New Boy, to him.

No way, Right?

Again, the daily routine came. Moonhye came out from the Lee residence and found Kai leaning against the lamp post, eyes closed, nodding his head to the beat of the music that was coming through his earphones. Although this day is a little different. Moonhye didn't just naturally walked, she limped because of her ankle. Kai, to a surprise, actually paid attention to Moonhye. It was either that or his least favourite song was playing.

"Still hasn't healed?" Kai asked.

Moonhye raised an eyebrow, "What do you think?" She playfully smirked.

Kai walked towards her, "Lean on me".

Moonhye slowly nodded at how different Kai was acting. He's.... Caring.

Kai grabbed onto Moonhye's waist and pulled her up whilst Moonhye grabbed Kai's shoulder for support. And with that, they both went to school, with small chats, not bickering, just small simple chats, on the way.

Kai was kind enough not to leave Moonhye behind at the gates so he guided her all the way to their classroom, no, further than that, to their seats actually and Kai finally felt at peace with no bickering whatsoever. Just when he was about to relax...

"Have you done your homework?" Moonhye asked.

Kai's eyes widened. Crap. There was homework and it needed to be done today. He searched through his bag and found the maths sheet, un solved, untouched. With his lack of maths, he will never get to finish this on time before Ms BoA, that heck of a teacher with a heck of a temper. Kai already missed a lot of dance practices, he can't afford to miss another one because of detention. Moonhye looked and giggled at the flustered Kai. She took the same paper out of her bag, solved and touched. She's pretty clever at maths so she's pretty sure she got all the questions right.

She slipped the paper next to Kai's. "This is thanks for helping me with my ankle." She looked over to Kai and smiled.

Kai looked astonished, Moonhye's actually helping him. Lee Moonhye. The one who he has been bickering with for the past week. Lee Moonhye is helping him. Her smile went right though Kai making him have that funny feeling in his chest again. "Th..than..thanks." He stuttered.

"You're welcome." Again, she smiled and it went right through Kai, "You have 30 seconds before the bell rings."

That was enough to snap Kai back to reality and he dashed over to the paper and quickly writing everything down. He was at the final question then. RING. The heavens have saved him. He slouched from his chair panting heavily. Moonhye giggled then tucked the paper back to her bag.

Ms BoA entered the classroom causing everyone to be silent.

"Alright class....." 

Somehow Moonhye just wasn't in the mood to listen to the teacher today so she just stared across the window enjoying the calm breeze brush her hair and face. She noticed that the leaves were changing colour. Autumn is coming... She felt depressed all of a sudden. She hated the cold, always have and probably always will. Having numb fingers and toes and crumpled up lips. What's so good about it. Sure it was pretty, but it's so damn cold.

"Please introduce yourself to the class." Ms BoA said.

Moonhye was still enjoying the calm breeze Mother Nature was giving her that she didn't even hear a single word that's happening around her. This is the prefect weather to sleep in. I wish it was a Sunday....

Moonhye heard a few girls squeal which dragged her back to reality.

"Ye, Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Kris." 

She turned her attention back to the front and her eyes widened as big as Kyungsoo's, no even bigger, it that's even possible.

"Kris?!" She jumped out from her seat. 

Kris was almost as shocked as she was but he maintained his cool a bit. Instead of actually shouting her name, he said surprised, "Moonhye? What are you doing here?"

This bothered Kai, and the girls in the class. 

"I should be asking you that!" Moonhye kept staring at Kris like she has just seen a ghost.

"You guys knew each other?" Ms BoA interrupted.

"Ummmm.... Kris was my classmate in my old school." Moonhye explained still staring at Kris in shock.

"So you guys are friends!" Ms BoA smiled. "Great!" She cheered "Since Kris needs someone to show him around school, why don't you do it Moonhye? Oh! And sit with Kris for the rest of the week, since you and Kai hate each other, sit with Kris for the time being." Kai flinched.

Ms BoA's kindness and cheerfulness kind of creeped Moonhye out, actually, it creeped everyone out but as long as she's happy, there will be no homeworks.

Moonhye and Kris sat at the back by Kai's table. Kai was pissed somehow, maybe because the Kris guy is getting so much attention but it was no way because he just stole Moonhye off of him. Wouldn't he be glad that there will no more annoying girl by his side? God Kai! Pull yourself together! 


*Not Edited


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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!