
No way, Right?

Again, Moonhye continued her ways in being more friendly to Kai, which Kai hated ever so much. It seemed so fake. Obviously, Moonhye would be wavering by now since during the past few days, Kai had been becoming more... Intimate.

He would always wait in front of Moonhye's house every morning like he always did. They would walk to school like they always did. He would wait for her near the gates and walk home together. Like they always did.

It seemed to disturb Moonhye quite a bit since Kai's changing of actions was sort of shocking. He would suddenly hug her behind the back and make up a stupid excuse, for example, "I tripped. Sorry." 

It was weird. Beyond weird. Of course by now Moonhye had detected that something was very up with Kai. She was just too afraid to even ask him why he's so... clingy towards her. During lunch as well; he doesn't even pay attention to any of his friends, he's all Moonhye, Moonhye, Moonhye. What in the world took his shoul away, no one knows. He wasn't even his usual self. The quiet-only-listening-to-others-guy is no where to be found. Yes, he eats now and that's a good thing but the fact that he's too... smiley... scares people.


Moonhye raised an eyebrow up at Kai before continuing to eat her food. He was staring at her. She saw that he hand't even took a bite of out his food let alone touched it. She shook her head and continued to devour her ham sandwich. She flinched when she heard somone shouting, "Moonhye!"

She turned around finding Kris walking towards her while waving one hand and holding a bag with the other. "Hey Kris." She smiled.

Kris dropped the bag unto the table and smiled proudly at himself. "Open it."

Moonhye creased her eyebrows before opening the bag. She thought it would have been another bracelet like last time but to her surprise, it was actually a cupcake. "What's this for?"

"You obviously." Kris chuckled and brought out the cupcake. "Remember when I couldn't go to our date last time?"

Kai had flinched after a while when he heard the word 'date'.

"Well... Here's a little treat. It's Goldilock's cupcakes. You're favourite." Kris couldn't help but laugh at Moonhye's stunned and surprised face.

"Kris!" Moonhye jumped out of her seat and hugged Kris, "You're the best person ever! Oh my god I love you freaking much!" She squealed one more time before she devoured one cupcake then the next then the next, not even having time in the middle to stop let alone breathe.

She was too busy eating her life out that she hadn't even noticed that Kai and Kris had disappeared.


"So I'm assuming that you're here to tell me to back of Moonhye?" Kris smirked as he folded his arms.

Kai had called him to have a 'talk'. He brought them behind the school's gym where no one was around.

"I guess I don't need to tell you then. But just to make it clear one more time. Back off Moonhye." Kai said sternly then turned around to go.

Kris held him back by grabbing his shoulder. "I'll also make it clear. No." Kai could feel the seriousness in Kris' voice. He was beyond serious. Kai turned around finding the poker faced Kris. "I warned you Kai. Twice." Kris continued. "I gave you a chance to redeem yourself and make Moonhye stay in your heart but now I guess she's walking away from it." Kris grabbed Kai's shirt and pulled it towards him, giving Kai a deathly glare. "I'm going to take Moonhye back as I promised because unlike you I know how to get her back and I know what makes her happy."

When Kai pushed himself away, in a swift move, his fist smacked Kris on the face. Hard. "What the do you know?!" Kai shouted. "You think I don't know what makes her happy? You think I don't know what's best for her?!"

Kai was about to give one more punch to Kris but Kris quickly avoided it and threw a hard punch on Kai's face. "Don't act so mighty Kai." Kris spat. "You think you know what makes her happy and what's best for her?" Kris chuckled and lunged one more punch on Kai's cheeks. "You ing forced her to quit dancing!"

"Because she's going to get hurt!" Kai retorted back.

"And do you think she cares about that?! Have you noticed her after she quit dance club?! She would always look at the studio's door everytime she passes it! The look in her eyes..." Kris' voice broke, "She longed to dance again." Kris sat down and leaned back against the wall. "One day it was my turn to lock up the studio but I forgot about it and went back." Kris huffed, "You know what I saw?" Kai looked at him, interested. "I saw Moonhye just standing there in the middle of the studio. The scariest thing was the music was playing as well but she didn't dance. I asked her why won't she dance." Kris snickered. "You know what she said?"

"Bacause I'd rather lose something I enjoy than someone whom I love."

Kai felt a 'pang' in his heart. A loud and painful 'pang'. He had hurt Moonhye again and he didn't even know it.

"You know that Moonhye still loves you right? I don't mean fully love you." Kris corrected. "I meant there's probably still a chance that you could get her back."

"And why are you saying this after you had just punched me twice?" Kai asked, giving Kris the weirdest of looks.

"Don't misunderstand Kai. I'm not saying this bacause I'm backing out." Kris stood up and patted the invisible dirt of his pants. "I'm saying this because I'm challenging you." And with that Kris had left, leaving Kai with so many miser feeling scramble up in his head.

the challenge. I'm getting Moonhye back no matter what.



Yoooo! Short update here! AND DO NOT GO ANYWHERE. KEEP READING!

MY NEW STORY IS OUT! Oh yesh baybeh. It's a Kai fic... Again.... So all you Kai lovers can enjoy it as much as this fic! Check it out for me please and leave behind your thoughts! I don't mind if its bad or good thoughts! Just leave behind a comment! ^^

The Perfect Fake Girlfriend


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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!