Through The Window

No way, Right?

Moonhye slept over at Kai's. She was forced to sleep with him. After dinner, Moonhye was all set and ready to go to sleep in her own bed but Kai didn't let her. He constantly tried annoying her as much as he can just so she can spend the night with him. In the end, Moonhye fell for Kai's continuous persuading and aegyo.

She snuggled closely in his chest, smelling his manly scent. The scent that she was used to. The scent that she loves so much. It's true that she might be falling for Kai harder at each passing day. She slept peacefully in Kai's warm and protective arms that night and she wished that all night should be the same as the one she's experiencing at the moment. In Kai's arms, by Kai's side.


Kai woke up feeling cold, not just because he was wearing a wife beater and the blanket was off of him; it was because he found emptiness beside him instead of Moonhye. He sat up then rubbed his eyes tiredly. He checked himself in the mirror first before making his way downstairs. When he reached the bottom of the stairs he can smell the mouth watering aroma or meat. He walked towards the kitchen and found Moonhye in a pink flowery apron frying something in the stove.

He sneakily crept behind her and quickly hugged her making Moonhye squeal.

Kai turned Moonhye around revealing his dashing smile.

"Kai~" Moonhye playfully slapped Kai's arm, "You scared the hell out of me!"

Kai chuckled before hugging Moonhye again. He kissed her forehead and pulled away to look at her flawless face, "Good Morning. Honey."

Moonhye turned her head to her right, wanting to hide her reddened face, "Goo-good morning to you too." She turned around only to find a pouting Kai. Moonhye rolled her eyes before laughing. "Honey." She continued.

They both sat at the breakfast bar's chairs, happily eating their breakfast. Just like last night, they ate while staring at each other's eyes, not planning to take it off any sooner. It was silent but it was a peaceful silent. They were just happily eating and enjoying each other's presence and the two had the same thing written across their minds.

I want every morning to be as perfect as this.


After Moonhye had done eating and washed the dishes, she went home to change. It was a school day after all even if she didn't want to go to school, she was a top student therefore she has to go to school; same goes for Kai.

School ended pretty early and throughout the day Kai and Moonhye were still making other people either jealous or envious of their relationship. Kai's group of friends would look at Moonhye with longing eyes, they too want a girlfriend as pretty and as fun as Moonhye and Moonhye's group of friends stares at Kai with longing eyes as well; wanting to have as hot, handsome and charming as Kai for their boyfriend.


Moonhye and Kai entered the dance studio finding everyone already stretching. The club seemed rather enthusiastic... Usually they would be talking and laughing at the start of dance club but not that day. Moonhye and Kai both gave each other weird looks before joining Sehun, who was stretching his arms over his head and Lay, who was sitting down and trying to touch his toes seriously, making his cute dimples disappear off of his face.

Yunho walked back in the dance studio after he had fetched water bottles for everyone and Moonhye and Kai caught his eyes. He placed the water bottles at the corner of the room and walked over at the two.

"Guys, you're here." Yunho didn't even wait for them to greet back and shoved a paper at Kai's chest.

Kai gave his hyung a weird look before slowly opening the paper. As soon as he saw it he scrunched the paper immediately and gave Yunho a knowing and determined look. Moonhye raised an eyebrow at the two at the sudden change of atmosphere. She took the scrunched up paper off of Kai's hands and un-scrunched it, wanting to read what was written on it.

"SD Competition?" Moonhye looked at Yunho, confused.

"Street Dance Competition. We're participating in it." Yunho explained with his face still serious.

"Is it a big deal?" Moonhye continued to ask.

Yunho grabbed the paper off of Moonhye and made his way at the front of the studio gaining everyone's attention.

"The SD is not as big as Seoul Dance 13. But." Yunho stared at everyone who had determination written all over their faces except for Moonhye and Kris. "It is a massive deal for this club."

"In 2011, our school won this competition. Last year..." Yunho sighed, "We lost completely. We were good. No, we were amazing. But the dance club at JYP sabotaged us. They played a filthy trick that I will not take lightly. Hurting one of our members will not be taken lightly at all, it was because of that that we lost." Yunho clenched his fist, scrunching the piece of paper in his hand.

"We're going to work hard for it this year! We'll make sure that JYP cheaters won't get that 1st place." Yunho relaxed a bit then smiled, giving the members reassuring smiles.

Everyone fisted their hands in the air and yelled "fighting" before continuing with their stretches.

Moonhye was left alone when Taemin pulled Kai somewhere in the dance club so that they can practice popping and locking together. She started to do some spinning practice but got interrupted by Kris giving her a surprise tickle on her ribs.

Moonhye made a loud 'eek' but not loud enough so that everyone could hear due to the loud blasting music. She turned around finding a laughing Kris. She pouted while giving Kris a slap on the arm.

"What was that for~" Moonhye whined.

Kris continued to laugh then calmed down after a while, "Hey."

Moonhye rolled her eyes and continued to do her spinning.

"They seemed to be really serious about this thing don't you think?" Kris asked as he watched Moonhye spinning through the mirror.

Moonhye stopped, panting heavily. "You noticed too?" She looked up at Kris who nodded. "I guess that JYP dance group must have done something really bad to anger Yunho like that."

"I guess so..." Kris trailed off, "Hey we still going to that café?"

Moonhye blinked while she took a sip from her water, "Yup. But why change the subject all of a sudden."

"No reason." Kris chuckled before joining Moonhye to spin.

Moonhye got caught off balanced and Kris caught her waist to balance her again. "Idiot! How could you lose balance so easily?" Kris flicked Moonhye forehead with his massively long fingers.

"Ow~" Moonhye pouted while rubbing her forehead frantically, "Sorry. I lost my focus."

"You need more practice. Look at me then spin twenty times without stopping." Kris made Moonhye turn to him then watched Moonhye spinning as he instructed.


Yoona was watching at the other side at the way Kris and Moonhye interacted. She raised an eyebrow then turned to Yuri and Hyoyeon. "Are Moonhye and Kris close?" She asked.

"Yeah. They're pretty close. They went to the same high school together before transferring here. At least that's what I heard anyway." Yuri answered as she stretched her legs vertically.

"I heard they went out as well." Hyoyeon interrupted while doing her splits on the floor.

"Really?" Yoona looked at Kris and Moonhye once more with a smile plastered across her face. "Interesting."


Dance club took longer than expected due to Yunho's intense training. Everyone was all drained at the end and they all made their way out the room, some massaging their legs and back while some were drinking water as if their life depended on it.

Kai wiped sweat off his forehead before drinking the ice cold water which refreshed his throat. He felt pressure in his arms and turned to his left finding Yoona clung tightly on his arms.


"Want to go somewhere with me? We hardly ever spend time together you know?!" Yoona lightly hit Kai's arms before giggling but then pouted, "Or are you going with Moonhye again?"

"No it's fine. Moonhye's with Kris. She said they were going to eat so it's fine if we hang out." Kai smiled and playfully wrapped his arm over Yoona's shoulder making her blush, "I also miss my favourite noona!"


Kai and Yoona walked down the streets together but the presence of a couple was no where to be seen. It was the presence of a brother and a sister but Yoona was completely oblivious to that. She smile idiotically, thinking that everything was perfect. It all seemed like a date to her, her and Kai going on a date around the streets of Seoul. She couldn't be anymore happier but Kai had other things in mind. He was too busy looking at the food with eyes as if he hasn't eaten in days. That was all on Kai's mind and soon, when he can't take it anymore, he would do an aegyo for Yoona so that she can buy him food.

That was all Kai had in mind. It's all normal to him. His noona and him waking at the busy streets of Seoul, it was just like his childhood days. Him and Yoona did grow apart when Yoona transferred to highschool and Kai was still in middle school but as soon as Kai started high school, Yoona was all up and ready to be close again with Kai.

Yoona dragged Kai somewhere but acted as if they were just wandering around. She spotted her target and started her act.

"Omo!" She gasped, "Is that Moonhye and Kris?" Yoona peeked at Kai's expression and felt satisfied after seeing jealousy on his face.

"I guess so..." Kai turned away, trying to hide his jealousy. He trusted Moonhye but it was him that couldn't help but feel jealous. He saw them laughing and that was enough to make him go insane with jealousy.

"I heard that they're really close..." Yoona hid her smirk while playing with her hair.

Kai remained silent, his face still turned away, not wanting to see Moonhye smile at Kris.

"I bet they know each other better than anyone else." Yoona continued.

That caught Kai's attention, "What?"

Yoona's smirk became wider but changed it right away to her normal and innocent face, "I mean they used to go out right? So they will surely know about each other more than anyone else's. Plus I heard they spent elementary school, middle school and some of high school together."

Kai felt a 'pang' in his chest. He should know Moonhye more than anyone else. He should be the one Moonhye knows the best too. After all, they are dating. Kai looked at Moonhye. I guess I have some catching up to do...



Okie~ so before I get bad comments, I do NOT hate JYP. I just wanted to use a company and I could haves chosen YG too but I didn't so yeah....

Anyways don't hate me! I love JYP too! ^^

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!