LOVE.LIFE. ETERNITY (Book of Love 2)
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“After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin, they just can’t face each other, but still they stay together”

Things are getting twisted once again. My wife is back to being stubborn to the point that it’s getting the best out of me already. I don’t know why this baby thing still bothers and bugs her, but to me, I’ve already buried it ten feet underground and even if I’m dying to have more children, I’ve forgotten that want and is now moving on. I know that quitting is really stupid, but I will not risk her life once again. I don’t want to choose between her and the baby. I don’t want to go through the whole process of getting messed and ruined. I nearly died during that time and I don’t want to be in ruins once again.

“Jiyong…do you want to come with me to the cafeteria?” Youngbae asked during our break.

The members and I are rehearsing our asses out for our upcoming comeback and I can proudly say that even though we’re not young like the new idol groups anymore, we can still go up that stage and rock it. We are in our thirties, but we are still performing as five and that alone is really to be proud of. Well, a lot of idols from our era are doing the same and it’s so amazing.

“Alright…I’m actually starving” I stood up from my seat and followed him out of the studio.

My stomach is really growling and the smell of food is making my mouth water.

“FOOD” I said and started munching, receiving a weird look from Youngbae.

He smirked, making me look at him “Aigoo…why do you look like Ishi is not feeding you well?” he asked and I chuckled.

“I don’t know…it’s quite weird…she’s always lazy to do anything nowadays...she wakes up early to prepare Athena for school…feed her something that is microwavable…dropped her to school…went home then slept again…usually…she’ll make breakfast for me and her once she arrives but these days…it’s different” I answered.

Ishi is a bit different nowadays and it’s worrying me already. She’s not that energetic and she always tells me that she’s tired. I offered to take her to the hospital to have her checked but she refused coz according to her, she’s fine and I don’t have anything to worry about.

“Jiyong-ah…I think…you really have to get helpers already…maybe Ishi is already tired of doing everything…it’s not easy to take care of the family and the house all at the same time you know” Youngbae said and he’s got a point.

Ever since Ishi retired from the entertainment industry, she fired almost all of our helpers and only kept a few. Well, she’s doing fine before, I don’t know what happened now.

“I feel like she’s hiding something” I said randomly and Youngbae chuckled.

“Ishi is hiding something from you?” he asked and I gave a nod.

“I don’t know…but she seems so sneaky nowadays…she always goes out of the house as well…she even fetched Athena late in school days ago” my wife’s sudden change is ing my mind up and I don’t know what to do already. I don’t want to accuse her of anything for I know that she will not even do anything that will make me mad at her and she will not lie to me as well.

“There’s only one way to know that” Youngbae said and looked at me intently.

“What is it?” I asked and he sighed heavily.

“Ask her what’s wrong” he answered.

He’s right. I have to speak up now coz the more this gets longer, the more I’ll worry and speculate. It’s better to confront her than keep this whole thing inside me.

The whole day, I can’t stop from thinking about Ishi. I have a lot of things in my head right now and I hate myself for I have this thought that maybe she’s cheating one me. No. I know my wife, she can’t cheat. Not even in a million years.

“Is there something bothering you Jiyong?” TOP hyung asked.

I’ve noticed that everybody’s leaving the studio already while I’m still seated on the floor, biting my nails and in deep thoughts “Nothing hyung” I stood up and fixed my things.

“Are you sure? You’re so out of your element since this morning…are you having problems with Ishi again?” he asked and I sighed heavily and sat on the bench.

“I don’t know hyung…but…I guess we have a problem” I answered and he looked at me curiously.

“And what is that problem?” he asked and I shrugged.

“I don’t know…I’m yet to figure it out” I’m now in the middle of a dilemma and it for I don’t want to think of anything that will shake my marriage again. We are living beautifully and perfectly already, and I don’t want to ruin it.

“Jiyong….don’t make a problem when there’s really nothing to solve…you will just get yourself in trouble…you and Ishi are living well already…don’t fire something up” he patted my shoulder and all I can do is sigh.

TOP hyung is right. I don’t have to give a damn on a problem that doesn’t even exist. Maybe Ishi is just tired from all the things that she’s been doing around the house and with the baby issue.

“OH! Why are you still here Jiyong?” Chin ho hyung asked when we bumped into each other in the lobby.

“Hyung! I’m about to go home already…I’ll just get something from our studio” I told him and he just smiled at me.

He gave me a pat on the shoulder and walked off “WAIT JIYONG!” he called, making me turn to look at him.

He walked towards me “I just want to ask you something” he said, building my curiosity up.

“What is it hyung?” I asked. I don’t know why my heart is beating so fast. I have a feeling that this question has something to do with Ishi.

“Is your wife sick? Is she getting medications nowadays?” he asked and I looked at him in confusion.

Why is he asking this? I can’t even understand a thing. Why would he ask if Ishi is sick or is getting medications randomly? Does he know something that I don’t know?

“What are you talking about hyung? My wife is perfectly healthy…where did those questions come from?” I asked. My mind is giving me a lot to think about once again and I’m wishing for it to stop even just for a minute or two.

“You know that my wife just gave birth…right?” he asked and I nod my head “She’s still in the hospital and I’ve seen Ishi for three days straight there….I was about to approach her once but she left already even before I got to where she is” he said and there goes my brain. It’s juices are draining and I don’t know what to think anymore.

I’m so sure that none of her friends are confined in the hospital for I always see Eun hee around the building and Dong min goes to our house almost every day. Is she sick? If she is, why didn’t she tell me about this?

And because of that, I’ve decided to confront my wife the moment I get home but luck is really not on my side coz when I arrived, she’s in deep sleep already and I don’t want to disturb her anymore.

“What are you up to?” I asked while staring at my wife.

I am fully awake the whole night. All I did was stare at her and think of all the possible things that can come up during my confrontation. I have a strong feeling that this is something serious and it’s killing me already.

A ray of light is seeping in the thick curtain already and I’m still wide awake, the moment it hit Ishi’s face, she stretched her body and sat up right away. I decided to watch her. I’m gonna spy for awhile coz I might get some clues on what she’s up to.

I pretended to be asleep when she looked at me. She bent down to give me a peck on the lips and even traced her finger on my face, giving me shivers down my spine.

After that, she got out of bed and did her morning rituals. She went out of the room to wake Athena up and came back after a while. She sat on her side of the bed and got something from her drawer. I don’t know what it is but it’s in a pouch.

My eyes are wide open and I can see everything “What is this woman doing?” I asked myself.

She stood up and lifted her nightgown up, showing her lace underwear. She rubbed a cotton with alcohol on her lower abdomen and got a syringe.

At this point, I don’t know what to do anymore. I was frozen and once again, my mind is going here and there for I don’t know what’s happening. Is she really sick? What the hell is she injecting in herself? Why can’t she just tell this to me so that I can help her with whatever that she needs to do? This is really horrifying for this

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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
Chapter 64: Finished! I love youuuuu (you know that right?)
Chapter 64: finished reading :))) ...... once again amazing story <333333333333
goood joooob author-nim .... :D
Autumnaree #5
Chapter 53: wow, your characters realy go through the ringer.
unnie4ver #6
Chapter 64: It's 1:18am here. Gosh this story seems sooooo real...with the twitter and everything! Good job authornim! <3
Chapter 64: Kyaaa I finished it! Daebak! Tgis Fic made me Cry,laugh,nervous and its awesome! Author-nim daebak"
Chapter 13: Im loving the twitter post's BIG TIME!!
savygirl #9
Authornim im so inlnve with ur wrting skills my fave i she drives me crazy did u knw that i even posted a pic of gd and georgna wilson on my instagram coz im so inlove with. That story :-) oh btw georgina liked that pic too :-)
Chapter 64: omg. this was my first ever fanfic and THANKS SIMPLY FOR WRITING SUCH AN AMAZING STORY!