Wife Material

No way, Right?

"Moonhye! You came!" Mrs. Kim welcomed Moonhye with a tight hug.

"Thank you for inviting me Mrs. Kim." Moonhye smiled and hugged her back.

Mrs. Kim has invited Moonhye for lunch at their house since Moonhye's parents were at work. She could never say 'no' to Mrs. Kim since she was kind enough to invite her for lunch and she tasted Mrs. Kim's cooking before and her stomach had grown an attachment to it.

Kai heard laughing downstairs but decided to ignore it. He was on the Internet in search of a song Moonhye might like but keeps getting distracted by the laughing downstairs. He plugged earphones in his ears to stop that laughing. His mother probably had her friends over because when she does all they do is laugh about work and other boring stuff in which Kai paid absolutely no attention to. The laughter grew louder and the earphones couldn't stop it anymore. He gave a frustrated sigh and went to see what was all the ruckus. He turned towards the living room and found his mother showing a girl with her back towards him his baby pictures. 

Mrs. Kim looked up and found his son with his eye brow raised and pointing at Moonhye with curiosity. "Kai! You're here!"

Moonhye snapped her head to look behind her and found Kai wide eyed.

"Moonhye! Wh-what are you doing here?!" 

"Ah! Me and Moonhye are making lunch together. You're father's at work and you're a horrible cook so...I invited Moonhye over since I need to hang out with girls." Mrs. Kim laughed. "Us girls need some bonding time."

Moonhye giggled. "Do you want us to make you something Kai?"

"Wait! Kai cook with us!" Mrs. Kim laughed.

"What?! No way! Girls belong in the kitchen. I belong in my bedroom." Kai protested.


"There we go!" Mrs. Kim clapped at the sight of her son in a flowery apron. "Let's cook shall we?"

Kai sighed and looked over to Moonhye who was doing a really bad job hiding her amusement.

"You having fun?" Kai scoffed.

Moonhye just frantically nodded her head before she finally burst out with laughter. When she calmed down she started taking out the ingredients with Mrs. Kim. After, they pulled out the bowls, whisks and different utensils.

Kai just stood there wondering what the two were doing. He could help but he had absolutely no idea of what to get.

"What exactly are we making anyway?" Kai leaned against the counter.

"Strawberry cake." Mrs. Kim bluntly answered, still continuing to pull out different things from the cupboards.

"Why?" Kai kept continuing asking questions since he wasn't doing anything anyway.

"Because." Mrs. Kim turned towards Moonhye, smiling. "It's Moonhye's favourite."

"It is?" Kai grew even more curious all of a sudden.

"Yup!" Moonhye jumped. "We were going to cook what you would like but Mrs. Kim insisted that we cook my favourite dessert."

"But my favourite is strawberry cake too..." Kai glanced at Mrs. Kim who was silently giggling.

The door in the living room suddenly opened revealing a worn out Mr. Kim.

"Honey! You're back?!" Mrs. Kim hurried towards him, taking off his blazer and settling him on the leather sofa.

Moonhye blinked for a while and smiled seeing the lovely couple in front of her. She knows that they love each other very much, same with her parents. Even if they're old and doing lovey things makes Moonhye cringe... She likes seeing couples who are completely in love with each other. Envy takes over her when she sees them. Her head slowly turned towards Kai and her face suddenly heated up. She shook the thought off her head and started to bake,

When Mrs. Kim got back to the kitchen he found Moonhye already whisking her way off with the egg. She looked very proffesional and how she wanted a daughter right at that moment. She tried to dress Kai up when he was a baby once since she always wanted a daughter but Kai always retorted and so she didn't have that girl bonding time in a really long time.

Kai was stunned seeing how Moonhye skillfully cracked the egg and skillfully whisked it. He was stunned at how fast she was working. He saw Moonhye cook before but this is the first time he was captivated by it. Now that he knows that he likes her, his eyes were fixed on Moonhye and only on Moonhye. The clattering of the utensils together didn't throw Moonhye off his mind; even the sound of his own mother's voice didn't replace it. Moonhye was all Kai could hear, see and think. He stood there the whole time admiring at her and when he did go back to reality he was put to his own world again seeing the smiling Moonhye who turned around, clapping her hands together at the effort she made.

Mr. Kim sons went into the kitchen after dressing to his home clothes again and found his son just stood there looking at Moonhye while his wife was cleaning dishes with her. Mr. Kim smiled and went towards his son, putting his arms around his shoulder. Kai flinched and looked at his dad confused.

Mr. Kim smiled looking at his wife. "You got to love a woman who can cook."

Kai looked at Moonhye and a gave a small nod followed by a smile.

"Do you see you're mother? She's perfect." Mr. Kim pointed towards his wife, smiling.

Kai fixed his eyes on Moonhye. Yup. She's perfect.

"She is the absolute perfect woman." Mr. Kim continued to compliment his wife, oblivious that Kai was only looking a Moonhye.

"You have to get this kind of woman to spend you're whole life with to be happy."

Kai smiled and blushed slightly as he saw the smiling Moonhye. God now he loves her smile. It could brighten up his day everyday whenever he sees her smile. He has got to have her.


*Not edited


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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!