
No way, Right?

Three days. Three more long days until the SD Competition and Yunho was making it feel like hell. He used the precious weekends to force the club members to stay back and practice for hours and hours and even more hours. True, it was very hard work but as the days become nearer and nearer to the competition, the more and more the members decided to get competitive.

"Okay! Girls from the top!" Yunho shouted.

Moonhye decided to make that as her cue to sit down and watch. She basically know every single moves to the girl's group dance, she had been practicing their moves secretly. She also knew the girl duet dance off by heart. She didn't practice it but she knew it off by memory, seeing Yuri and Hyoyeon practice it almost every day for the last weeks... It's not surprising she knew it.

Some people took notice at how Moonhye wasn't participating in the girl group dance but Yunho always say the same excuse, "Because the girl's dance doesn't need one more person." They wouldn't have bothered to ask Yunho even more but Yoona will always keep wondering about that. She hates to admit it but Moonhye is an amazing dancer, better than some people so why was she not in the girl group dance? This got Yoona very confused and curious.

Everyone had just finished one more round of practice and again, Yoona just couldn't help but notice at how Moonhye was being... Protected. She was being taken care of by Kai and Yunho and also Kris. It was like all three of them were trying to carry something precious and they would've been devastated it if dropped and broke. Why were they treating her like that? Yoona was becoming more and more curious.


Yunho had called it a day, it was about time too since its past 6pm and they started at 6am. Yunho had kept back Moonhye to have a little talk with her, it was basically to make sure if she was okay; if she didn't have any pre-asthma attacks. Yoona sure didn't miss this. Kai and Kris also stayed back inside while Yoona placed her ears on the door, carefully listening to every single word they were saying.

"Moonhye are you sure you can do this?" Yunho held Moonhye's shoulder, "I mean we have two more days to practice and it would get more intense..."

Yoona scrunched her eyebrows. What? 

Yoona leaned in more closer. "Moonhye it's alright if you drop ou-"

"No!" Moonhye interrupted Yunho. "Look, I'm sick and tired of feeling guilty. I feel like what I'm doing is a crime!" She shouted, "Is dancing a crime? Does wanting to dance a crime? I'm completely fine! Look at me! Alive and well!"

Yoona's mouth went agape, "Is there something wrong with her?" She whispered.

"Moonhye..." Yunho softened, "I want you to dance. You're an amazing dancer but if your asthma is going to cause you to risk your life then I would rather not have you dancing at all."

Yoona widened her eyes. Asthma?! So that's why... A smile crept up Yoona's lips. 

Yoona left when she heard the conversation ending soon. She's going to be sweaty on the day of the competition right? Oh, and she can't forget about Moonhye as well... Looks like she would need to bring deodorant on that day for her and Moonhye.


Finally, the day of the SD Competition came and the club were already on their way to the arena. They were all nervous yet excited and revenge rose over them. They were confident in winning, they of course practiced and practice the amazing cheoreography. They practice it to the point where. The wouldn't even have to think of the next move, their bodies would just naturally move unto the next step. They were beyond confident and they couldn't wait to show that confidence in front of JYP.

They entered the arena and there were a great number of different dance group practicing and stretching. Yunho guided them to their waiting area and it just so happened that the JYP dance group were right beside theirs.

"Yunho!" A well built man slung his arm around Yunho's shoulder which received glares from the SM dance club members.

"Junsu." Yunho said, turning around to face the man that was so called Junsu.

"I'm glad you're here my friend! I can't wait to see what you're." Junsu coughed, "Group... Has got."

"Oh wait and see my friend." Yunho embed a fake smile on his face, "Our group will slap you're" Yunho coughed, imitating what Junsu did earlier, "Group right on their faces with our amazing dance."

"Oh I can't wait to see it myself!" Junsu clapped, "See you later then." With that said, Junsu left leaving a pumped up dance group. Oh they really can't wait to see JYP's faces when they watch them perform.


The MC started speaking in the microphone which caught everyone's attention. "Welcome to Seoul's SD Competition!" Everyone applaud.

After the introduction, dance group after dance group performed with all their hardest. They recieved a lot of cheering and clapping that some groups who haven't performed were even more nervous and anxious. All, except for SM. They were completely relaxed, instead of getting nervous everytime a dance group goes on, they get more relaxed. Why? Because they have the confidence in winning. Even if the choreography was intense, it was extremely good.

"Next up is our last year's second place... SM!" The MC announced and the SM dance club soon entered the stage, welcomed by a loud cheering.

The dance started on the floor and each one, at every beat, a person popped and locked. The start was already intense, the audience could feel the member's passion and energy. The start was had more of popping and locking. The second bit had different hard stunts; the boys were flipping in the air while the girls did splits and cartwheeled across the stage. It was an incredible scene.

During the middle, it began to be even more tense, they had to use more energy but they maintained their facial expression.  It was at this time that their bodies started to loose energy and their breathes were running out but they still fought on.

The next part slowed down and the members were able to start gaining their energy back for the finale. The song switched to an upbeat song and the members were bouncing and were really going for it. They would see the audiences' satisfied expression and that got them more motivated. The ending was near and everyone traveled unto the centre of the stage ready to pose. The last beat of the song came and the members froze in their own cool poses.

They recieved a tremendous amount of cheering. It was more louder for sure than the rest and they even got a stand up ovation from the judges.

The members exited the stage with satisfied and thrilled faces. They couldn't help but make a small smirk at JYP's shocked faces. Yunho, ofcourse, had the biggest smirk on. He walked over to Junsu and slung his arm over his shoulder.

"What do you think my friend? It's not very good..." Yunho sounded as if he was dissapointed but inside, he was screaming "Ha! You jerk! Ours was the best!"

Junsu remained his poker face on, "I agree with you on that Yunho. Just be careful though." Junsu smirked, "We still have the boys and girls performance and the duet as well." Junsu patted Yunho on his head, "Don't get yourself carried away." And with that, Junsu had left and joined his group on the stage.

Yunho watched at the side with an eyebrow raised up. When the music started, Yunho knew theirs were going to be great, but not as great as theirs. He had confidence in their dance and in the members. They will win this year.

Moonhye started coughing and ran to her water, making sure no one, especially Kai, Yunho and Kris saw her. It surprised her that Kris knew about her asthma all of a sudden. He suddenly ran up to her with worried eyes and said if she had asthma. Moonhye admitted it, not caring about it anymore and just told Kris the truth. She really used a lot of energy for that performance because she didn't have to do anymore dances left. Her body was already aching since she practiced all night in the studio, her and Kai did. They wanted to make today's performance a memory to remember.


The groups' dance have ended and the judges were busy talking to one another, comparing each dances. The next even was the girl group dance followed by the girl duet right after. There won't be any breaks; once a group had finished the girl group dance then they will immediately change the song to the girl duet, meaning it will be very hard for the person who had to dance the girl group dance and the duet.

Group after group performed theirs and after they came out of the stage, they were panting like there was no tomorrow. You could just tell from their faces that they were about to pass out. JYP performed theirs and the two girls called Fei and Jia. They came out, sweat dripping off their flawless faces and whilst they walked passed the girls of SM, they flipped their hairs, wanting to look gorgeous.

Yuri and Hyoyeon scoffed at them. They had to admit, Fei's and Jia's performance was good but their will be better. Yuri had asked for a toilet break and Moonhye joined her. Moonhye didn't know how much water she drank during the last hour. Her chest was tightening and she felt like she needed loads of loads of water. After Yuri had finished using the toilet she went outside only to have someone kick her right leg.

Moonhye stared exited the cubicle and was about to wash her hands when she hear a familiar scream outside the girl's toilet. He immediately ran to the scream and found no one other than Yuri, collapsed on the floor.

"Yuri!" Moonhye gasped and bent down to check if Yuri was fine.

Yuri tried getting up but fell down again. She held her ankle and winced in pain; it was throbbing and it felt like it was squeezing her bones. "Moonhye... I can't stand up." Yuri tried standing up again but failed and almost crashed to the ground until Moonhye had caught her.

"Lean on me." Moonhye instructed and wrapped one of Yuri's arms over her shoulder. She supported Yuri all the way to their waiting room and when they got there, Yunho immediately rushed over to Yuri.

"What happened?!" Yunho shouted.

"JYP." Yuri winced in pain when she sat on a chair, "Once I got out the toilet, someone pushed me and kicked my leg and ankle." Eunhyuk got a smaller chair to rest Yuri's throbbing foot. "They kicked it numerous if times as well." Yuri continued.

Yunho started pacing back and forth. He punched the wall nearest to him and ran his finger through his hair. "What are we going to do now? Yuri's next..."

As the club looked around and stayed silent for ideas, Moonhye was hesitant to volounteer. She knew the whole dance off by heart, especially Yuri's since she had been helping her. She ended her battle with herself and shot her hand up, "I'll do it!"

All eyes were on her. Moonhye gulped, "I'll do Yuri's part."

"No." Yunho said sternly.


"I said no." Yunho glared at Moonhye.

Eunhyuk placed his hands on Yunho's shoulder, "Yunho. Let's just let Moonhye do it. I've seen her during practice, she knows the dance. Let her do it."

"No means no." Yunho walked away from Eunhyuk and sat on a chair, rubbing his temple with his fingers.

"Dude! Do you want to lose?!" Eunhyuk shouted, "Stop being stubborn! JYP has done the exact same thing they did last year! I thought you said you wanted to teach them a lesson!"

Yunho sighed, "I know but..."

"I'll be fine oppa!" Moonhye said, her hands fisted and a determined look on her face. "I promise."

"Fine..." Yunho finally gave in and gave cheers from the members except for Kai, Kris and Yoona.

With that settled, Moonhye practiced a bit of the duet dance. Kai called out to her and led her to a corner to talk to her in private.

"Moonhye." Kai muttered while playing with Moonhye's hands.

"Kai." Moonhye said softly, "I know what's in your mind and I'm telling you that I'm going to be fine."

Kai sighed and gently placed Moonhye's head against his chest; he kissed her forehead and hugged her once again. "Promise me. I don't want you getting hurt Moonhye."

Moonhye inhaled Kai's manly scent while smiling; thinking she doesn't deserve such a loving and perfect boyfriend. After a while, Moonhye decided to break the hug. "Kai. I'll be fine." She smiled, "I promise."

Kai could only give a half hearted smile back. Even if Moonhye did say that, he couldn't help but be worried.

The MC had announced SM to come to the stage and the girls left. First was the girl group dance and it was tough alright. Moonhye thought it was easy when she actually watched them practice but it was harder to perform than she thought. She tried her hardest not to make any mistakes since she wasn't sure of the cheoreography but somehow she managed to pull it off and end the dance with charisma.

Next was the duet dance. She and Hyoyeon immediately went into their position. Without any break, the music to the duet dance started playing. The first half, Moonhye was doing extremely well. She was in time and her energy was high but that only made her chest start to clench.

Half way through the dance, Moonhye felt her chest squeezing the life out of her. That was her signal that she was going to have an asthma attack but that didn't stop her. She looked at the side of the stage and found Kai, silently motivating her with the beautiful smile of his; that was enough to keep him motivated. She continued to dance even with her clenching chest. The last part of the dance required a ton of energy which she used. And the ending pose was strong and charismatic.

Once Moonhye had heard the applause from the audience, she ran as fast she could backstage to where her bag is. She pushed right into people but as she turned the corner, she inhaled a very strong smell which caused her to fall unto the floor with a loud sound. Her body had had enough.

Kai rushed immediately to her; his eyes were already tearing up. He was panicking, again. Just by looking at her performance just, he was panicking. He could see the pain on Moonhye's face and he wanted every so badly to hug her and absorb all her pain away, but he couldn't.

"Moonhye!" Kai shouted as he shook her. "Someone call an ambulance!"

Most people were too shocked at the scene that just happened but Yunho soon snapped out of his gaze and brought out his phone and dialled 119 as fast as he could.

It didn't take more than a few minutes for the ambulance to get there. Thankfully, the hospital was quite near the arena and so it was able to come here fast and thankfully, Moonhye was still alive. 


*Not edited

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!