
No way, Right?

Kai swears that girl is stalking him. She's basically everywhere he goes. She's not one of his fan girls right? Nah... Those fan girls will never get to go in SM High. So why the hell is that girl everywhere he goes?! He thought that at least in dance club he would be at peace but alas... That had to ruin it.

"Guys!" Yunho got everyone's attention. "We have someone who likes to audition... Her name's....??" Yunho waited for an answer.

"Moonhye. Lee Moonhye." She bowed.

"Well then Moonhye. You'll audition next week or-"

Again Yunho was cut off by Moonhye, "Can't I audition now?" She asked. Yunho's eyes widened. 

"But you still need to think of a choreography don't you? Or have you already thought of one?" Yunho was curious. Does this girl already practiced everything for the audition? But she's new isn't she? She couldn't have thought of it through the day. No way! She's doing freestyle?! Yunho would love to see her try that. Almost no one succeeded passing the audition by free styling. Except him of course. He thought she would never do it. 

Kai snickered quietly. He would love to see her fail. If he's lucky, fall, at something that's not him, something harder, for example a floor. Perfect. He smiled evilly. She was totally doing freestyle, she didn't know about the dance club since today and that's not much time to think of the song and the choreography. She's sure to fail.

Moonhye got her phone out and plugged into the speaker. She picked a random song and 'Boom Boom Pow' came on. She moved her body catching the rhythm, even though it was slow she wanted to be precise. Timing is the most important in dance after all, at least she thinks so anyway.

Everyone started snickering except Taemin was was worried and Yunho who was carefully watching her, knowing exactly what she was doing.

Moonhye stopped for a while on a beat then started doing some popping. Kai wasn't too impressed. It was a basic move in dance, anyone can do it. Then it came. Moonhye started waving her body, she was swirling her body then popping it afterwards. Everyone's mouth were open all except Kai who was clearly annoyed. She bent down unto the floor then started doing a y wave with a y impression. She was practically seducing everyone in the room. But that wasn't her real attention. Since she was doing a y move that fits the music the least thing she could do was do a y expression as well right?

The song was about to end and Moonhye timed it with a split as the ending. She didn't realise that everyone's mouth was opened until Yunho spoke.

"Everyone. Looks like we have a new member!" Yunho smiled then started clapping. "And I know everyone agrees with me as well, yes?" 

"Yeah!" Eunhyuk just jumped out of no where and clapped along with Yunho.

Moonhye was officially part of the dance club and Kai was not happy about it.


The next morning was the same as the one before. Kai was leaning back against the lamppost with his eyes closed nodding to the beat of the music. Moonhye knew the way to the school now so she  doesn't need any help anymore. Ignoring Kai, Moonhye started walking off. Kai knew her presence from the very beginning but chose to ignore her again over the good song that was playing. But when he saw her wander off he quickly chased after her.

"Ya! How could you just leave." He shouted.

"I was trying to be nice, not disturbing you and your music." She said bluntly.

"I don't know about you, but if my mum knows that I'm not walking with you to school, I'm dead."

Moonhye turned around. This she just can't ignore. She has to make fun of it. "Awwr, still mummy's little boy?! How cute~" She turned back around then snickered quietly.

"Shut up! At least I could get to the rhythm quicker!" He shouted then thought it was such a lame comeback.

"Hey! At least I got through didn't I? And I didn't know you could dance." 

"You didn't have to know. At least I want some private life away from you." 





"Ya! Since when am I a ?!" Moonhye can't bear when someone calls her that. She's seen one of them and she didn't want to be put in the same class as them. Sleeping with a stranger every night. Wearing almost no clothes. Those people has no dignity for themselves.

"Weren't you the one seducing everyone at the studio? I bet you only got through because of that. I swear, Yunho hyung's taste in girls are just low." Kai shook his head slowly.

"Ya! Have you see Yunho sunbaenim?! For a guy, he's good looking, and you're saying he has bad taste?" Moonhye gawked.

As Kai was about to fight back, then they heard the bell and that means one thing. They're late. They both looked at each other in panic then started rushing to the gates as if their lives depended on it. Right on time.... The gates shut at their faces.

"Great!" Kai said sarcastically.

"What are we going to do now? We're late." Moonhye went down while sighing, now staring at the ground.

"Not yet. There's another bell that goes and that means we're definitely late.... We're going to have to climb over the wall..." He tossed his bag over the wall and looked at Moonhye. "Come on then!" He ordered, placing his hands on his knees signaling for Moonhye to step on him.

"What the heck are you doing?" Moonhye raised an eyebrow.

"What does it look like?! Get on so I can push you up." 

Moonhye went over in front of Kai then bent down so that her and his eyes were looking at each other. "I can do it by myself." She stood up then threw her bag over the wall. She grabbed the top of the wall then quickly pushed herself up, climbing on top of the wall before sitting then skillfully jumping off it, creating a perfect land.

Kai followed her and landed near each other. Moonhye smirked. "Told you."

They picked up their bags and dusted dirt off their uniform.

"You still like childish stuff huh?" Kai's mouth turned into an amusing smirk.

"What?" Moonhye was confused.

"I saw them." Kai said hiding his face.

"Saw what?" She tilted her head.

"They're yellow with orange polka dots." He said finally laughing at the end.

What was Kai talking about? Moonhye thought. Yellow with orange po-! He saw them! He saw them! He saw THEM! Her underwear! Moonhye gasped. Kai has seen her underwear. And not just any underwear. Her most childish one of all that her mother bought her. !

While Kai was rolling on the floor, holding his stomach from the laughter and Moonhye was busy covering her face, shaking it from the embarrassment, the bell rang. They automatically went to panic mode. Their legs ran out of their own accord and ended up at the classroom. They came bursting in and all the attention was on them.

"Perfect time Moonhye and Kai. We were just talking about detention. Which you both have. Tonight." Miss BoA slammed her book unto the table. "Sit down!"

They both rushed to their seats, both have the same thoughts in their minds. Great. Another time with this  /jerk.




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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!