Walking Away

No way, Right?

A frown. A frown was embed unto Yoona's lips. She ignored all the questions people were giving her, she ignored all those and her minds focused on one thing. Kai.

It had been at least 3 weeks since that 'incident'. Of course, Yoona tried to talk to Kai, she would greet him every morning only to ignored at by him and to receive a look of pity from Moonhye. Her anger boiled once again at the thought of Moonhye. She doesn't need Moonhye's sympathy, just because she was Kai's girlfriend doesn't mean that Yoona would stop loving Kai. The incident remained quiet. Yoona was surprised herself that it hadn't been going around school. Huh, I guess that Moonhye can keep her y mouth shut. 

Yoona once again waved and smiled to Kai as she walked pass him in the hallway. Once again, she was ignored. Sehun and Tao both looked at each other with confused faces as to why their tanned friend was ignoring his favourite noona. They followed him into their next class. Maths.

Kai and Sehun both sat at their designated seats and the panda-like boy, Tao, walked across the room and sat at his seat. Kai saw Moonhye walked in with Seohyun and Kai smiled which was full of warmth at her.

The last 3 weeks has probably been the most memorable. Moonhye was opening up to him even more. He learned her secrets, every little secret that she had to hide for a very long time, he knew them all. He too shared everything to Moonhye. Their relationship has improved by a massive scale and it was almost impossible for the two to have a real fight. They have had small and joking fights but nothing more than that. They were inseparable.

Moonhye saw Kai's smile and she gave a smile and a small wave back. She sat at her seat which was in front of Kai and bent down to pull out her text and notebook. She couldn't help but hear Sehun and Kai's conversation behind her.

"Yah. Why are you ignoring noona recently?" Asked Sehun.

Kai remained ignorant, "Who noona?"

"You know who I mean Kai." Sehun rolled his eyes at his stubborn friend, "Yoona."

"I'm not ignoring her." Kai bluntly said.

"Of course not! Not speaking to her for the last few weeks is totally not ignoring her!" Sehun rolled his eyes and used the most sarcastic voice he had ever used.

"I'm not ignoring her..." Kai paused, "I'm just... Giving her some space."

"Please Kai." Sehun scoffed, "Space? Is that the best you got?"

Kai was getting irritated by Sehun, "Why do you care anyway? Wait. Do you like her?"

"No." Sehun denied, "I'm not into older women."

"Then shut the hell up about your noona then." Kai faced the front as the teacher started speaking.

Sehun sighed and faced front as well, completely giving up on his stubborn friend.

Guilt struck over Moonhye. After the incident, Moonhye started putting Yoona on the list of people she dislikes. She wasn't stupid, of course she knew that Yoona deliberately pushed her into the closet. She knew she likes Kai form the start since anyone can see that she just doesn't act like a noona when she's around Kai. It was love.

Even if she disliked Yoona, she couldn't help but feel sorry for her. To have the one you love ignore you completely, it was simple heart breaking but what can Moonhye do? She tried talking to Kai about it but Kai always says the same thing, "You're more important that her". Moonhye would blush every time he said that but she would also be confused. What has that got to do with anything? Moonhye shook off the thought and tried to pay attention in class for the nth time.


"You're such an idiot Kai." Moonhye giggled as her and Kai both walked towards the dance practice room.

"How is it my fault for not knowing the answer?" Kai pouted, "That question was hard."

"It wouldn't be hard if you paid attention in class." Moonhye lightly flicked Kai's forehead. She paused, "You know... You have a big forehead."

Kai slapped his hands unto his forehead, "I do not!"

Moonhye laughed, "You do, but it's fine. You're still handsome."

They entered the dance club with Kai still protesting about his forehead. Moonhye walked to her usual corner of the practice room and began to stretch as she watched the girl practice the girl's dance routine. She sighed, she wanted to do it as well. It looked so fun but she can't... She already knew their dance routine from watching ever day so she could dance it easily but again she can't.

Yoona was out of breath  after dancing the girl's dance. She slumped down at the back of the studio and showered with water. She looked up and saw Kai getting ready to do the boy's dance. She still wasn't able to talk to him and she's still finding a way to speak to him.

She started listening to Yuri's complaint of how her ankle hurts but her attention soon changed when she heard Sehun say, "Why aren't you going dance practice tomorrow?"

Yoona leaned in closer to get a better hearing.

"Stupid maths teacher wouldn't explain things properly, so I have detention tomorrow." Kai pouted and wiped the sweat off his forehead, "Yah. Is my forehead big?"

"Yeah." Sehun bluntly answered, "Not as big as Xiumin hyung though."

Yoona giggled at her still childish Kai and smiled to herself. Looks like I'm having a detention tomorrow then. 


The next day after school, Yoona indeed got herself detention and she patted her back for her hard work. It was tough for her to get detention, being the teacher's pet was a huge obstacle to get through but she pulled it off anyway and now she's happy to be seated right across Kai from the detention.

The first 15 minutes was really boring, the teacher would just sit there and read off of her romance novel and her face had envy written all over it. She stood up though since she said she needed to go to the toilet but it seemed like she was going to read somewhere else because she wanted to cry over a touching scene in the book.

This was Yoona's chance and she's not going to waste it. "Kai." She spoke.

Of course Kai remained silent with his head facing the blackboard.

"Kai." Yoona spoke again, she sighed, "I know you can hear me. Stop pretending like I'm not here like you've been doing for the past few weeks."

"Kai would you please liste-"

"Why did you do that to Moonhye?" Kai suddenly spoke which shocked Yoona.

"Do what?" Yoona answered.

Kai banged his fist unto the table startling Yoona, "Stop playing dumb. I know you locked her in that janitor's closet so there's no way you could make up a stupid excuse."

"Kai, I did it for your own good!" Yoona shouted. "Do you think you're right for each other?" Yoona scoffed, "You're delusional Kai! She doesn't love you and you don't love her."

A smirk came up to Kai's lips, "And you think you know that because?"

"Because Moonhye's not your type!" Yoona jumped from her seat. "I've known you all your life Kim Jongin and I know for the fact that Moonhye is not your type."

Kai chuckled softly, "Looks like your wrong then." Kai slowly walked to Yoona and pinned her on the table, "Moonhye means everything to me and if anyone. I repeat anyone who hurts her I will hurt." He pulled away and sat back at his own seat, "Just be thankful that Moonhye has a good heart to stop me from hurting you. Her heart is good unlike yours."

Yoona stood there, shocked and scared. It was the first time seeing Kai like that. The Kai she knew was playful and cute but strong and composed. The guy she just saw wasn't him...

The whole reason for Yoona to be in the detention was to speak to him but she had another plan; she wanted to lure him into her trap. The trap to break the two couple up but it looks like it wasn't working. Kai was suppose to fall into the trap, he was suppose to believe every word to what she said but it looks like Kai's calmly walking away from it.


Sorry for not updating much... School work, as always. And I'm also the owner of a graphic shop since I love designing posters if that wasn't already obvious. Request from us!!

Click the link ----> Light Blue Graphics

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!