Totally Unexpected

No way, Right?

"Today is the day!" Yunho sounded as if he was about to give a speech but the club cuted him off not wanting to have yet another long 'pep talk'. 

He was right though, it was the day. The day of the competition came heated the club up. Some were shouting and was fully confident tht they were going to win but some were nervous since it was their first time going to the most biggest competition in the whole of South Korea after all so now could they not be nervous? Some were just too over confident, Eunhyuk. He was jumping around the studio like a monkey obviously super excited about the whole thing.

Everyone knew what they were doing and everyone thought their dances were amazing. They all got to watch other people's performance to see if it needs improvements or what. Everyone seemed pleased with everyone's performance, except the suppose to be 'y couple'. Once again, they were awkward. Moonhye and Kai figured it was because people are wwatching them maki them feel embarrassed but they're going to have to face that fear sooner or later since they will be dancing infront of thousands of people.


It was nerve wrecking. Super nerve wrecking. It was that nerve wrecking that the excited Eunhyuk became quiet as a ghost. The club had arrived at the actual arena where Seoul 2013 was held and seats were already being filled every second even though the competition doesn't start in another thirty minutes. Everyone in the dance club were way too nervous to even do anything. Other dance groups around them who had already been in the competition before were relaxed and carefree showing off to newbies completely full of themselves.

"Moonhye." Moonhye turned around finding Kai intensely staring at her.

"I know." Moonhye nodded, she already knew what Kai was going to say. 


"Moonhye! Seriously! Lift your leg up more!" Kai shouted running his hands through his hair.

"What?! You're the one who won't pull me closer and you try feeling someone touch your thigh." Moonhye pouted and a crossed her arms.

"Why the heck are we still awkward?" Kai grunted as he went over to his water bottle before drinking it.

"Kai.... No matter how disgusting it is..." Moonhye cringed. "We need to do what we did last time."

Kai gulped, "Seduce?" 

Moonhye coughed, "A better way of putting it is, getting lost in the music."

"Right." Kai looked away trying not to sound awkward.

"There's no way we're going to do that though. Not at this state at least." Moonhye sighed, "Should we just.... You know.... Give up?"

"Yah! Lee Moonhye!" Kai shouted across the room.

"We obviously can't do it. We should just give it to someo-" Kai cupped her cheeks before she could continue.

"There is no way we're giving up on this." Kai stared deeply into Moonhye's eyes. Moonhye was too way red seeing Kai way up close,

"Th-then what are we going to do?" Moonhye manage to stutter.

Kai looked around the room, he didn't know either. He hate to admit but he they were crap as hell. Kai knew they did way better when they tried seducing each other but can't since they're too shy. Then that's when it hit him.

"Moonhye!" Kai cupped Moonhye's cheeks again which made her flinch, "Promise me something!"

"What?" Moonhye said uneasily.

Kai stared right into her eyes, "It's the only way we can succeed Moonhye. And I know you want to win this as much as I want to."

Moonhye only nodded.

"Let's deduce each other on the real thing and k ly en that we can do it for real. Okay?" 

Moonhye once again only nodded but with some fighting sprit in her eyes.


It was the girl's street category first and the guys high fived them wishing them good luck. The dance was full of sass and it worked amazingly well with Yuri and Hyeoyeon in front. They were fully so sass and attitude once the music starts and they were flicking their hair and hips with the beat. It finished with Moonhye doing a split and everyone gathered around her doing their own different pose.

After came the guys' street then the mixed then Eunhyuk's solo. Everyone did extremely well and they were fully satisfied with their performances. Eunhyuk did extremely well even if it was just free style, he was given a random dance to dance to and it seemed like he cheoreographed it. He was bragging about it as soon as it ended.

After the long list of categories it was finally the tango duet category. There were many participants already performed and it was war out there. Everyone deserved to be at the competition since they were all such good dancers but Yunho knew that they would win as long as Kai and Moonhye did their job. He's seen them and they will win with that kind of iness. They will win but Yunho couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Next up, we have Kai and Moonhye from SM's High Dance Club!" The MC announced.

"Ready?" Kai let his hand out.

"Let's do it" Moonhye made a fighting face and grabbed Kai's hand and he led them two at the stage.

They were super nervous, they didn't have their seniors guiding them the right moves and there were thousands of eyes checking their every move. Kai was in his black vest with black trackies while Moonhye was also in a vest but a white one and in a short flows back skirt. Both of them looked really y. Girls from the cloud were drooling at Kai and the guys were their tounges hungrily at Moonhye. 

The first beat had started and both their surroundings completely faded and all they were focused on were each other. They snapped into their first pose and swiftly started their first move not wanting to remove their eyes off of each other.

Like the time they were in the studio, they were bot i the right minds. Their will power to do well in the competition took over them and they did their very best. Kai wasn't shy anymore and was not afraid to touch Moonhye's thigh, neck and arms. He wasnt also afraid to be as much forceful as he can with her. He didnt hold back one bit. Nor did Moonhye.

Moonhye wasn't afraid to move her face closer to Kai. She wasnt afraid how much she was looked like. rig now. S ewasnt afraid to seduce Kai as much as she can. Music has taken over her mind and she gladly dance along with it, flicking her hip and kicking her legs with her toes pointed as high as she can.

"Wow, they're amazing." Eunhyuk awed.

"Told you so." Yunho smirked.

"Hyung you were completely right. Them two were perfect for the job." Taemin joined in and awed at Moonhye and Kai.

"Of course I'm right, I'm always right." Yunho pointed his nose up in the air.

The song was about to end and they both started spinning around to each other. Kai pulled Moonhye by the waist and pulled her real close, maybe too close, no way very, very close.

The crowd gasped and so did the dance club. Everyone did really.

"Ohmygawd." Eunhyuk covered Taemin's eyes as he stared at the scene in front of him. "That was totally unexpected but expected at the same time."

Yunho's jaw was hanging down and Kris clenched his fist. Damn he was angry.

Kai pulled Moonhye with more force than expected and he didn't know it until the crowd began to shout and whistle that his lips were actually with Moonhye's lips. They were kissing.



Hey guys! Crap right? Lol just got a review back and I got 41 I think. Need to keep my writing skills up! Fighting! Need to make my readers enjoy this!

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!