
No way, Right?

How long had it been? Months hasn't it? Three months exactly. Summer went by quickly for most but slow for some. The once used-to-be-lovebirds had separated. One month was enough for everyone to figure out that Moonhye and Kai broken up. Another month for them to be in shock over it and another month for it to be forgotten. Now, it was like they had never been in love in the first place.

Moonhye tried avoiding Kai as much as possible, it was kind of hard considering that their parents are close with each other and they had lessons in which some, their tables were very close to each other. Did Kai get over Moonhye? Moonhye didn't know. Did Moonhye get over Kai? Kai didn't know. In fact, no one knew what was on their minds. Moonhye always put up a smile and that smiled reassured everyone that she was completely fine but it was only her that knew that the smile she wears was fake.

Kai on the other hand seemed to talk less and less. He would just sit there with his friends and just listen to their conversation with boredomeness written all over his face. He's beginning to regret. He still loved Moonhye. He loved her very, very much but what could he do? He's afraid once him and Moonhye start dating again, Moonhye would get hurt... because of him. He knows it wasn't his fault that Moonhye had asthma but he couldn't help but think that she said he was the whole reason why she's dancing again. In his thoughts, he is the whole reason why Moonhye's life is in danger. He just can't let that happen anymore.


Sehun creased his eyebrows while looking at his friend, Kai. Why is he like this? Sehun pouted, thinking why was Kai being like that all of a sudden. They were at cafeteria and Kai hasn't touched his food. Actually, Sehun and his other friends had noticed this recently, Kai hasn't been eating. They tried bringing him his favourite food, Kyungsoo even did the cooking but the food would only get eaten by Tao. This time though, Sehun was really freaked out. The food laid out in front of Kai is Korean beef. The Korean Beef that him and his friends would die for. Sehun felt a light bulb go off in his head. Was he still in love with Moonhye? To be honest, Sehun had thought Kai had forgotten about Moonhye. It had been three months after all. Sehun shook his head, Kai wasn't like that. Kai is blunt and doesn't let things get to him easily. So why on Earth is Kai acting like that.

Sehun watched Tao attack the Korean Beef but his attention was caught by Chanyeol's shout. "Hey Kris!" Sehun looked up to see Kris walk over to their table.

"Hey." Kris replied.

"Come sit. I have bbimbap today, look!" Chanyeol beamed.

"Not today sorry Chanyeol. I'm sitting with Moonhye." Kris jerked his thumb behind him.

Sehun saw Kai flinch before he looked up to hear Chanyeol's and Kris' conversation.

Tao pouted, "You know duizzang, you have been spending more and more time with Moonhye recently." Tao commented and Sehun couldn't miss Kai flinching again. Sehun placed a finger on his lips. So... He still can't forget Moonhye after all


Moonhye watched Kris as he made his way to her again. Lately, Kris and her had been getting closer again. They had been going to cafés, watching movies and just having casual meetings. But in Kris' point of views, they were all dates.

"Kris... I feel a bit guilty taking you away from your friends all the time." Moonhye pouted as she looked over at the slumping Tao.

Kris smiled; liking at how cute Moonhye looks right now, "You shouldn't feel guilty you know. You're not forcing me to hang out with you. It's my choice to be with you."

Moonhye showed her eye-smile before sipping her orange juice. She and Kris continued to have their daily conversation but she would occasionally glance over at Kai. She was getting worried about him; he looked like he had not been eating properly. Was he sick? Moonhye shrugged the thought off. It's not like she cares anyway. Her and Kai are over ages ago. It was his choice to leave so she's letting him leave. She... She didn't need someone like him...


The next day, surprisingly and coincidentally, Kai and Moonhye both came out of their house at the same time. They both awkwardly looked away. Moonhye was looking anywhere but in front of her while Kai faked a cough. At the same time, the two people stepped forward and started walking. Sooner than they knew it, they were walking together.

Kai scratched the back of his head, knowing that awkwardness filled the air around them. He coughed once more before saying, "Umm... Hey Moonhye..." Kai felt weird saying her name again.

"Oh... Hi Kai." Moonhye awkwardly smiled in response. "You... Uh..." Moonhye bit her lips, not knowing what to say, "I see you have new earphones."

Kai flinched and took out an earphone from his ear, "Oh... Yeah... Suho hyung bought it me." Kai's lips twitched in attempt to smile back. He stopped trying in the end and mentally slapped himself for being so uncool in front of Moonhye.

Moonhye laughed seeing the frustrated Kai. "I guess we're pretty awkward aren't we?" Moonhye giggled which stunned Kai. He didn't know how much he missed Moonhye's smile and laugh.

Kai smiled and chuckled. "I guess we are aren't we?"

"Look Kai... I know we had... History between us but..." Moonhye bit her lip again, "I just want you to know that I'm over us..." Moonhye frustratedly scratched her head, "I mean... I want us to be friends and I don't want our history to get in the way of our friendship... Do you get what I'm saying?"

"Uhh... Y-yes." Kai stuttered. Moonhye smiled once more before they continued walking. 

Kai didn't know how much it hurt for Moonhye to say that it was over between them. It killed Kai inside but as of now all he could do is smile along with Moonhye, even if it was a fake smile. Talking to her is enough... Right?


Weeks had gone by and most of Moonhye's and Kai's friends were surprised to see the two talking again. They had been ignoring each other's existence for the past three months so it was a bit surprising to see them talk and actually smile at each other.

Kris was taking it surprisingly well. Kai had thought he would give him a punch in the face for getting anywhere near Moonhye but he was calm. 

Yoona had been hiding in the sidelines. She started a conversation with Kai once in a while but that conversation would end when Kai just leaves without warning. Now that Yoona's seeing the two interact again, she was beginning to get angrier and possessive again.


The bell rang signalling then end of classes and everyone packed their bags in a hurry and dashed out the door. Moonhye felt her phone vibrate in her bag and she checked to see her phone. She pouted and sighed in dissapointment at the text before she tucked it in her bag.

Kai raised an eyebrow at Moonhye and walked over to her. "Why the frown?"

Moonhye looked up and sighed. "Kris cancelled."

"Cancelled what?" Kai grew alarmed.

"He was supposed to treat me for bubble tea and cheese cake today but he was busy..." Moonhye let out another big sigh and shrugged, "Oh well. I'll force him to take me tomorrow."

Moonhye was about to leave but Kai caught her wrist, stopping her. "Hey... Did Kris ask you to get back together again?"

"Oh... Yeah he did." Moonhye placed a finger on her lips, "Now that I think about it, this was supposed to be a date right?"

Kai loosened his hold on Moonhye wrist. A date? This means Kris is really trying to get her back. "Do you think you're going to date Kris again someday?" 

Moonhye blinked at the sudden question but answered anyway, "I don't know..." Moonhye giggled, "But at this rate, I might fall head over heels in love with him again."

Kai's eyes widened and he wanted to say something again but nothing came out of his mouth. Moonhye took that as a signal she could leave and within a few seconds, she was out the classroom.


For minutes, Kai had just been standing there. Moonhye's words let replaying in his head. "I might fall head over heels in love with him again." His heart clenched at it felt like it was going to squeeze him to death. He placed his hands on his chest and clenched his shirt. She was going to leave him. Someday, she will not love him and that means they will never be together again. Reality slapped him across the face and Kai snapped his head towards the door and made a run for it.

He regreted it! Why had he never thought of this before? Back then, his mind just couldn't think of Moonhye to love someone other than him. For Moonhye to be with someone with other than him. He won't let that happen! He just can't!

Kai had already reached Moonhye's house and he tried knocking as hard and as fast as he could but no one answered. Is she not home yet? Kai thought for minute. He had gone through the street way but he couldn't find Moonhye anywhere. Kai paused for a moment and felt a lightbulb light in his head. The park.

Without second thoughts, Kai ran off and made his way to the park. He was breathless once he had reached his destination. He placed his hands on his knees, supporting him form collapsing. After around about a minute, he looked up and found a familiar figure swinging on one of the swings. A smile naturally made his way to his lips.

"Hey." Kai greeted.

Moonhye blinked and looked up to see Kai smiling. "Ka-Kai!" Moonhye stood up, "What are you doing here?"

Kai sighed, "There's no point in stalling so I'll just get to the point." Kai took a deep breath, "I want you back." Moonhye was surprised at first but after dozens of seconds she made a poker face. "Moonhye... I'm asking you to date me again."

No second longer after Kai asked his question Moonhye replied, "No."

Kai blinked multiples of times, flustered and surprised to what Moonhye just said.

Moonhye rolled her eyes, "Don't be surprised Kai. I bet you were expecting this answer." Moonhye scoffed. "You broke your promises. You broke my heart and what? You expect me to come running into your arms accepting your forgiveness?"

"You're lying." Kai interrupted. "Tell me one reason why you don't love me anymore?"

"Because I deserve better than someone who won't even fight for our love."




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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!