
No way, Right?

It was quiet. Kai's and Moonhye's walk home was extremely quiet. After what Taemin has told them their minds needed to adjust it. At first they didn't believe it, they denied it at all cost but after some time, they realised that they do in fact like each other. The way their heart skips beats and their extreme nervousness towards each other whenever they touch is the sign that they do like each other.

Now that they found out, they didn't know how to act. Should they start being nicer? But wouldn't it be weird if they started being way nice all of a sudden? Yes, they do like each other but they didn't want the other to find out. They didn't have a good start after all and liking each other surely is hard to believe.

Kai pulled back Moonhye to stop her from going any further.

Moonhye flinched and turned to Kai, "Wh...what?" She managed to stutter.

"Uh. We're here." Kai scratched the back of his head and flicked his head towards Moonhye's house.

Moonhye's eyes widened and her cheeks became red. She didn't realise at all that they have arrived since she was dazing out into space, she was still thinking about her liking Kai and it invaded her mid like crazy.

"So- sorry." Moonhye awkwardly giggled and walked towards her door. She turned back to Kai before turning the door knob."See you tomorrow." Moonhye managed to smile calmly as she she waved to Kai.

Kai became a little flustered but managed a wave back before seeing Moonhye disappear.


Kai slumped down on his bed holding his head. The fact that he liked Moonhye felt completely weird to him. After so much bickering, after so much fights with her, he couldn't believe that he liked Moonhye. But, after all the smiles she gave him, after all the laughs they shared together, after all the good memories they made... He accepted that he liked Moonhye.

Kai glanced over to the Chimchar Doll Moonhye gave him for Christmas and smiled ever so sweetly at it. How could something so weird and childish makes him smile like an idiot? He held it up in the air and tried to make the same face the Chimchar Doll was making. He sat up and looked over to his wall mirror and giggled to himself. How on earth does this look like me? Kai laid back down throwing the doll into the air again and again. I wonder what gift she will give me next?


Moonhye rushed from store to store examining every item in detail. She just found out from Yunho about Kai's surprise party in which she completely didn't know about. Heck, she didn't even know it was Kai's birthday! She ran frantically at every store not even noticing that some were women's store. She just found out that she liked Kai and she couldn't help but agree to it since after all the thinking she put herself in to, she finally realised that she did like Kai, very much. That in mind, Moonhye wants to give Kai a really amazing present. She does want Kai to like her even though he might still hate her, she will try and deliver her feeling to him. They did start off badly, in fact terrible, they started of that badly to the point where they would have dreams of the other being their slaves. 

Moonhye giggled at the thought and continued to search for that specific item. Moonhye passed by the store where she bought Kai's Chimchar Doll. She thought of buying a doll again so she entered the store and examined each doll at full detail. She passed the cute teddy bears in which she couldn't help but smile to. She passed another Chimchar Doll that looked like the same one she bought, patted the doll's head. He really does look like Kai. She continued her search, smiling at every cute doll that she found and couldn't help but curl her fingers at the cuteness. Then she potted it. She spotted a doll which reminded her about Kai a lot, even more than the Chimchar Doll. She cupped the face of the doll, holding unto it gently before smiling to it. Perfect.


"Surprise!" The whole club jumped as soon as the light making Kai jump from shock.

"Happy Birthday to you~" Yunho started singing while holding the cake along with Taemin trying not to make the candles blow out.

"Happy Birthday to you~" Taemin joined and smiled at his surprised friend.

"Happy Birthday dear Kkamjong~" Everyne joined then made a small giggle.

"Happy Birthday to you!" With that, Kai gladly blew out the candles in one go and everyone clapped and shouted and started wiping the cake's cream on Kai's face.

"Wah~ Thank you everyone!" Kai bowed before clapping to himself.

The party soon started and people were dancing and playing games together. Sehun went up to Kai and placed his hands on his shoulders. 

"Hyung....ahhh.... Congratulations...." Sehun awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"You sound so awkward." Moonhye commented which caused everyone to laugh a little. 

"....I love you." Sehun said before covering his face with his hands out of embarrassment which caused the laughter to rise.

"Yah! Open your gifts now!" Yunho shouted and lead Kai towards the front where everyone sat.


One by one, Kai tore the wrapper apart which caused him to smile every time he found the present.

Kai took out a box wrapped up with red wrapper with white stars. "From Yoona." Kai glanced up at Yoona and gave her a small smile. 

Kai tore the wrapper slowly, revealing white headphones inside its box. "No way noona. You got me the latest Beatz?!" Kai exclaimed.

"Yup!" Yoona proudly lifted her head in the air then blushed finding Kai has hugged her. 

Moonhye sank down. She thought Yoona's present was way better than hers. It is the latest headphones after all which must cost her a lot. Would she have done better if she used her parent's money? She is rich after all but she hates using her parent's money... Moonhye sighed and sank down even further, feeling she just got punched many times.

"From..." Kai tilted his head. "It has no name on it." Kai unwrapped the gift anyway and one he saw the present he knew right away who it came from. Kai chuckled to himself. This is exactly like her to give me this present.

"Yah! What is it?" Taemin stood up for a better look of what the present was. "Is that Crong?!" Taemin burst out.

Moonhye felt her cheeks suddenly heat up from embarrassment. She knew she shouldn't have bought it. It's childish after all. Moonhye hugged her knees, not wanting to look at Kai's expression.

"It's cute." Kai said.

Moonhye shot her head up. What did he say?!

Kai glanced over to Moonhye and smiled. "Whoever this is from.... I like it. Thanks."

Moonhye felt like fireworks are exploding inside of her. Fireworks exploding in her stomach, head and heart. She was extremely, incredibly happy. He liked it!


Thanks everyone for the supportive comments!!

And I would just like to say thank you to: Hwa_Young97, exolove224, akogulh, camerielai, LuHan2188, SecretR, xBabyElfx, jngcsy, Shinee_lover108, britt29able1, YouBeDuhy and DefineBeautyandLove.

These wonderful people has up voted and I like to say that I am very thankful! *bows* kamsamnida!


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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!