Falling Apart

No way, Right?

Moonhye stared at Kai with eyes that holds many different emotions and feelings. Tears started forming in her eyes once again, only this time, she doesn't think she could hold it in.

"Answer me Moonhye." Kai said sternly, "Why didn't you tell me you had asthma?"

"Kai... I-I'm sorry I just thought-" Moonhye stuttered.

"Don't give me that bull Moonhye." Kai said with anger and distrust in his eyes, shocking Moonhye.

"Kai I-"

"I?!" Kai shouted, "Moonhye aren't we a couple now? Shouldn't it be 'we'?" Kai's eyes also started to tear up, he couldn't believe it. He just couldn't. The fact that Moonhye had been hiding this 'thing' from him... He thought he knew her. He thought he was the one that knows her the best because every time she does something, it will always be familiar to him. Obviously he thought wrong.

"Kai let me explai-" 

"Does Kris know?" Kai suddenly asked.

"What?" Moonhye asked, baffled.

"You heard me."

Moonhye grew irritated. Her tears of shock were slowly forming into tears of anger. "Kai, Kris has nothing to do with this."

"It does Moonhye. You know it does, because I bet Kris, your EX-boyfriend knows all about your asthma while your current boyfriend is thinking that everything is fine!" Kai balled his hand into a fist, clearly showing his anger.

Moonhye stood there, shocked. She would have never imagined Kai being like this. She knows the Kai who's understanding and considerate of other people but this Kai... This is the first she's seeing this Kai, and she doesn't like it one bit.

"Nothing to say?" Kai smirked. "I guess he does know doesn't he?"

Kai waited for an answer off of Moonhye and he received nothing but Moonhye's wide and teary eyes. He scoffed and dropped Moonhye's bag down unto the ground. He turned to leave but turned back to look at Moonhye one more time, who's head was looking towards the ground. I guess you don't trust me Moonhye.


The next morning, Moonhye woke up with heavy bags under her eyes and dark circles around her puffy, red eyes as well. She hardly slept last night, she cried and cried but made sure that her parents didn't hear a single whimper. When she did sleep, she slept while crying. That made her feel even worse. Crying yourself to sleep is the worst feeling ever.

She lazily sat up and switched her phone on to look at the time. She groaned seeing that she's going to be late. Moonhye dragged herself to the bathroom and started brushing her teeth and washed her face. She looked at the mirror and found her face a mess. She pitied her self for crying over a guy. She would never think she would do that but she guessed that Kai had that affect on her already.

Once she washed up, she lazily put on her uniform. She looked at herself in the mirror once again and pitied the girl with the sad looking eyes that stood before her. She sighed, letting out some stress. Moonhye walked over to her dresser, where she grabbed hold of her BB cream. She needed a lot of this and eyeliner and mascara as well so it can hide her eye bags completely. There was absolutely no way that people are going to go around asking if she's okay because she's going to have to force out that fake smile she never wants to wear.

Moonhye patted her cheeks and forced out that fake smile of hers, ready to face her parents. She straightened up her back, trying to be as cheerful as possible and she skipped down the stairs. She called out 'umma' but she received no response. She checked outside the window and found that their car wasn't parked. Moonhye sighed in relief for the first time knowing that her parents wasn't in the house.

Moonhye can talk these things to her mother but she rather not. Her mother already has many things that has been stressing her and she doesn't want to add to that stress since Moonhye does love her mother very much. She knew her parents would somehow comfort her but she doesn't want to be in her parent's busy minds. They already have work to worry about, they couldn't afford to waste their time on something so stupid. Even if Moonhye thinks that, she can't help but want to cry in her parent's arms. She would cry and cry until she falls asleep at the comfort of her mother's warm and loving arms.


Moonhye stepped out her doorstep after eating an apple and drinking her orange juice. She found no one. Her heart stung in disapointment, what should she expect? She had been hiding something so huge to her boyfriend, of course she would deserve this. Kai's tall figure, leaning against the lamppost, with his head nodding towards the beat of the music... She misses it. She misses Kai's presence. Already.


Moonhye was welcomed by a bouncing Taemin at the school gates.

"Moonhye-ah! Guess what?!" Taemin beamed as he grabbed hold of Moonhye's hand and swung them with his.

"What is it Taemin?" Moonhye asked, forcing out a smile.

"I got an A at my math test! An A I tell you!" Taemin took a piece of paper out of his bag and shoved it in front of Moonhye's face.

Moonhye's eyes blinked and grabbed hold of the paper. "93 out of 100." Moonhye eyes widened, "Wah! You got higher than me!"

Taemin pointed his nose up high, "I know. I'm more smarterer than the smart Moonhye!"

Moonhye giggled, "It's 'smarter' Taemin. Oh! And by the way... I got 98 on that test." She patted the dumbfounded boy's head, "It would take you a million years to be as smart as me." Moonhye laughed then started to make her way to the classroom when she heard the bell rang.

Moonhye gulped. She was just a door apart from Kai. Once she goes through that door, she will find Kai and she doesn't think she has the heart to face him yet. One, because she was upset, two she was shocked at how Kai behaved and three, she was angry because Kai had to bring in Kris to their argument. She knows Kris had nothing to do with it since Kris also doesn't know she has asthma.

Moonhye bowed slightly when she saw Ms. BoA.

"You going in Moonhye?" She asked.

"Ah! Ye-yeah..." Moonhye stuttered and went inside with her head hung low.

"Moonhye!" Sehun shouted and waved his arms frantically at Moonhye.

Moonhye waved back half heartedly and made her way to her seat, not forgetting to give a small glance to Kai who's head was facing the window. Her heart fell when she thought that Kai won't even pay attention to her anymore.


All day, Moonhye was ignored and by the time it was lunch, she kept Taemin company while watching Kai at a far distance. She slowly ate her salad, not paying attention to what Taemin was talking about. All her focus was on Kai and Kai only.

Should she have told him sooner? But if she did that then 'that' would definitely happened... Moonhye's eyes widened when Yoona clung unto Kai's arms and Kai happily let her cling unto him. Moonhye's mouth went agape when she saw Kai rub the side of Yoona's arm. Then her heart sank. She saw Kai smiling and laughing just in front of Yoona. She saw that smile that captured her heart and that smile wasn't for her... this time.

"Yah!" Taemin clapped his hands right in front of Moonhye's face which made Moonhye return back to her senses.

Moonhye shook her head, "What?"

"Were you even listening to what I was saying?!" Taemin scrunched his eyes rows, making the innocent looking boy look almost terrifying.

"Sorry..." Moonhye mumbled while she bit her lip.

"Look. I got you and Kai together because you both don't have the courage to confess. Now that you are together, pay attention to me as well!" Taemin flicked Moonhye's forehead as punishment, "Be lucky I'm not Onew hyung."

Moonhye rubbed her forehead making the red mark grow even redder. "Oww~" she whined, "I'm sorry Taemin... I'm just really out of it today."

"I know you are." Taemin leaned back on the chair, crossing his arms.

"I think I just messed up on something." Moonhye played with the lettuce with her fork.

"And what was that?" Taemin leaned in, curious.

"Well... If you absolutely can't tell something! You can't tell at all!" Moonhye made a cross with her arms in the air.

"Why can't I tell?" Taemin asked.

"Because... If you tell... You have to give up something you love doing..." Moonhye scratched the back of her head. "It's hard to explain..."

Taemin didn't reply, signaling for Moonhye to continue.

Moonhye sighed, "You love dancing right?"


"Do you have anyone you love dancing with?"

"Umm... I don't know, I like dancing alone..." Taemin shrugged.

"Well do you have anyone you love doing something with?" Moonhye asked.

"Well... I like eating with Onew hyung..."

Moonhye sighed even louder. "Never mind. You're not helping at all." Moonhye was about to stand up when Taemin started speaking.

"If I do love dancing with someone. What about it?" Taemin asked, looking up at Moonhye.

"If you... broke you leg, the person you love dancing with will tell you to stop right?" Moonhye sat back down and continued the conversation.

"Yeah. Even if it wasn't the one I love dancing with, people would still tell me to stop dancing." Taemin explained and gave a small snort at Moonhye's ridiculous question

"Yeah but... No one knew about your broken leg... Would you still dance?" Moonhye looked up at Taemin slowly.

"Yeah, why not?" Taemin bluntly said while sipping his juice.

"Then what if the person you love dancing with, knows about your broken leg and told you to stop. Would you stop? Even if it can put harm on your broken leg even further?"

"Well why not?" Taemin blinked.

Moonhye raised an eyebrow signaling for Taemin to explain.

"Well..." Taemin sighed, "I love dancing and I love dancing with that person so why won't I dance?" Taemin asked.

"Because the person you love dancing with told you, you can't dance! Plus you have a broken leg?!" Moonhye shouted not loud enough to break the loud noise the cafeteria was making though.

Taemin held both of his hands up in surrender, "What do you want me to say then?"

Moonhye sighed and sank down unto her seat, "I don't know..."

"I'm going to give my opinion anyway." Taemin started, "I'm going to continue to dance because one. I love it. Two. I love dancing together with that person. And three! I'm going to do it because it makes me happy. No matter what anyone else say. I'm going to dance because I love it and it makes me feel incredible." Taemin smiled and gave a thumbs up before he continued to dig into his food.

Moonhye was left speechless after what Taemin had said. But what if the person you love ignores you... What if you both are falling apart... Then what?



Okay... I am thinking of starting to write my second story now. AND I need your help



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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!