
No way, Right?

After all the hard work, after all the sweat, after all the... arguing; SM High has finally opened the gates for the Holloween Fundraiser. 

Mums, dads, children, aunties, uncles, grandparents; have started to enter one by one and were greeted by Moonhye and Sulli. They bowed at each passerby that they think their back could fall off at the next bow. Moonhye spotted an old lady wandering around and seemed lost, she went to her checking if she's alright.

"Exucse me ma'am?" The old lady turned towards her.

"Can I help you?" Moonhye continued.

"You see... My grandson and grand daughter... I can't find them anywhere." The old lady's eyes started becoming watery.

"Don't worry ma'am. I'll help you find them." Moonhye placed her hands with the grandmother's trying to calm her down, "I'm sure they couldn't have gotten far. I'm fast you know, I'll find them in no time!" She showed her fist in the air and the grandmother bowed slightly thanking her.

"They're names are Jongwoo and Minyoung." She handed Moonhye a picture of them. Moonhye nodded and handed her the picture back.

Moonhye smiled then dashed off "Sulli! I'll be gone for a while!" She waved off and Sulli sighed before continuing bowing to the people.


Moonhye thought of the booths kids would want to be at. She searched in the face painting booth, no luck. She searched in catch-the-duck booth, still no luck. She searched the candy booth and yet she still didn't find them. She had no choice but to find help. She thought of Kai at first but he probably won't help so she searched for Kris in their class room which was a cafe.

She entered only to be greeted by Kai in a butler suit. Kai growled at her, threatening her not to laugh or even speak to him. Moonhye blinked a few times the bursted out laughing right in front of his face.

"Oh...my...gosh..." She crouched down onto the ground holding her stomach from her laughter. 

Kai rolled his eyes then walked off not wanting to be seen with Moonhye. Kris entered the scene and found Moonhye dying from her laughter. Kris sighed and helped her up.

"Moonhye." Kris held her.

Moonhye looked up finding a handsome Kris with his hair geled sweeping back bringing out his handsome face and what's more, he was wearing a suit. Moonhye wonders why she broke up with him.

"Yeah?" Moonhye broke out from her trance.

"Aren't you suppose to be at the gate?" Kris said finally releasing her.

"Yes, but I need to find these two kids from a grandma." Moonhye explained.

"Two kids?" Kris raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. One girl, one boy. The girl has a beauty mark near her eye and the boy has double eyelids." She described.

"About this big?" Kris put his hand out estimating the measurement.


"Look to your left." Kris smiled.

Moonhye did as she was told and found an amazing amount of customers smiling and eating. She scanned around and found Kai again which made her chuckle a bit. Her eyes scanned at the far corner which there were two kids that looked familiar. She squinted her eyes and moved a little closer then she suddenly realised that it was the two kids she was looking for.

"It's them!" She pointed and ran towards their table almost colliding into the kids.

Minyoung and Jongwoo both looked at each other then back up at Moonhye.

"May I help you unnie?" Minyoung asked in her high, angelic voice.

"Yes!" Moonhye beamed almost scaring Jongwoo. She cleared and tried her best to be not scary looking as she can. "You know your grandma...."

The kids both nodded.

"She's looking for you and she's extremely worried. So, can you gladly go back to her?" Moonhye said in her most calmest voice ever.

"Grandma?" Jongwoo asked.

Moonhye nodded quickly.

"Grandama doesn't take us anywhere fun though." Jongwoo wined.

Moonhye sighed and took a chair and sat across them. "Jongwoo, right?"

He nodded. "What do you love more? Fun or family?" Moonhye asked.

"Fun!" Jongwoo beamed.

"So you rather have all the toys in the world than your family?"

"Yes! My family is no fun, they just work and work. My mum and dad and noona doesn't play cars with me!" Jongwoo pouted.

Moonhye closed her eyes and nodded her head, "I totally understand. I'm an only child you know so I was always by myself." Jongwoo nodded frantically.

"But. If my family is gone, then I'll feel more lonely." Jongwoo raised an eyebrow.

"Jongwoo.... Do you like to see your grandma cry?" Moonhye leaned in closer. Jongwoo shook his head frantically. "She might be crying right now, because to your grandma it's you that's what makes her life fun. So if she loses you, she'll be lonely because she's having no fun and she doesn't have her family with her."

Minyoung looked at her brother who was almost in tears. "Jongwoo-ah. Let's go to grandma. We'll show grandma the most fun ever!" Minyoung jumped from her seat and showed her fist.

Jongwoo and Minyoung bowed and waved, "Thanks miss!" And they ran out the classroom.

Moonhye sighed and leaned back on the chair. 

"That was well handled." Moonhye found a Kai in a butler suit standing before her. She didnt laugh this time though since she felt so tired.

"Have you even had a break yet?" Kai asked.

"No.... Too much work." Moonhye closed her eyes.

"I haven't either. Come with me to the haunted classroom." Kai ed two of the buttons on his shirt then dragged Moonhye off her seat.

"Kai~!" Moonhye retorted tiredly as she got dragged by Kai past the numerous amount if people on the hallway.

"Ok. We're here." Kai let go of Moonhye's arm and they both looked at the scary but well decorated door of a classroom although in this case, a haunted classroom.

"Kai... Why don't you just go in by yourself." Moonhye tried to sneak out but Kai pulled her back.

"It's not fun if you go by yourself. Plus don't be such a wimp." Kai once again dragged Moonhye by the arm and stepped inside the haunted classroom.

Moonhye was on the verge of panicking. She has a fear of the dark and ghosts. She absolutely cannot stand it, she get scared right out of her mind when she is left alone in the dark. She was grabbing ever so tightly on Kai's shirt that it hurt her fingers. She had to hold on tight, she just had to. If they get separated she didn't know what's going to happen.

Kai smirked seeing how much of a wimp Moonhye was. He didn't see her face because it was dark but she knew she was scared since he felt that his shirt was about to rip from her hard tugging.

Kai started leading the forwards when all of a sudden a white figure jumped infront of them. Kai wasn't scared at all while Moonhye was so scared that no noise came out of and she accidentally released her hand from Kai's shirt. It was too dark to see where Kai was. She moved her hand forward trying to search for Kai's shirt again but no luck. That when it hit her. She was alone. In the dark.

She was trembling like an earthquake and her legs started to loose their energy. In fact her whole body started to loose energy. She on the verge of tears. Another white figure jumped infront of her and she completely lost control of her body. Her legs became paralysed and she was about to fall when she felt something grab under her arms.

That someone made her turn around facing them and they huged Moonhye ever so tight. Moonhye was still in shock and just remained frozen.

"Moonhye!" A deep voice called. The person carried Moonhye out from the classroom and all the way to the benches and trees to where no one is.

Moonhye looked up from the person's chest and found a face she was relieved to see.

She hugged the person tight not wanting to let go and dug her face deeper in their chest. "Kris!"


*Not edited



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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!