Meet Yoogeun

This SHINee Girl's Love Pain From Living with SHINee


Ah, it's nice to be out of that poofy dress. I prefer my long white pea coat, black fingerless gloves, and hello kitty earmuffs x3.

"Ah a new room!" Jonghyun shouted.

"Oh i think I've seen him somewhere!" Taemin yelled when he saw the foldable SHINee screen.

"This is where we get to play with the baby!" Jonghyun exclaimed.

"When's the baby coming?" Minho and I asked in unison.

"In celebration of us becoming dads," Jonghyun looked at me, " parents." He corrected, " Let's write our signatures and stuff like our ambitions . "  He bent down, " The important thing is that we symbolize the fact that we became dads. "

I smiled and watched them scribble over the board. There was no space left for me to write, so i stayed quiet about it. Jonghyun finished and saw me watching them , " Kyung, you can write too. Here," He gave me the marker he was using.

I placed it back in his hand, " Nah, there's no space anyway."

"Yah, just write your stuff at the top of mine." Giving it back to me.

"Aish, Jonghyun hyung, if Kyungsoon doesn't want to write then don't make her." Minho sighed.

"Aigo, why is our Kyungsoon so quiet?" Key asked.

"I'm scared that if i say anything wrong I'll ruin your images." I replied shyly.

They pulled me into a group hug, " Aigo! You silly girl, you would never ruin our image."

"I hope he's a boy." Minho confessed.

"I hope she's a girl." Jonghyun also confessed. We all stared at him, "  What? It's a baby what's wrong with that."

Taemin pulled me closer to him, " Noona,  i don't think it's safe to be around Jonghyun hyung anymore."

"I didn't say anything. Why are you like that by yourself?" Key snapped.

"I hope he's very young." Taemin said, " A year old. Maybe two years. "

"He will become sick with the Sick House Syndrome." Jonghyun said.

"Yes, i hope he becomes like that." Taemin then covered his mouth. Ah he's just too cute.

"I just hope he's not a problematic elementary school student." Key said.

"Just try raising five children like you." Onew laughed.

"When is he getting here?" Minho asked.

"30 minutes later." The PD replied.

"That's too late , the baby is tardy." Taemin complained.

"Let's clean while we're waiting." Minho suggested.

Aigo, they're so cruel to Taeminnie XD , switching the rules for rock paper scissors. " Taeminnie, noona will help you."

Taemin smiled, and we both grinned when Jonghyun dug his own grave , forcing him to join us. "It's too cold." Taemin complained the instant we got outside.

"How important is that baby that i have to sweep the garden?" Jonghyun whined.

"Yah, you're the one who said we should clear the snow so the baby wouldn't trip." I snapped.

"Taemin, Kyung do you two know what the legend of snow fighting is?" Jonghyun asked.

"What's that?" We asked in unison.

"It's this." Jonghyun replied, sweeping snow at us, " The legend of a snow fight."

"Are you picking a fight?" Taemin shouted while carrying a pile of snow toward Jonghyun, throwing it at his face.

"AH, Taeminnie give me that." I grabbed the shovel he had and continuously threw piles of snow at Jonghyun.

"What are you three doing?" Key asked when he came out.

Jonghyun and Taemin immediately threw snow at him. Eventually Key glared at them with his laser eyes, o_o . They both froze. Jonghyun ran away and took me with him, " I have nothing to be afraid of!" I called back to Key.


"Is anyone home?~" A voice called from the door.

I started jumping with joy, " Kya~ The baby is here!"

We all stood n front of the door, " Come in." Minho called back, opening the door.

"Kya~!" Key and I screamed at the same time, sounding like one person screaming.

"Minho! Mini Minho!" I squealed, " Aigo~ He's so cute!"

"Ah, he's so cute. What's his name?" Minho asked.

"Jung Yooguen." Yooguen's mom replied.

"Hi Yooguen!" Taemin waved.

"He looks like Minho." Jonghyun muttered while we walked inside.


"Yooguen, come here." Minho called, opening his arms out. Yooguen walked to him without hesitation, " How old are you?" Yooguen tried to use his fingers but his gloves made it hard to tell, " 4?"

"He said two." Onew said.

"He didn't say anything yet." I snapped.

"I think we should introduce ourselves to Yooguen." Minho said, holding Yooguen close to him, " This is Taemin hyung." Minho moved Yooguen's small hand towards Taemin.

"Hi!" Taemin waved cheerfully.

"This is Key hyung." Minho moved towards Key.

"Hi Yooguen!" Key squealed, giving him a playful greeting.

Minho walked towards me and Jonghyun, " Here's the couple with the weird hair. This is Jonghyun hyung, he has yellow hair." He laughed. Jonghyun let Yooguen caress his hair, " This is Kyungsoon noona, she has orange-ish hair." Yooguen lightly brushed some hair in my face.

"Yah, Minho oppa, since when did Jonghyun and I become a couple?" I asked, sticking my tongue out.

"Since i thought of it as a possibility. " Minho replied coolly, he turned to Onew, who was keeping his distance, " This is Onew hyung, he's Kyungsoon noona's big brother."  Yooguen didn't even glance at Onew.

"He's not looking at me." Onew sulked hiding behind me. 

Yooguen looked at the folding screen, " That looks like hyung." He pointed to Onew's part of the folding screen. Onew grinned. Key picked up Yooguen and started to bring him closer to Onew who kept running away. Key pointed to Minho's picture, " This hyung is a Power Ranger."

"When he said Minho was a power ranger , he looked right at Minho." Jonghyun muttered. We all sat down except for Onew, i gave him a worried look.

"Ah his hand is so small." Taemin exclaimed when he placed Yooguen's hand on Minho's.

"Who are we?" Key asked Yooguen. Yooguen ignored him.

" Ring Ding Dong." Taemin suggested.

"Do you know Ring Ding Dong Yooguen?" Minho asked. When Yooguen didn't respond, Taeminnie stood up and started dancing to ring ding dong.

"Mm." Yooguen smiled.

"Ah you know?" Minho asked surprised, " We're your dads," I coughed in the background,  " and that's your umma." He added, "Starting today we are Yooguen's parents. Yooguen has to live with us without his mom from now on."

"Do you like it?" Taemin and Minho asked.

"Hate it." Yooguen replied cutely.

"Hate it?" Minho questioned, we all frowned. I don't know if we can win his heart.


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i'm reading this again after 4 years!!!
allkpop4ever #2
Chapter 127: Where's the sequel? I ship like, everyone except Jonghyun with Kyung. Sorry I think my fav ship is probably KyungxEllijah. I mean, he fit shot for her and everything! I totally saw that coming with Taehyun being gay for him though! I was like, YES I WAS RIGHT WOOHOOO!! An then my sis was looking at me like I was insane!^~^ anyways, I hope to see the sequel soon!!^•^
Nim_Hee #3
Chapter 39: Need minkyung so badly
Chapter 126: In all the fics I have read (the majority of them anyway) Krystal and Sekyung are always the villians.
Chapter 97: Is... Jonghyun her ex? :3
Chapter 83: Tbh I ship ChocoMochi more than JongKyung... Yea xD
14 streak #7
Chapter 127: i cant stop reading this story and im sad that it ended but im also happy that theres a sequel for this ^^
i envy that fact that she has many idol friends and male idol crushing on her ^^
Chapter 3: How does she know that many idols? How?
omo so funny!!
immaninja13 #10
I commented my opinion in the sequel XD