So unexpected

No way, Right?

Just as Ms BoA has said, Moonhye toured Kris around the school and catching up on old memories. Kai suspected that guy, he just paid attention to Moonhye and Moonhye only. Even when Hoyeon and Yuri gave him a wave and a friendly smile, he'll just ignore it and kept his focus on Moonhye. Something tells Kai that Kris actually like her. It was plainly obvious; with Kris smiling, holding her hand, teasing her, laughing together with her and to make it worse, Moonhye is actually enjoying herself.

The day went by sooooo slow. For Kai anyway, Moonhye seemed like it was only for an hour, of course she wouldn't know since Kris had kept her company the whole day.

Kris escorted Moonhye to her locker before planning to say goodbye.

"You want me to walk you home?" Kris asked.

"No, it's fine, I have dance club after this." She said as she took her dance clothes out of her locker.

"You. You're also part of the dance club?" Kris widened his eyes.

"Yeah. Why?" She turned to him.

"I'm also part of it."

"What?! When?! How?!" Moonhye's eyes were big as an owl.

Kris played with Moonhye's hair. "Just come and you'll find out."

Raising Kris an eyebrow, Moonhye made her way to the dance studio with Kris.

Kris smirked the whole way walking to the dance studio. Kris, he knew Yunho;  way, way back and as soon as he entered he recognise Yunho from far away. When finding out Yunho was part of the dance club Kris immediately wanted to join, Yunho didn't need second chances, he knew Kris was a good dancer, and he knew he would get along well with the team especially with the ladies so without giving a second thought, Yunho happily accepted Kris to the dance club. And that was why he couldn't wait to show Moonhye.


"5-6-7-8! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8! And Stop!" Yunho and the rest were breathing hard as they just finished a tough dance routine.

He took his water bottle and the door caught his eyes. There he found Kris and Moonhye. He smiled and welcomed them in.

"Kris!" He grabbed Kris's hand and they pushed their chest together. "What's up?"

"Just trying to see how the dance club looks like." He smirked thinking how Moonhye would react.

"Pretty much normal. You're starting tomorrow right?"

Moonhye's eyes widened and turned her head up towards Kris, mouth open.

Kai saw them two came in, he saw that stupid smirk that new guy, Kris gave and Moonhye making the biggest eyes he has ever seen. He found it cute but disgusting, he didn't know why but his heart raced, if it was either happiness, nervousness, because he was angry.... He didn't know, he only knew how his heart was racing so much. He shoots what feeling he had and replaced it with tiredness instead. Why should he be happy, nervous, angry even? Of course it wasn't a feeling, it was merely due to tiredness. Right?

He then saw his Yunho hyung wave him and he went back practicing with the others. His eyes were still on them two..

Kris turned around to Moonhye like nothing ever happened but inside he was laughing like a crazy idiot, just thinking of Moonhye's face was speechless. "I should probably get going." He swing his bag over his shoulder and walked away from the door.

Moonhye followed him and grabbed his arms, turning him around, "Ya! Wu Yi Fan! How could you just play me by a fool like that?!" She hit his arms playfully.

Kris busted out of laughter, "Hahha, you should have seen your face..... Hahaha! Your owl face came back again!" He held his stomach and leaned against the wall to keep himself from falling unto the ground.

Moonhye pouted and once again, she playfully punched his arms, harder this time.

"Ahaha okay, okay," Kris finally took a hold of himself from laughing, "Sorry, I just loved playing with you." He messed with Moonhye's hair.

She narrowed his eyes on him then smiled along, "Kris, you never change."

"I did...."

"Oh really?"

"I became hotter didn't I?" He smirked.

"Hotter my ." Moonhye laughed, "Kris, you should lose some of your ego."

"No way. My ego is what makes me cool." There was silence for a couple of seconds and bursts out laughing. "Well.... I have to go now. I will see you tomorrow."


And with that Kris hugged her goodbye and Moonhye went back to the studio. 

She started heading towards the girls' changing rooms but was held back by Kai.

"Anything wrong?"

"Talk with me for a sec." Kai led her to the corner of the studio and they sat opposite each other.

"What's up?"

"Who was that guy?" He asked.

"Kris, he's a friend from my old school." Moonhye explained.

"Just a friend?" Kai raised an eyebrow.

"Well.... Yeah, I guess, it's kind if complicated." Moonhye scratched her head in confusion.

"What's so complicated?"

"Kris.... He's my ex-boyfriend."

Okay so I took a look at the poll and it seemed like most people wanted the female lead to be 'Moonhye' so I changed every chapter from '_____' to 'Moonhye'

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!