Hot Chocolate

No way, Right?

"Let's dance." Kai smiled.

Moonhye sat there frozen, mesmerise by one thing. Kai's smile. She never noticed but his smile makes him more cute. Usually Kai doesn't smile but smirk. Completely different, Moonhye was captivated, Kai may have smiled to her before but she didn't know why she likes his smile even more now that she looks at Kai. One thing she does know is him smiling is way better than him smirking.

"Well?" Kai's voice snapped Moonhye back to reality.

"What?" Moonhye blinked her eyes.

"Do you want to dance or are you just going to sit there and stare, once again, at my beauty." Kai smirked. His charming, angelic smile was replaced by the usual, evil smirk.

Moonhye sighed, "Okay." She stood up exhausted but wanting to give the dance all her best.

Kai stood there waiting for Moonhye to come and when she did, they were no where near close. Kai sighed, right now, Kai didn't think about anything but dance. If he wants to do well then there is no other choice than touch her. 

Kai grabbed Moonhye's waist and pulled her towards him. Close. Moonhye gasped at the sudden force and almost tripped over but when she saw Kai's lips, she immediately halted. This is way too close! She looked up at Kai who was already staring at her.

"Kai.... Isn't this a bit too close?" She avoided Kai's gaze feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Kai held the bottom of Moonhye's chin with his free hand and made her face him. "Do you want to do well?" Kai stared at her hazel eyes.

Moonhye was too speechless and just nodded. 

"Then for an hour....." Kai leaned closer to Moonhye's ear. "Let's seduce each other."

Kai chucked his jacket somewhere in the room and went over to the CD player, turning it on to the correct song.

Moonhye was taken back, Kai was there walking with only his black vest covering his upper body. She had to admit, he was muscular, she could see his biceps forming a line on his vest. Moonhye gulped. Should she? Should she not? She wants to do well in the competition, everyone wants them to win. They're crap right now and that's not going to get them anywhere. If she want to win.... She has to be as y as she could.

The intro of the song started and the once awkward coupe has turned into beast getting ready to hunt their prey. Moonhye loosened her tie and ed three buttons from her school shirt, a tiny bit of her chest line showing. Both of them seemed so lost in the music that they have no idea what state they were in. If someone was about to come in now, they'll think they are getting ready to do 'it'. 

They started walking in front of each other, both their eyes fixed in each others not wanting to turn away nor ever blink. The first beat started and they came into their position which was Kai's lips almost touching Moonhye's bare neck and Moonhye's hands dug into Kai's soft, messy, brown hair. 

Soon they were moving with the beat and Moonhye was flicking her hip rather ily wanting to completely seduce Kai. She wrapped her legs around Kai while Kai pulled her in close, their lips literally an inch apart. Kai spun her around with one arm before Moonhye slipped under Kai's legs and started doing her solo, not in front of the invisible audience but facing Kai. 

When she had finished, it was Kai's turn to start seducing. He ran towards her and picked her up then slowly releasing her into the ground in which his eyes were glued unto her eyes rather seductively, not wanting to break away. When Moonhye's legs kicked up in the air, he held the bottom of her thigh and the corner of his lips ily.

They didn't know why they were acting like this, in fact their minds are somewhere far beyond them and their own bodies were moving on its own accord to the music. That is how much they enjoy dancing and would not stop until the music itself stopped. The song was about to end and they both rushed into each other's arms with Moonhye's arms wrapped around Kai's and Kai's arms wrapped around Moonhye's waist with their lips only a few centimetre apart. 

When the last beat of the song ended they both snapped back to their right minds when they heard clapping. They both turned around and found the devious Yunho clapping and nodding, thinking to himself how brilliant his idea was for him to keep them both locked up. He clapped at the used to be awkward dance done by the two awkward couple turned into a wild, y tango done by y beasts.

"Looks like you had fun." Yunho smirked.

Moonhye and Kai both snapped their eyes at each other realising their position and the state of their clothes. Moonhye immediately pulled away and rapidly buttoning her buttons again before pulling her tie way up her neck. Kai rushed to his jacket which was scattered at the corner of the studio and quickly put it on.

"You're free to go now by the way." Yunho left feeling satisfied with himself.

Kai and Moonhye both awkwardly glanced at each other, not flushed red after they realised what the heck they just did. Almost in front of each other, they were not in their right minds. Their will power to dance well in the competition has taken over them and did what they did to seduce the other while dancing. 

Kai made the first move to grab his bag and walk to the door stopping once his foot stepped the outside of the dance studio. He turned around finding Moonhye once again staring at him with her bright red face.

"You coming or, again, you're going to keep staring at my beauty?" Kai smirked.

"I'm not staring!" Moonhye rushed to her bag and joined Kai. Felt like De Ja Vu then. 

They walked through the cold evening of Seoul passing many shops and restaurants. A cafe (not like before but a real café serving coffees, hot chocolate and real cafe cakes) caught Kai's attention. 

"Want to go in?" Kai asked.

"Huh?" Moonhye turned around finding that Kai had stopped in front of an actual cafe. "Sure" she smiled.

They entered the very warm cafe soothing their numb hands and face; winter is coming after all. They found an empty table at the corner of the shop and decided to sit there with Kai leading the way. Kai sat but Moonhye stood only putting her school bag on her seat.

"What do you want Kai?" She asked, taking out her wallet.

"Americano." Kai answered.

"Okay." Moonhye left and ordered something at the counter.

"Can I have a hot chocolate please" She smiled and placed the correct amount if money at the counter.

Within a minute her hot chocolate was served and she thanked the person with a smile.

Kai turned off his phone, turned his attention to his wanted Americano but there wasn't any.

"Hey, where's my Americano?!" Kai shouted, not loud enough that everyone heard him.

"Buy it yourself." Moonhye blew into her hot chocolate.

"I thought you were going to treat me." Kai was baffled, he really did think she was going to treat him since she asked what he wanted. Sadly, it wasn't the case.

"I was, but I didn't have enough money. Like I said, just buy one yourself." Moonhye continued blowing softly into her hot chocolate before taking a sip.

"I don't have money." Kai slouched down his chair.

Moonhye raised an eyebrow. Then why did you suggest going here? Idiot. She smiled to herself. Well.... I do owe him one. Moonhye slid her hot chocolate towards Kai who raised his right eyebrow. 

"Drink it." Moonhye ordered.

"What did you do to it?" Kai narrowed his eyes at Moonhye.

"See this Kai?" Moonhye pointed at herself. "This is me being not a ." She slid the hot chocolate further towards Kai. "Now drink it." 

Kai hesitantly took the cup and blew unto it before taking a sip of the warm hot chocolate. 

"See... You're alive." Moonhye crossed her arms. "I can't believe you would think I would actually poison someone." 

"Sorry, you looked like someone who would." Kai snickered.

Moonhye opened and placed her hand over it looking shock. "I would not." She smiled and silently laughed.

Kai smiled at her. He likes it when a girl can actually not take an insult seriously. Every time he would jokingly insult one of his sundaes in the dance club they would just slap him in the arm.

Moonhye wrapped her hands around the warm cup smiling to herself. She stared at the cup for a while and found Kai's lip mark on the cup, she then looked for hers but didn't find any lip mark, or even a mark of some sort. All she found were Kai's.

Wait. It couldn't be..... She looked at Kai's lips then back to the lip mark on the cup then back at Kai's lips again. She flushed bright red. 

Indirect kiss.



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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!