pointed at the knob.

"What?!" Moonhye rushed to the door and frantically kept trying to turn the unmovable knob.

"Hey! All you need is a k-" 

"I don't have a key!" Moonhye shouted cutting Kai off.


"I left my key inside my locker yesterday!" 

It was Kai's turn to be wide eyed. "You idiot!" He pushed Moonhye out of the way and also frantically tried to turn the knob. Failed.


That was how they ended up stranded inside Moonhye's room. It was awkward. Moonhye sat on her white office chair trying to do some homework at her desk while Kai was there, leisurely lying on her single bed.

She glared at Kai. How dare he just lie there like it was his home. She tried and continue back to her homework but no more than a second later she immediately felt bored. 

"Yah. Kai." She started spinning around her white office chair, staring at the ceiling.

"What?" Kai said not even bothered looking at Moonhye.

"Do you want to play?" Moonhye still spinning on her chair, staring at the ceiling, getting a little bit dizzy.

"Play what? All you have are teddy bears here" Kai sat up finally giving his attention to you.

"Want to play truth or dare?" Moonhye stopped since she was getting dizzy.

"I hate to think what you would dare me to do." Kai layed back down.

"Fine. What about truths then?"

This caught Kai's attention. He had been dying to know how Moonhye and Kris broke up since the day he found out that them two were going out. He had also been a little curious about other things in her life. He smirked at the thought.

"Fine but, cross your heart, hope to die that you will answer all the questions truthfully or Death will come and get you tomorrow." Kai sat up and pointed at Moonhye.

Moonhye rolled her eyes and placed her right hand on her left chest, "Cross my heart, how to die that I will say the truth at every question. Happy?"

"Very." Kai gave a thumbs up. "First question. How many guys have you dated?"

"Since when did you get the first question?!" Moonhye pouted.

"Just answer. The truth remember." Kai remained his usual expression acting as if he doesn't care.

"One." Moonhye fixed her position on the chair. "When was your most embarrassing moment?" 

"1st year middle school when D.O hyung acted as my mother in front of everyone." Kai didn't even think for a second about that one. He likes it when D.O acts like a mother but not when it's in front of loads of people.

"Did you love Kris? Or were you just that stupid in love?" Kai rested his chin on his hand.

"Why are you asking about my love life?" Moonhye raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms.

"Because I am a boring person." Kai remained a calm expression on his face.

Moonhye sighed in defeat, There is no use in fighting with him. "Yes, I loved Kris and I wasn't stupid or anything like that. In fact, I thought he would be with me until we die." Kai felt his heart clench all of a sudden.

"So why did you guys break up?" Kai just had to ask that.

"Because my heart didn't feel anything anymore like it used to.... I don't know.... The spark just left I guess." Moonhye thought about it then sprang from her seat. "Yah! You asked two questions!"

Kai shrugged. "Soz." Kai still remained his calm expression on but inside he was laughing at Kris. Can't even keep a simple girl. Idiot. 

"Since you seem to be asking about relationships..... Did you have a girlfriend?"

"No." Kai said bluntly

"Do you have a crush?" Moonhye leaned closer in anticipation. She had absolutely no idea to why she just asked that. just automatically said it out loud.

"Hell no! Have you seen all the girls?! All freaking annoying." Kai just broke his calm face and acted very much defensive.

"Not every girl!" Moonhye felt a tiny bit disappointment when Kai said 'no'.

After that, both of them pretty much just asked random questions in which they found out each other's fears, dislikes and embarrassments. Both automatically formed smiled on their faces and couldn't take it off the whole day until Moonhye's parents came back. They even practiced a bit of the dance in the living room which made them more comfortable with each other. They enjoyed each other's companies more than they thought. They did stop fighting and bickering at each other but when they do, they'll just laugh it out. It's nice. They have finally liked each other's comfort. Only if they knew that.



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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!