Best Man Wins?

No way, Right?

"I'm going~" Moonhye waved her parents goodbye and closed the door behind her. She found the usual Kai leaning against the lamp post, listening to music but instead of ignoring her and nodding his head, he was smiling at her.

"Morning." Kai made a small nod followed by a smile.

Moonhye blushed but Kai thought she was just cold. "Morning."

Kai went up to her and wrapped his scarf around Moonhye's neck. "You're cold." Kai stated.

"Well... It is winter." Moonhye said before she giggled.

Kai smiled and ruffled Moonhye's hair. "Let's go."

They had a silent walk to school but it wasn't awkward at all, they were comfortable with each other that they didn't feel like they have to say anything. They reached school and they found Kris leaning against the wall by the school gate who waved to Moonhye.

Moonhye waved back and took off her scarf and gave it to Kai. "Thanks Kai." She smiled and walked over to Kris.

Kris hugged Moonhye all of a sudden and glared at Kai. Kai raised an eyebrow before making his way to class.

Moonhye broke their hug, "Happy New Year Kris!" She beamed.

Kris smiled. "Happy New Year." He grabbed Moonhye's hand and made their way to class together. "So what did you do during New Year's Eve? Alone I guess?" Kris was expecting for a 'no' but he got the complete opposite.

"Actually, I spent it with Kai." She smiled at the thought.

Kris stopped.

Moonhye turned, "Anything wrong?" She tilted her head.

"Why?" Kris stared at Moonhye right in the eye. "Why did you spend it with him?"

"Well... Our parents had work and I didn't want to spend it alone so...yeah." She shrugged the grabbed unto Kris' arm then dragged him. "Now come on! We're going to be late."

They entered the noisy classroom and was about to sit at their usual spot when Ms. BoA burst in. "Don't even bother sitting! We're going to have a new seating plan."

Kris' and Kai's eyes widened but for completely different reasons. Kris didn't want to sit by anybody else except Moonhye and Kai thought it was a chance to sit with Moonhye again.

"Pick your numbers then look at the table where you are going to sit." Ms. BoA brought out a box.

One at a time each student got their numbers and sat where they needed to sit. No one dared swap numbers since Ms. BoA was watching intensely so everyone just kept quiet and sat at their designated seat.

Moonhye picked out a paper and unfolded it. 17. She began scanning the classroom for her designated seat and found it at last. She found it empty until Sehun has sat next to her supposed-to-be seat. I guess my new seating buddy is Sehun. Moonhye shrugged and waved to Sehun who waved back at her. Sehun and Moonhye already started making small talk and talking about things like what's their favorite colour and food.

Kai and Kris sighed when they saw Moonhye already sitting at a seat and went to the box to pick theirs half heartedly. 

Kai picked his first. 16. He sighed, it was a shame, if not he could have 18 then he could sit by Moonhye but their tables are close so he can talk to her during class.

Kris then went up and picked his. 15. He scanned around the room for the number 15 and finally found it. He was not pleased at all, he saw Kai sitting next to his seat and he sighed before making his way.

Kai flinched when he found Kris sitting next to him, "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here? This obviously where I sit from now on." Kris sighed and rested his face on his palm.

Kai rolled his eyes and watched Moonhye and Sehun be all friendly with each other.


"5,6,7,8! Turn! 2,3,4,5,6,7,8!" Yunho called out the counts as some of the dance club danced with all their might to the music.

Moonhye jumped and ly to land on the ground massaging her ankle. "Ah!"

Kris and Kai were at the opposite side of the room listening to the talking Eunhyuk but snapped their heads right away towards the direction of Moonhye's scream. They ran as fast as they could but Kris reached first, his long legs helped a lot.

"Moonhye are you alright?!" Kris panicked and before Moonhye could answer he carried her in his arms and ran towards the door, "I'll be taking her in the nurse's office!"

The club was left silent until Yunho broke it. "I'm sure Moonhye will be fine, she's got Kris. Now back to practice!" He ordered.

Everyone returned back to what they were doing before but Kai couldn't help but over hear the girls saying nice stuff about Kris. 

"Did you see they way she carried her in his arms?" Yuri placed her hands on her chest and sighed while looking at the ceiling.

"He was like a prince saving his princess" Hoyeon joing Yuri and they both drifted off into dream land.

Kai couldn't help but blame his stupid legs. If he had longer legs then he could be in the position Kris was in now. He sighed and went back to his hyungs. Taemin smirked at the depressed Kai. He knew already what was happening, he just played along with it and patiently waited until something happens. 

Taemin scooted over to Kai and started poking his cheeks. "Jongin~ Why so depressed?"

"I'm not!" Kai wacked Taemin's hands away.

Taemin didn't stop, "Jongin~ Why so angry?"

Kai sighed, he cannot beat Taemin once they started an argument. It's like Taemin is the only one that can control him.

"Jongin. I read this book lately and there was this two men that fought over this race." Taemin tapped his chin pretending to think about the fake story.

Kai turned to Taemin and raised an eyebrow thinking what was Taemin doing now.

"In the end someone did win....... You know what the title was?" Taemin nudged Kai's arms.

"Noo..." Kai trailed off thinking if should he know what the title was.

"It's called 'The Best Man Wins'" Taemin smirked.


Lame update... Forgive me, my brain chooses when it creative or not...Stupid brain....

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kxmjxnxnx #1
New readeeer
smys23 #2
Chapter 71: I LOVED IT.

r u not gonna update this story anymore??? :(
aaaahhh why havent you update??? D':
Putrimy #5
New reader!
Chapter 71: Omg this story is goooddddd~~~~~~~~update soon~
Chapter 71: finished the whole thing in 2 hours lol
my heart panged every time they leave each other in a devistating way
like srsly– too good

will be reading more stories of yours, author-nim! great work!
absehun #8
Chapter 8: Hi, i am new reader here :) i like this story, its cute :)
flowergirl137 #9
when will you update ? i've been waiting about 2 years already. please update asap :)
Uyen1005 #10
Chapter 71: Uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaa~~!!its really good!i love it!!update faster author nim~~~!!