
No way, Right?


He was starving and their house was food-less. So after grabbing money, Kai started heading to the nearest convenience store.
On his way out he found two mover trucks parked in front of his house. Well, technically at his neighbour's house, opposite his house but it was still in front of his house. Taking a quick glance, he started moving again. 
Finally reaching the convenience store, he took a glance around to see snacks he could buy. Crisp? Nah. Ramen? But he has to cook it, so no. Let's see~. He walked over to the refrigerated food, ice cream! Perfect, it was hot anyways so might as well eat something that can cool him down. He looked through all the flavours they have, carefully examining it.
"Lets see.... Chocolate, vanilla, mint, strawberry..... Chocolate chip!" 
After buying the chocolate chip flavoured ice cream, Kai placed his earphones in both of his ear and started his ice cream while clicking to the beat of the music. Oh! He got a text. He checked his phone wondering who could it be. His parents. 
"Kai, we'll be inviting guest in our house this evening for dinner so clean the house while me and your dad are still at work. Thanks~" 
Guests? One of his mum's bosses again?. As he was looking down at his phone still walking, still got the almost melted ice cream in his hand, still listening to music,  he tried to text his mother back with his one thumb that free which was hard. Still looking down he finally completed the text and was about to press send when a ball landed at his feet. What?
All of a sudden he was pushed down on the ground. He felt something cold on his stomach. ! His ice cream! He still hasn't finished it and now it's all over his new bugs bunny t-shirt. He looked to see who the criminal was and it was no other than-.... A girl who he hadn't met before (a pretty one as well)... The hell?! 
"Hey! Get off me would you!" He demanded.
Moonhye looked up to see who was shouting at her ever quite so rudely. It was a guy, who she has never met before. Well duh, she's kinda new in the area. But to treat a new person like that, was just rude, and not to mention it's a guy. Don't guys have to be gentle to girls?!
She got up and found something cold, wet and sticky on her chest. Ice cream. Great, her day gets better and better. She quickly found the ball and bowed in apology after leaving.
"That's it?!" He held her back.
"After not looking at where your going, you made me ruin my ice cream and my new top." Kai complained
"Your blaming it on me?!" Moonhye fought back.
"Well if you couldn't dodge me then you didn't look where your going as well right?" Kai kept silent, yeah he didn't look where he went but at least she didn't ruin anything, maybe except that old top she's wearing. "So, really it's both of our faults. Look at me! Jeez, you got ice cream all over my new top."
"And your still not going to say sorry?"
"I did. Not again though... to a guy like you." She glared at him, "Jerk" 
"Why you little-" Kai was about to say something rude when his phone rang. It was his mom. He sighed. "Your lucky. ." He glared at her and walked away not forgetting to kick the ball so it came rolling down the street again. He smirked.
"Bastard." Moonhye tried to give her most devil glare at him. She sighed. At least she never have to meet him again.
Moonhye returned with the ball in her right arm, ice cream on her chest and one damn angry face. She was pissed alright but has no plan on showing that to her parents. She sneaked in inside her orange and yellow coloured bedroom and changed into a new top right away.
She jumped on her new bed which is rather softer and more comfy than the other one but she still likes that one much more. She started texting her old friends right away wondering what they're doing. She wants to keep in contact as much as possible of course since they don't know where she is. She hasn't told them where she was moving to but she wasn't told either. She only knew the moment she woke up from the long car trip. Seoul. 
She was busy texting one friend to another completely forgetting about the time...
"Moonhye!" Mrs Lee called.
Crap. It's already dark and she completely forgot about the time. She was suppose to be having dinner at someone's house tonight. A friend of her parents, they lived around the neighbourhood somewhere and they want to catch up with their friendship. She has no time to change, oh well. It's a friend's house right? Plus its not like a formal party with dresses and everything so she'll just go in her skinny jeans showing off her slender legs and a yellow tank top.
"Coming!" She responded and hurried downstairs towards the door where her parents waiting for her outside.
"Dear, you could at least wear that pink, flower dress I bought you." She said looking disappointed at her fashion.
"Mum, you know I don't wear those stuff, all girly and everything. That's your style, not mine." Moonhye replied.
Mrs Lee sighed. "Come on then."
She practically walked ten steps forward from their house when her mum said they're here.
"Their house is right in front of us?!" Moonhye widened her eyes in surprise and disbelief.
"Yeah. It's great isn't it?!" Mrs Lee stepped another five steps and rang the doorbell.
After about three seconds they were greeted by a lively woman around her forties and a sophisticated man also around his forties.
"Hyeonseuk! Jihoon! You're here!" The woman kissed one side of Mrs Lee's face and hugged Mr Lee. "And you must be Moonhye right?" She smiled at Moonhye.
"Uh. Yeah." Moonhye bowed.
"My, you've grown quite fast." She smiled at Moonhye once again and showed them inside.
She entered the living room quietly sitting down on the sofa while looking at picture frames. There showed a little boy around ten along with the woman and the man before. She looked around more and realised that they own very expensive and antique stuff. They must be rich she thought.
"So where's your son?" Mrs Lee asked after exploring the downstairs area.
"He's still upstairs... Honey can you call him?" She turned to the man.
"Of course" The man turned and went upstairs. After a few seconds there were footsteps coming down the stairs. Moonhye heard her phone vibrate, she panicked and quickly started turning it off.
"Omo! He's so handsome!" Mrs Lee jumped.
"Jongin, say hello to our guest." The woman said.
Moonhye turned to look and caught his eyes.
"Ball girl!" "Ice cream boy!" They both shouted pointing at each other in shock and horror.
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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!