
No way, Right?

Yoona glared at the two un-matching couple in front of her eyes. What sickens her the most is that annoying smile on Moonhye's face. That girl had the guts to steal Kai away from her. Moonhye doesn't even know Kai as much as she knows him. Moonhye doesn't even love Kai as much as she loves him. Yoona hated Moonhye with all her guts, Kai doesn't deserve Moonhye and the only one that deserves Kai is Yoona and her only.

"Ah! Noona!" Kai waved to Yoona.

Yoona happily waved back and trying to be as joyful as she can even though Moonhye was right by Kai. "What's up?"

"Are you going to dance club today?" Kai asked.

"I think I am. I don't have any plans today." Yoona replied. "But you seemed to be in a really happy mood."

"Oh? Is it that obvious?" Kai touched his cheeks.

Yoona giggled, "To me anyways, why are you so happy?"

Kai's smile stayed on his face as he pulled Moonhye closer by the shoulder with his arm, "Our parents accepted our relationship! Isn't it great?! I thought they would be angry since I'm a rich boy and whatnot."

Moonhye blushed a little at what Kai had said. Yoona grew more irritated as she saw the smile on Moonhye's face but she kept her nice image, "Really?! Wah! That's great! I'm happy for you guys!" Yoona beamed.

The bell suddenly rang and Kai waved Yoona goodbye before dragging Moonhye with him to class.


Yoona huffed as she sat on her chair. Her face is fuming over to what happened just. Kai's parents accepting Moonhye? She absolutely couldn't believe it. She wanted to pull Moonhye's hair right there and then, how could Moonhye get accepted as Kai's girlfriend but not her?


5 years ago.

"Umma!" Kai called as soon as he opened his front door.

Yoona and Taemin followed him and comfortably sat themselves in Kai's living room sofa.

"Yes honey~?" Mrs. Kim replied.

"Yoona noona and Taemin are over. Is that okay?" Kai asked, raising his voice.

"Of course dear but please be quiet. Your father's doing paper work right now." Mrs. Kim answered.

"Okay~" Kai sang then skipped to join his friends to watch TV.

The three laughed at the joke the MC said. Yoona turned around to look at both of her friends enjoying themselves but her gaze was more fixed on Kai. She admired his smile, his facial features; they were all perfect to her. Kai was by far the most handsomest boy she knows and she's glad to be friend with him. Well... She wanted to be more than just friends.

"Kids!" Mrs. Kim called as she walked out from the kitchen, "I have some chocolate chip cookies!" She smiled as she clapped with her oven gloves still on.

"Yay!" The three jumped out of their seat and ran to the kitchen like children even if they were already 13 and 14 years of age.

"Yah! Jongin, let's play a video game after this!" Taemin suggested which Kai happily agreed to.

After the plate of cookies were almost finish, Taemin and Kai rushed to the living room picking out which game to play. Mrs. Kim caught this opportunity to talk to Yoona.


Yoona turned around with a smile on her face, trying to be as nice as she can possibly can. "What is it Mrs. Kim?"

"Yoona..." Mrs. Kim sighed, "I know you like my Jongin."

Yoona blushed, "Ye...yes I do Mrs. Kim." She looked up, "I promise I'll take goo-"

"Stop it." Mrs. Kim said sternly, "Yoona. Kai loves you, but it's all just how a younger brother likes his older sister. That's it."

Yoona was left speechless.

"I want you to stop liking him Yoona dear. Or else you'll get hurt." Mrs. Kim smile softly then touched Yoona's face before washing the dishes.

Yoona's head was hung low as she slowly made her way to her friends again. She looked over to Kai who was playing his video games with Taemin. She just couldn't let go of Kai. She will never let go of Kai. No matter what anyone says even if God said it, she will not let go of Kai. She loves Kai too much for that to happen. There is only one man she could see in her future with her and that's Kai and Kai only.


Yoona fisted her hands before letting out an angry sigh. She needs to start. The things she has done already were nothing. She needs Kai to notice her more than Moonhye. She needs Kai to be by her side all the time. She will have Kai.


Moonhye and Kai entered the dance studio with their hands holding each other's. They spent the whole day by each other's side, completely ignoring all the protest and jealousy everyone was giving. They seriously were happy. They spent dinner feeding each other. They spent the whole time together doing all lovey dovey stuff: holding hands, hugging, pinching each other's cheeks, helping each other. If they weren't so young, they could be mistaken as a newly wedded couple.

"Jump higher!" Yunho ordered loudly, not caring at the exhausted group of boys in front of him.

Yunho heard a ringing and told the boys to stop. He went over to his cell phone which was at the far corner of the room and picked his phone up to answer the call.



"Yoona! Where are you? Why did you miss practise today?" Yunho asked.

"Oppa... Sorry, I'm at the hospital right now." Yoona faked a groan.

"What?! How?!" Yunho shouted through the phone, gaining everyone's attention.

"I... I was in a car accident..." Yoona lied.

"WHAT?!" Yunho shouted at his loudest voice, "I'll be there in a second!" Yunho ended the call and stuffed his stuff in his bag.

"Hyung, what happened?" Taemin asked.

"Yoona's in the hospital. I'm going there. You guys can leave now." Yunho swung his bag over his shoulder and started making his way to the door.

Kai rushed to Yunho's side, "I'm coming with you!"

Yunho nodded and they both made their way to Yunho's car and drove to the hospital at a fast speed.

The club was silent. They too wanted to come but they know it will only be trouble if all of them go. Eunhyuk was the oldest at the moment and so he dismissed everyone, bringing out his leadership skills.


Meanwhile at the hospital, Yoona thanked her cousin for setting up her fake condition.

"Thanks oppa." She smiled.

"Yoona, I swear if you weren't my cousin, I would have you arrested at the police right now. Lying that you had been in a car accident? Seriously?!" Yoona's cousin shook his head.

"Please just let me off this once okay? I promise I will pay you back." Yoona pouted as she pleaded with her hands.

Yoona's cousin sighed, "Okay."

"Yay! Thanks oppa!" Yoona clapped her hands together then snapped to a weak position as soon as she heard footsteps outside.

"Yoona!" Yunho burst in along with Kai by his side. Yoona's lips curled but turned her head to hide it. 

"You must be Yoona's friends." Yoona's cousin started to put his act on.

"Neh. We are, what happened to Yoona? Will she be okay?" Yunho asked.

"I'm Doctor Im." He turned to Yoona, "she's okay now. She just have a broken leg at the moment, she would need to wear a cast for a week to keep the bone to where it is."

Yunho and Kai nodded.

"She said she won't be pressing charges to the driver so it should be less trouble after she is release from the hospital." Yoona's cousin gulped, "I'll leave you three alone then." He walked out the door.


Moonhye hung her head low as she walked though the busy streets of Seoul. She kept replaying the scene in her mind. The scene where she saw how panicked Kai was and how worried he was. Moonhye scolded herself for not being understanding. She knows Yoona was in a bad condition and she deserves to have someone that's caring such as Kai by her side but Moonhye just couldn't help but feel jealous.

Her head was saying it was okay but heart tells a whole different story. She was jealous. She felt a 'pang' in her chest and she knew right away it was jealousy since she was used to the feeling all too well. It worried her. She's becoming more greedier of Kai.



People are saying that I make Moonhye's asthma sound like its a life threatening thing. Let me just clarify that asthma is indeed life threatening. Even people with mild asthma can risk having severe and fatal attacks.

Moonhye had asthma way before and there is some dramas in her life from it. BUT I will tell that drama some other time. I will also explain why Moonhye doesn't want to tell Kai about her asthma.


So I just wanted to say that asthma is a really bad thing, I'm sure people who have it such as myself can understand this. If you still don't believe me then I suggest using google to find out about asthma.

Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!