
No way, Right?

"What?!" Kai shouted, shocked about what he just heard.

He didnt know why it was that surprising since they were both very clingy to each other and obviously enjoyed their presence but he felt shocked. Just utter shock. 

"Why does it seem like you're finding this hard to believe?" Moonhye said eyeing him with suspicion, "Could it be you think that I'm not good enough for him?"

Actually, no. Kai was thinking the opposite of that. He didnt know why the heck he was acting like that, that Kris guy never did anything bad to him, except take her awa- no, he never did anything bad, so why does it seem like he hate the life out of that guy. He didnt do anything wrong, in fact, to Kai, he did a good thing for him, take Moonhye away from him is exactly what he wanted. With her annoying ness and her y attitude, Kris helped him a lot, right?

Moonhye, didn't participate much in dance club due to her ankle so she just carefully picked out tips and tricks from people. She was really amazed. All the dancers, and she meant all the dancers in the dance club has full on dancing skills. She wondered how she even managed to enter, sure her dancing was great but to her the others were even more amazing. Yunho kept on waving his body, Taemin was popping, Eunhyuk was doing flips..... She was in awe.

She turned to look at Kai who was busy on his phone, he was either texting or downloading yet another song in which he would choose over instead of Moonhye. I wonder how Kai dances. She knew he must be an amazing dancer since he actually made it in this dance club and she heard Mrs Kim said about him loving dance, winning competitions and everything. 


The next morning Kai was there at his usual spot waiting for Moonhye, leaning against the lamp post, eyes closed, listening to his music while nodding his head with the beat. Moonhye was still limping but it wasn't like last time; Kai didn't help her. Moonhye waited for him to make a move but he crearly wasn't going to, so she headed out first, sighing.

Kai followed behind, although it seemed like he didnt care, he wanted to carry Moonhye again because he's still worrying about her injured ankle but because of his stupid ego, he just chose to ignore it.

Moonhye arrived at the gates and found Kris leaning against the wall waiting for someone, she took it he was waiting for her since he did a small salute when he saw her. She giggled and saluted back and limped her way to Kris.

"You're still limping?" Kris asked, concerned.

"No. Time is changing too quickly and I'm becoming an old lady." Moonhye joked.

Kris chuckled at this, "Well come on then grandma, don't want to be late for class now do we?"

He bent down in front of her so his back was facing Moonhye, "Get on."

Moonhye blushed, this was one of the reasons why she loved Kris, always so demanding but caring. "Kris... Umm.. I'm wearing a skirt, but it's fine, I can manage." Moonhye gave him a thumbs up.

Kris shook his head and swiftly grabbed under Moonhye's knees and and lifted her back, carrying her bridal style.

"Yah! Kris!" She punched his chest softly, "Put me down!"

"Sure. When he get to your seat." And with that Kris made his way to their classroom carrying Moonhye.

Kai saw the whole thing, everyone did, really. Who couldn't have seen it? From the start the girls were staring at Kris and the boys were staring at Moonhye, she more than average looking after all, well.... More than above-average looking. Kai felt regretful of not helping her since the star, if he did, he could've been in Kris' position. Not that he was jealous, he just felt like something has been stolen off of him. Again.

At the classroom, Kai again found them two sitting with each other, laughing, giggling, it just made him angry. To make it worse, his seat was right at the side of theirs meaning he can hear every word their saying.

"Remember when we got chased by that ahjussi down the street?!" Moonhye bursted out laughing.

"It was your fault, you basically smacked him in the head with the ball." Kris joined.

"Hey, it was your ball, plus I didn't know it would hit his head instead of yours." She wiped tears off her eyes.

"Oh... So you were going to hit my head?" Kris eyed her.

"No." Moonhye answered too quickly.

There was a few seconds if silence before they again bursts out laughing. Kai couldn't help but bug his head into his arms and pretended to sleep not wanting to listen to anymore of their conversation. It was a long, long class, for Kai. Thank the heavens he didn't have my more classes with either of them, and sooner then he knew it, it was lunch. He entered the lunch hall with Sehun and Luhan and made their way to Kyungsoo and Suho.

"How was class?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Boring." Kai and Sehun said in unison then followed by a sigh.

"It wasn't that bad...." Luhan then thought again, "Yeah, it was boring."

Xiumin walked over and sat back on his chair, "I hate P.E!"

"What's wrong with you?" Suho asked while taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I just had basketball and I got pounded so many times."

"It's because you're midget." Luhan remarked and everyone laughed.

"Hey, I'm cute. But it would've been worse if Kris didn't help me out." He said then snatched a piece of crisp off of Sehun.

Kai flinched, "Kris?"

"Yeah, he's proper nice, he helped me, and he's really good in basketball aswell." Xiumin explained while nibbling on food.

"He helped you as well?" Kyungsoo asked. "Kris helped me in science too. We sit by each other and he was really nice."

Kai grew angrier by the second. First Moonhye and now my friends. Gosh, this Kris guy is annoying. 

Kris was walking with Chanyeol and Tao, the few friends he made. They were laughing at something Chanyeol said wand Kai sure didn't miss it. Kris sat by Chanyeol at Kai's table and Kai tried not to pay as much as attention to him as possible. It was sort of impossible since everyone else were like "Hey Kris!" "What's up Kris". Kai just became smaller and smaller.

"Oh! This is Kai by the way." Kyungsoo introduced.

Kai forced a smie. "Hey."

"Hi. Kris. I think I'm in the same class as you. With Moonhye right?"


"Sorry, Kai is shy around new poeple" Suho apologized while Kai scoffed.

Moonhye happened to pass the table along with Sulli and Amber.

"Moonhye!" Kyungsoo called out.

She turned around finding Kyungsoo waving at her. She waved Sulli and Amber off and went to sit opposite Kai.

"Hey!" She smiled.

"Moonhye! I heard you join dance club!" Baekhyun beamed.

"Yeah... I did... Wow, word goes around fast."

"You must be really good then." Chen complimented.

"Nah~" She flipped her hair jokingly.

Everyone started eating and listened to each other's stories or joke. In the midst of the chaos, Kai looked up at Moonhye.

"How's your ankle?"

Moonhye shook her foot, "It's a bit better I guess, thanks again for helping me." She smiled.

"Told you I could be nice." Kai smirked.

"Whatever." Moonhye rolled her eyes then half smiled, half smirked.

"I still can't believe it took you ages to figure it was just bleeding." Kai chuckled.

"Hey, blame my body not me." Moonhye said as she sipped her orange juice.

"Your body is you, idiot." Kai rolled his eyes.

"Since when did you become all siencey?"

"I've always had this talent." Kai pointed his nose up.

Sehun joined in the conversation without knowing anything, "What? Being bossy?"

Moonhye laughed, "Yup! That's what Kai is!" 

Kai smacked the back of Sehun's head. "No you idiot!"

"Farting?" Sehun blinked.

Moonhye laughed even more and Kai too, couldn't help but laugh. They were laughing so hard that it reached the end of the table and everyone turned to look only to find Kai and Moonhye wetting themselves.

Kris raised an eyebrow. They're close?





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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!