A Goddess

No way, Right?

"Where do you think you're going?" Kai asked just before Moonhye was about to leave.

"My house?" Moonhye turned back, raising an eyebrow.

"You're going there alone?" Kai asked, being stubborn.

"Uh... I guess so..." Moonhye felt dumbfounded. Should she know what Kai is talking about?

Kai coughed. "Want me to go with you?" Kai awkwardly coughed again. "You know because we live opposite each other..."

Moonhye giggled. "You should have said it before then... Let's go."

Kai smiled and walked by Moonhye. Now that he knows that he liked Moonhye, his heart was beating more rapidly by the tiny space between them. Just a few more inches then they could be touching. Should he make the cold weather an excuse to put her arms around her? It is winter after all. Should he? Should he not? Kai really wants to put his arms around her but he also doesn't want to let his ego down. This is what makes Kai frustrated; he definitely knows that he likes her since she is all he ever thinks about, he has dreams about her and even has nightmares where she left him. He madly likes her yet it was so hard to show it to her. His stupid ego always gets in the way, maybe if they had a good start then he would show it everytime but no. Just no. He can never imagine him confessing to her. What if she doesn't like him back? What is they're friendship would end? Kai would hate that a lot.

Kai coughed again. "Crong... It's you who gave it right?" He glanced over at the wide-eyes Moonhye.

"How did you know?" She turned to Kai surprised. "I forgot to put my name on it." 

Kai smiled, "Please. It was so like you to give me a stuffed toy." Kai rolled his eyes and gave out a small giggle. "It's like you have some weird obsession about them."

"Hey! They're cute." Moonhye lightly hit Kai's arms. "And I am not obsessed with them."

"Says the girl who has stuffed toys all over her bedroom." Kai smirked.

"They're cute!" Moonhye pouted and crossed her arms before making a small giggle.

Kai smiled at what he was seeing. I can think of something cuter.


Kai looked back at his reflection, fixing his blazer. He smiled at what he sees and made a small nod. The Kims have been invited to a party to celebrate the birthday of one of Mr. Kim's friends which is held at one of the most elegant hotels in Seoul. Kai never really liked going to these types of parties since the women there all lock their eyes on him and completely forget about their dates and that's why he didn't like those y girls. He thinks they only look on what's on the outside and that's what he hates about them. But Moonhye was different and just thinking about her makes Kai's face form that smile again. He was texting Moonhye all day after he got her phone number by making up an excuse that she will be in trouble and he needs to be there all the time. 

"Jongin! Are you ready?!" Mrs. Kim called, checking her make up at the mirror.

"I'm coming~! Kai whistled while walking down the stairs which surprised Mrs. Kim.

"Jongin... Are you okay?" Mrs. Kim pressed her hand on Kai's face checking his temperature.

"I'm fine umma..." Kai said.

Mrs. Kim pulled her hand back. "You seemed a bit... happy..." 

"Do I?" Kai shrugged before grabbing his mother's arm and escorting her to their car where Mr. Kim was already sitting at the driver's seat.

Mrs. Kim locker her eyes on Kai. What on earth has gotten into her son? It's not that she didn't like it... It's just very unusual seeing her son like that. Usually Kai wouldn't be so... smiley. He's more of a quiet person and she knows he hated in going at these kind of party, so what makes Kai all happy, she didn't know what the heck it was. But she liked seeing her son like this.

"Mrs. Kim! Mr. Kim! Finally you're here!" A middle aged man approached the three as he hugged Mr. and Mrs. Kim.

"Happy birthday Bonghyun!" Mrs. Kim beamed and brought out a silver bag. "Here's your present dear." 

"Why thank you." He gladly accepted the present. "Please go ahead and eat!" He showed the Kims in and continued to greet his guests.

Kai already made his way to the buffet and began putting food into his plate, completely ignoring all the women stare at him with their lustful eyes. He completely avoided his parents since they will just ask him to go on dates with their friend's daughter which he thinks are all snobby and flirty. God, how he hated those types of girls. 

After he ate, he spotted Taemin at a table drinking champagne.

"Hey." Kai sat down by Taemin's seat.

"Oh! Jongin! You came?" Taemin said, wide eyed.

"Had to. Parents told me to." Kai grabbed Taemin's glass off him and started drinking the rest of the champagne.

"Even if they did, you didn't have to go." Taemin eyed him suspiciously. "What's up?"

"There was no food in the house so I helped myself with the food here." Kai shrugged and poured himself another glass of champagne.

Xiumin, Minho and Lay who was also at the party joined Kai and Taemin for a glass of champagne. Kai was too happy in a mood to mind the disturbing girls staring and taking pictures of him and his friends. Kai was too busy laughing at what Lay had said to notice something very gorgeous.

Taemin, along with Xiumin was left speechless to what they were seeing. Their mouths were about to fall off and their eyes weren't even blinking. Minho raised an eyebrow to the both baby faced people and followed their gaze and he too had his mouth open wide and eyes big as Kyungsoo. He nudged Lay who also looked at what the three people were shocked about and he joined them. Taemin rubbed his eyes a couple times, made Xiumin pinch him a couple of time too to see if he wasn't hallucinating from the champagne and he wasn't.

Moonhye had walked in with her parents. Her family too was invited at the party since the birthday celebrant and her parents were close. She wished the birthday celebrant which was also like an uncle to her a happy birthday before she landed her eyes on Kai. She didn't expect him to be here at all. Sure he was rich enough to go to a classy party like her but she didn't think that Kai was the person to go to an occasion like this. What mostly shocked her was how handsome Kai looked. His hair swept back made him look even more handsome, even more y, even more manly, even more... perfect. She blushed for a second before she found Taemin, Lay, Xiumin and Minho all look at her. She gave a smile and wave before she started heading her way to the table.

She walked there rather slowly since she wasn't used to high heels. Kai took a sip of his champagne and looked at his hyungs completely in their own worlds. He followed their gaze and he swore his eyes just popped out off his head. He looked at Moonhye walking like a model towards him with her white dress that flowed just a above her knees which showed off her toned legs. Her collar bone was slightly sticking out since it was a tube dress so it made her look more y. Her hair was in soft curls, swept to one side which dropped down just below her chest. Oh how beautiful she looked. Moonhye gave a charming smile that melted the men's heart.

"Oh." Taemin gulped.

"My." Xiumin joined.

"God." Lay jaw dropped down even more.

"She's..." Minho managed to say out one word.

Kai gulped and his dry lips. "A Goddess..."




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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!