Ankle of Affection

No way, Right?

It was alright... So far. Moonhye knew the bickering would start sooner or later once the parents were out of sight. They're grown up but the parents didn't think that. They would flirt with each other and it just makes Moonhye cringe and throw up. Old people should not flirt.

Seeing as how they were flirting right in front of Moonhye's eyes she felt extremely uncomfortable and disgusted. Don't mistake her, she doesn't mind her parents being a cute couple again, it just shows that they love each other very much but she does mind when they flirt. There's a difference. Being cute is just hugging and smiling together but flirting is another story. For example, rubbing each other's noses, giggling to each other, over excessive complementing, she just gagged. To make it worse.... They're old people.

She just escaped at the disturbing scene in front of her. It's nice to see they love each other but they don't have to show it that way.... Moonhye went over to back to the car looking at something to do inside the trunk. She remembered her mum bring a ball, a badminton kit and a kite. Since there wasn't someone to play ball or badminton with, kite it was then. She knew Kai would just refuse if she asked him to play so she just stuck with the kite. It was so old fashioned, yes, but it was the only thing to get her mind off of things.

She went to a near by field with a bench and a tree. She wasn't stupid enough to fly the kite by the tree so she made her distance from it. The wind was quite breezy but it wasn't really a good wind for the kite to be flying in the air for long but she tried it anyway. She threw the kite from her grasp and soon the kite was flying in the air. She used to do this a lot when she was a kid and she loved doing it. Whenever her kite broke, she'll make another one out of newspaper. She didn't know why she doesn't do it anymore. Probably because she grew older and oh yeah, it was the 21st Century. All the kids now are on their laptops and playing video games.

The wind suddenly stopped. It didn't surprised Moonhye much since she knew the wind wasn't going to hold the kite much longer but she didn't expect it to fall on the tree. She even went away from it as far as possible but still... It gets stuck in the damn tree. She sighed and looked up finding the kite stuck between branches. It was too high up to reach even if she jumped. No choice but to climb I guess. 

She took off her flats and grabbed hold of the nearest and strongest branch in her reach and pulled herself up managing to sit on he thick, strong branch. She stood up and grabbed hold off another strong branch and reached for the kite but alas... It was still too far. She placed her foot on another branch higher up and tried again.


Kai felt something a miss when he took his earphones out of his ears. Moonhye was missing. He stood up and went searching for her. He didn't find her in the car, he didn't find her at the shop across the street. It wasn't like he was worried or anything it if she gets lost it was partly his blame since the adults were too 'busy'. He cringed at the thought. He looked around the car park once more and found a tree near it which then he found Moonhye climbing up.

"The heck does she think she's doing?!" Kai ran as fast as he could towards the tree.

Just as Moonhye was about to try and reach for the kite again she heard yelling.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?!" 

She looked down and found a breathless Kai angrily shouting at her.

"I'm trying to get the kite. What do your think I'm doing." Moonhye answered ever so bluntly and tried again to reach, this time ignoring that Kai was shouting her.

She used more force in stepping on the branch to get the kite and finally she got it! But just before she was going to go back.


She came falling down snapping branched on the way and landed on Kai's arms.

"Yah!" Here it goes. She was done for. Kai would surely shout and give a million of 'I told you so'.

She closed her eyes tight waiting for Kai's loud, angry voice.

"Are you okay?" What?

Moonhye looked up at Kai's face. It wasn't angry or the pissed Kai face she knows and was used to. His face showed of concern and worry. Speechless, Moonhye just nodded. Kai sighed in relief.

He placed her down unto the grass but she stumbled and couldn't stand up. Kai caught her and looked down at her ankle. Blood. Kai's eyes widened and rushed Moonhye to the bench nearby.

"Jeez you're such a liar!" He placed her down.

Moonhye confused as to why Kai had just said that. She wasn't at all notified that she was bleeding. It didn't even hurt, it was like a numb feeling. She was too focused on Kai's reaction and face. He could be worried too? About me...

"Seriously! You're such an idiot sometimes." Kai took out his handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed it onto where the blood was coming from. It was then that Moonhye snapped into reality and felt the pain from her ankle.

"Oh my gosh! I'm bleeding!" Moonhye winced in pain.

Kai raised an eyebrow at her. "Now. Only now, you just felt the pain?"

Moonhye shut her eyes hard, bit her lip and winced from the pain, nodding her head frantically. It stung every time the wound touched something.

"Kai! Be more careful!" She clenched her fist from the pain.

"You! Tell me! To be careful?!" Kai's mouth was opened from Moonhye's bluntness.

After a few minutes of cleaning the blood it finally looked less disgusting. "Do you have a hair tie?" Kai asked.

"Yeah." Moonhye took her hair tie from her wrist and gave it Kai.

Kai took it and paced the handkerchief on the wound and secured it with the hair tie. "That should stop the bleeding." Kai dusted the imaginary dust off his trousers.


"Let's go back then,"

"Uhh... No thanks. The parents are still... Ugh" Moonhye had goose bumps.

"Oh right...." Kai also cringed.

"Just stay here. They'll call us when it's time to go back. Which won't take for another two hours or so." Moonhye patted the seat next to hers.

Kai raised an eyebrow the shrugged. Might as well. And with that they were both sitting down on the bench facing the river.

It was silent, but it wasn't as awkward like normal. Kai broke the silent first.

"Does it still hurt?"


"You know...." Moonhye looked over at Kai, "This is the second time I saved you Lee Moonhye." Kai smirked.

Moonhye rolled her eyes. "Don't feel all superman just because you saved a girl. Anyone can do that. Plus I didn't ask for your help."

"Please. You were dying at both of them. The one with the es. Why the heck you didn't fight back, I didn't know."

"Kai. It was my fault." Moonhye softened. Kai looked over at her soft expression. "It was that or just Karma. I mean, I did lie to them about dating Taemin and it was my idea in the first place so I kinda did deserve it." Kai raised an eyebrow. 

Moonhye turned at Kai, "But. If I know it wasn't my fault. I would fight back no matter what."

Kai felt something heat up on his chest. He turned away. "Still... If I was getting molested like that I would still fight back." Kai coughed.

Moonhye just shook her head, rolling her eyes, turning away from his face and stared at the river. It was sunset already and silence filled the air once more. It wasn't awkward at all for both of them. They just sat there, quietly enjoying the sunset at Han River.





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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!