
No way, Right?

"Kill me now." Sehun groaned as he stepped foot down the bus and stood in front of the historical temple.

Moonhye helped take the luggage down along with Kris, "Come on Sehun. It will be fun." Moonhye brightened.

"Yeah. I don't know why you're complaining so much Sehun, this won't be that bad." Kris chuckled, "I mean come on. It's a freaking temple. It will be peaceful and relaxing..."


"Take me home~" Kris whined as he stoke his aching back.

Sehun scoffed, "Told ya~"

The boys raked the leaves around the 100 meter acre temple. Before that, they had to sweep the wooden floors of the temple and to make it worse the care taker of the temple was extremely strict and bossy. It was hell for them.

The girls had it easy, since the female care taker was extremely nice, opposite of the male care taker which was her husband. All the girls did was water the flowers, dust off the dust from windows and tables; life was pretty easy for them. No one complained, no one whined, no one groaned. Everyone was pretty calm and happy, everyone except Moonhye.

Moonhye did have her life easy for her but with the girl's entertainment meter down to the bottom of the bottom, she was beyond bored. Moonhye was never the patient type of person. She remains calm but she cannot help being bored, and at that moment, bored was just a light term to describe her feeling. She was extremely bored.

"Why did I go on this stupid field trip?!" Moonhye whined, but made sure that the female care taker was far off to not hear her.

"Why are you complaining?" Amber raised an eyebrow, "the boys are doing much harder work."

Moonhye placed her head unto Amber's shoulder and blew her fringe, "I'd rather be doing that than this."

Amber pushed Moonhye's head off of her shoulder and looked at her as if she was crazy, "Are you out of your mind?" Amber paused. She clicked when a thought popped into her head, "Ah! Is it because Kai's there?" Amber grinned.

Moonhye flinched and started wiping the windows again, "Maybe..."

Amber laughed, "You're seriously in love with him! But when you two had that fight... Woo! Tension was up to 100."

Moonhye remained silent. She sighed and wiped the windows half heartedly, "Was there tension? We were hardly by each other when we fought."

"Yeah but... I can tell, I think everyone could tell. You two are the famous couple in school you know? It surprises me you pay no attention to those fans of yours." Amber scoffed.

Moonhye eyes widened, "What do you mean everyone can tell?"

"Well..." Amber scratched the back of her head, wondering how to explain, "You both have this lovely atmosphere around you that makes everyone jealousy and filled with envy but then... When you two don't even smile, don't even talk to each other... It's pretty obvious." 

"Really? We give off that vibe?" Moonhye asked, surprised. 

"Yup! You two keeps staring at each others eyes lovingly." Amber smiled, "I can tell you like Kai very much, and Kai likes you very much as well." Amber explained, then continued to wipe the windows clean.

Moonhye remained silent and continued to polish the window as well then stopped when a smile crept upon her face.


Kai winced in pain as he stood up. He had been sweeping the floors of the whole temple all day and his back became stiff. It was finally dinner and everyone was more than glad to sit down and eat. The work had been torture for them but what makes the trip all worth it was the food. The female care taker was an amazing cook. The smell of her cooking can make anyone go wild, that was how amazing her cooking was.

As soon as Moonhye stepped foot into the dining room, she was hugged and spun around by someone who had muscular arms. She yelped and when she was let down unto the ground, she look up to see Kai with his usual childish smile.

"Kai~!" Moonhye whined, "You scared the hell out of me!"

Kai laughed and pulled Moonhye into one more tight hug, "Sorry, I just needed some medicine to ease my back pain."

"Your back hurts? I'll go get some medical things off the ahjumma." Moonhye turned to go but Kai pulled her again into an even tighter hug. (A/N ahjumma = auntie/ elderly woman)

"No need. Just hugging you makes me feel better." Kai snuggled into Moonhye soft hair, taking the scent of her strawberry shampoo.

Moonhye blushed, realising that some people were staring at the two of them. She nudged Kai to tell him they were being watched but he only smirked and hugged Moonhye tighter.

They were interrupted by a cough. Taemin's cough.

"As much as I like seeing you two doing lovey dovey stuff again, you're blocking the way." Taemin rolled his eyes and tapped his fingers at the side of the door frame impatiently.

Kai sighed and dragged Moonhye to a table which his friends were sitting on. Moonhye obediently sat opposite Kai and by D.O, who offered her a plate full of kimchi. Moonhye smiled and bowed slightly, showing her thanks. She took an unused chopstick and got the kimchi. She was about to feed herself when Kai coughed. She looked up at him and rolled her eyes before giggling.

She fed Kai which gave them stares full of envy and jealousy. Xiumin sighed followed by Luhan's sigh then Sehun then Chen. How they envied to be in a relationship. It's not like they can't get girls, it's because they can't find one of their type. But seeing the two love birds, they're that desperate to go out with a random stranger.


Yoona silently watched Moonhye and Kai as they smile and laugh at and with each other. Yoona clenched her teeth at the anger which was building up inside her. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Ms. BoA taking to Moonhye. She leaned in closer to make out what they were saying. The commotion and shouting from the background didn't help but Yoona did catch a few words; "Nightshift" was one of the words she head and that was enough to know that Moonhye will be doing the Nightshift. She grinned. Looks like Moonhye and I will be doing the Nightshift together then.


After dinner had finished, the girls went inside the girl's dorm and boys went inside their own dorm. Moonhye got her flashlight out form her bag and stepped outside her room which her, Amber, Luna and Krystal shared.

"Are you doing the Nightshift as well Moonhye-sshi?" Moonhye heard a voice and turned to her right finding Yoona smiling at her.

"Oh! Yoona unnie! Yeah, I'm doing the Nightshift as well." Moonhye answered back.

"Want to be my buddy then? I could show you around since I've been here before." Yoona offered with her usual fake smile plastered on her face.

"Ummm... Sure." Moonhye awkwardly smiled, "Thanks."

"Let's go then!" Yoona jumped and clinch unto Moonhye's arm and she skipped towards the end of the hallway.

10 minutes passed and they didn't find anyone awake or fooling around so Moonhye told Yoona that they should go back.

"Wait!" Yoona held Moonhye back. "We still haven't checked that room." She pointed at the door which was the furthest door at the end of the dark corridor.

"Ah! You're right." Moonhye led the way and twisted the door knob of the door slowly. She was expecting girls but she found a broom and a bucket instead. "Unnie I think this is a janito- Ah!"

Before Moonhye could finish, Yoona pushed her inside the closet and closed the door quickly then locking it with the key she found earlier while cleaning. She smirked as she spun the key around her finger.

"Sleep tight Moonhye~" She giggled, "That will teach you for stealing Kai from me."


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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!