Behind The Ego

No way, Right?

"That bastard!" Kai punched the door in hope to break it.

"Yah! Watch your language!" Moonhye scolded as she made her way to Kai.

"Is this seriously the right time to scold me?" Kai raised an eyebrow at Moonhye before continuing to twist the door handle and kicking the door.

"Yah! You're gonna break it!" Moonhye pushed Kai out of the way.

Moonhye and Kai sighed in unison. Why does it seem like everyone wants to lock them up?  They made their way to the corner of the room and slumped down unto the floor. They know exactly what Taemin planned but they didn't know that the other knew as well. They knew that Taemin knows they like each other and they knew that Taemin was frustrated of them not being together. Moonhye and Kai looking for his phone was a complete lie and it hurt their pride to know that they are such gullible idiots.

Kai took a glance at Moonhye who was just staring into space. Should he tell her? But what if it ruins their friendship? He got them from enemies to friends, he does not want that to just shatter because of one simple sentence. But on the other hand, what if Moonhye accepts his confession. He'll finally get something he really wants and if that happens, he will live his life happily ever after. That is of course if he actually has the courage to confess.

Moonhye glanced around the room to keep herself entertained. She did try and look for her phone but she figures that Taemin has stolen it. Kai doesn't have his either. That sneaky weirdo! Moonhye has got to thank Taemin though. He hasn't told Kai anything about her liking him and she's sure thankful for that since there isn't anything in the world that irritates her than the person you like knows you like them through someone else. She thinks that they have no right! It's that's person's responsibility to confess or don't. Or else they're just cowards.

The things is though... Moonhye is pretty much of a coward and when she's having that small little rant, she knows she's a cowards as well. She didn't know it would be this hard to confess. When she confessed to Kris, her heart weren't beating as fast as it was with Kai. This is a chance to confess. Probably the only chance she'll ever get. Sure she will be heartbroken if Kai doesn't like her back but she needs that feeling off he chest. That 100 pounds of weight that her chest was carrying needs to be thrown away by three simple words: 'I like you'. But she can't just do it. How could she? It would be embarrassing, it would be him maybe. She absolutely can't do it! But she has to! No she can't! Urgh! Stop it head!

Moonhye hit her head multiple times and with each hit, it gets harder. Kai looked at her with an eyebrow raised up, thinking if she had lost her mind. He couldn't blame her. He too will lose his mind in a moment, just thinking about them being alone makes Kai's head go dizzy.

Moonhye's stomach grumbled causing her cheeks to go bright red.

"Sorry..." She awkwardly giggled.

"You hungry?" Kai asked.

"Nope. I'm perfectly fine!" Moonhye beamed but her stomach didn't agree since it made another grumble. Moonhye pouted, "Okay... Maybe a tincey~ winey~ bit hungry."

Kai chuckled as he got up to get his bag. He dropped it in front of Moonhye. She raised an eyebrow up at Kai.

"Open it." Kai ordered.

Moonhye raised an eyebrow before opening the bag. Her eyes widened as she found many different kinds of food in there: crisps, his lunch, candy, fizzy drinks.

"Yah! Kai, what the heck is all this?!" Moonhye asked in disbelief at what her eyes were seeing.

"Food." Kai bluntly answered.

"No duh. But, I mean... why, and how the heck did you bring this to school?"

"I didn't. Taemin hyung gave it- wait a minute... Urgh that clever bas-!"

"Language!" Moonhye interrupted.

Kai sighed, "Well at least he's thoughtful enough to give us food... but I guess we won't be having our showers today..." Kai sighed once more then joined Moonhye to eat the food.


For the rest of the day Kai and Moonhye just talked, shared laughs and fell in love with each other even more at how different the other can be with the rest of the people around them. Kai would get lost in their conversations then would stare at Moonhye's beautiful face which then led to him getting lost in his dreamland again where only two people exist; him and Moonhye.

He's afraid that it will turn out like the time when they were in the park. When he kissed her, he had a reasonable excuse at that time but if he does it now then... there is absolutely no way out. Literally. He can't run away since the door is locked, he can't talk his way out of it since there is no excuse. So he slapped himself out of dreamland into reality where he found Moonhye's face smiling again in front of him. This is going to be a long night...


At the midst of talking and laughing, Moonhye was the first one to yawn. Kai surely didn't miss this so he grabbed one side of Moonhye's face which felt soft and warm in Kai's hand and gently laid it down unto his shoulder. "Sleep. You're tired."

Moonhye's face went a tint of red at the sudden contact Kai gave her. "Th-thank you", she stuttered.

Moonhye was tired but is she going to sleep? No. Why? Because Kai's face was resting on her head which made her heart go crazy again. Her eyes were wide open, just staring into space, and her mind pretending that Kai wants there so she can sleep peacefully.

"Yah. Why aren't you sleeping?" Kai suddenly asked.

"Ummm..." Moonhye started thinking of an excuse, she didn't at the end so she just sighed, "I don't know..."

Kai hummed and silence filled the air once more. It wasn't awkward, it was comfortable since both of them know that they're pretty much on good terms now.

"Moonhye..." Kai called.

Moonhye moved her head to look at Kai but was pushed down again unto his shoulder. Moonhye just remained there, "What is it Kai?"

"Do you still hate me?"

Moonhye blinked at what Kai said then made a small giggled, "I used to. But not anymore. Why? Does it look like I still hate you?"

Kai laughed with a deep tone, "No." He smiled then stared at the ceiling, "But why did you hate me then?"

"Well..." Moonhye thought for a bit, "you were arrogant, conceited, a jerk, you were way too full of yourself, you were a bastard..." Moonhye was about to carry on but Kai interrupted her.

"Okay. Okay. I get it. I was a ." Kai pouted, "But why did you start... not hating me?"

"Well... You still are all those things I told you, you know?" Moonhye laughed, "But then you showed me your good sides... I got to see a caring Kai." Moonhye smiled at a memory, "Remember when you took care of my ankle? Remember when you saved me from those crazy university girls?"


"You showed me loads of your good sides Kai and so I ended up not hating you." Moonhye giggled.

Kai smiled. That's good to hear. Kai leaned his head further so he was fully resting it on Moonhye's head. "You know... I never hated you back then."

Moonhye furrowed her eyebrows, "You didn't? But I thought-"

"My anger got too carried away. We didn't particularly have a good start you know." Kai laughed, "That's why I thought I hated you because well... You ruined my favourite shirt with the ice cream that I bought."

"You're still childish now than before." Moonhye laughed.

"Anyways..." Kai continued, "I found out you're a really nice person to be with... Remember when you took care of me when I was sick? Remember when we spent New Year's together? You were the only one there for me when no one else was. So... Thanks for that." Kai smiled.

Moonhye's heart rate grew quicker, "No pr-problem. It was no big deal really." She managed to say.

Kai sighed, "You know you're so different from others right?" 

"Am I?"

"Yes, yes you are." Kai took a deep breath, "You always do and say things differently than others!" Kai raked his hair with his fingers.

"There had been so many things I wanted to say to you and do to you but I couldn't... Why? Because of my stupid ego! I built up this ego and pride to you naturally so when I tried doing something beyond nice... I end up not doing it. You did all those wonderful things to me and I couldn't do anything to pay you back. This ego, I hate sometimes..." Kai sighed

"Moonhye, you do such weird things that no one has ever done to me. You told me that ballet me doing ballet was cool. You dress up in jeans and t-shirts while you look like a freaking goddess in a dress!"

Kai managed to calm down, "That's why I fell in love with you Lee Moonhye..."



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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!