LOVE.LIFE. ETERNITY (Book of Love 2)
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“Anyone can give up; it’s the easiest thing in the world to do, but to hold it together, when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength”

When you think things are already getting better and everything’s falling in their right places already, another challenge would be given to you and you’ll just see yourself in a battle once again. I don’t know, but to me and Ishi, we’re always in the middle of things. There are times wherein we’re extremely happy for everything is going our way and most of the times, we’re lost and left in the dark. Oh well, this is life and all we can do is go along with it.

Five months ago, we became a family again and I can’t be much happier when my wife and daughter came back home already. I’m not expecting it at all for I thought that Ishi will be so mad at me after all the bad things that I’ve said to her. Good thing, Athena is there to somewhat save us from falling apart.

“Oppa” Ishi called after tucking Athena to bed.

“I’m sorry” she has repeated this for so many times and I’ve already had enough.

I just stared at her then pulled her down to my lap “Aigoo…how many times will you tell me that? Huh?” I asked and she caressed my face.

“Why are you so selfless? You should be so mad at me you know that?” she asked and I just smirked and hugged her tightly.

“As I’ve said…this is how much I love you….I’m only like this to you….I don’t know…but…there are times where I ask myself the same question as well…and up until now….I still have the same answer” I cupped her face with both hands and looked straight into her eyes “I’m selfless because I love you so much” I said and she started crying.

“Ow c’mon baby…stop it” I wiped her tears with the sleeve of my jacket and she sighed heavily.

“How can I not cry Oppa? You’re really so patient and understanding to me…my stubbornness has got into everybody’s nerves already but you seem to be so cool about it” she said and I just laughed.

“FYI…I’m not cool about it at all… I don’t have a choice but to get by with it because if there’s one person who is going to be so patient to you…that’s me….I’m used to it as well….thing is…you really have to low it down a notch Mrs. Kwon….coz honestly….your stubbornness has gone up to an alarming level already” I told her and she laughed out loud.

After that night, Ishi and I really worked our way out of misery together. Well, we’re still in the process of healing, but in one way or another, we have moved on already and have accepted the loss of our baby. As a matter of fact, we’re not talking about that incident anymore for it’s just going to bring us down again.

Two months has passed and things are still working out the way we wanted it to be. I’m still recording for my upcoming solo album, while Ishi is being a full time wife and mother. Well, she’s not used to it but she has no choice for JYP Sajangnim told her that he wouldn’t give her any schedules for the next six months because he wants to make sure that Ishi is already strong and well recuperated before working again. It’s all good to me though, for my wife isn’t that stressed and beat anymore.

“Jiyong…have you read this?” Teddy hyung showed me an article about Ishi cheating on me and I’m once again on fire.

Months has passed by already and the controversy about Ishi cheating on me is still so hot. There are a lot of stories coming out and it’s driving me nuts because my wife’s name is continuously being tainted and I can’t even do anything about it for nobody seems to be taking me seriously whenever I talk.

“It says here that Nichkhun has given another statement about the matter again” he said as I continue reading the whole article.

This is just too much. How can these people make such stories when they don’t even know a bit about the truth? Actually, they know nothing and all they do is write crap and amazingly, they’ve got people who believe in every article that they have released. It’s just so insane!

“Hyung…do you think I also have to release a statement about this?” I asked and he looked at me as if he’s weighing if what I told him is a good idea or not.

“But…you have talked about this already…right?” he asked and I sighed.

“Yes…but it seems like no one is believing in me….and…I just can’t let Nichkhun do all the cleaning for Ishi…I mean…if there’s someone who has the right to do that…it’s me” I told him and he smirked.

“Aigoo…why do I feel like you’re competing with this man once again? So what if he’s the one doing all the talking and cleaning? Actually…this is all cool for if it weren’t for him…this issue won’t exist” Teddy hyung has a point, but I cannot just blame it all on Nichkhun.

And with that, I’ve decided to do a short interview just to clear things out once again. I’ve been doing this clearing for some time already and it hasn’t worked that much yet for the people are thinking that I’m just covering Ishi up.

“Hello?” I picked up a call in the middle of recording, not knowing who my caller is.

“Oppa!” Ishi called and I asked Teddy hyung to give me a break for a while.

“Oh! Why did you call? Did something happen?” I walked out of the studio and stayed in the lounge instead.

“Nothing happened Oppa…it’s just that I’ve watched your recent interview and it really shocked me…why did you talk again?” she asked and I sighed heavily.

“I have to baby….the issue is getting bigger and overboard already…and I must help Khun to stop it” I answered and she gasped.

I must admit. Nichkhun and I are not in good terms once again because of what’s happening, but it doesn’t mean that we have to just let one do all the work. After all, it’s much better to show the people that we’re backing each other up. That no one is cheating and in one way or another, everything is cool between us.

“Aigoo…Oppa…there’s no need for that…actually…I’ve already told Khun to stop explaining anymore for it’s not even changing anything….and I guess…it should go with you as well…but thank you…for you’re not getting tired of fighting for me” she said and it made me smile.

A simple “Thank you” from my wife can wash out all the negativity in me. I don’t know, but I love it whenever she thank me for doing something for her coz in one way or another, I can feel her love in it.

I guess Ishi is right. My explanation and plead to stop all of the negative publicity didn’t change anything at all. There are still some people who keep on bashing my wife on the internet and I’m hoping that she’s not getting affected by it. Actually, I’m worried for I know how my wife’s mind works and once she overthinks and worries too much, she’ll be in ruins in just a snap of a finger and that will surely be one tough time for us again.

“Jiyong...I called you because I’ve received some job offers for you and Athena just a few minutes ago and I think this is going to be cool” Hyun suk hyung called me in his office for an emergency meeting.

Actually, I was expecting him to scold me for giving another statement about the recent controversy that I am in without his permission, but his agenda is different for he’s offering a job for me and to Athena as well.

“Aigoo…hyung…I don’t think this’ll work for Ishi” I told him while reading the proposal given by a magazine company.

“Didn’t you know? Ishi is going to be on their cover as well…they told me that Jin young has approved their proposal…I just don’t know if he has discussed it with ishi already” he said and I looked at him in confusion.

As far as I know, JYP Sajangnim isn’t cool with Ishi working yet “But….didn’t JYP Sajangnim cancelled all of Ishi’s schedule for the meantime?” I asked and he sighed.

“Well…according to him…Ishi has told Eon that she wants to work again….thing is…she’s afraid of what the people might think and how they’ll react to her with all these negative publicity” he answered and once again, I’m feeling bad for I cannot do anything about the said matter at all.

I didn’t know anything about Ishi going back to work again, though she has told me that she misses working already. Oh well, I’m so sure that she’ll open it up sooner or later.

“Hyung…I’m all good in doing the magazine…thing is…I cannot say yes about Athena yet for I still have to sit down with Ishi and talk to her about this” I told him and he gave a nod.

“This is a good offer Jiyong...I hope you and Ishi will agree to it” he said and I chuckled.

“Aigoo…hyung…you told me that you don’t want to handle Athena’s career…why are these companies giving you their proposals?” I asked and he laughed out loud.

“I’m not going to be the one managing her for if I take her in….Jin young will surely think that it’s unfair and biased…so…I’ll let you and Ishi choose between us” he said and I started thinking.

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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
Chapter 64: Finished! I love youuuuu (you know that right?)
Chapter 64: finished reading :))) ...... once again amazing story <333333333333
goood joooob author-nim .... :D
Autumnaree #5
Chapter 53: wow, your characters realy go through the ringer.
unnie4ver #6
Chapter 64: It's 1:18am here. Gosh this story seems sooooo real...with the twitter and everything! Good job authornim! <3
Chapter 64: Kyaaa I finished it! Daebak! Tgis Fic made me Cry,laugh,nervous and its awesome! Author-nim daebak"
Chapter 13: Im loving the twitter post's BIG TIME!!
savygirl #9
Authornim im so inlnve with ur wrting skills my fave i she drives me crazy did u knw that i even posted a pic of gd and georgna wilson on my instagram coz im so inlove with. That story :-) oh btw georgina liked that pic too :-)
Chapter 64: omg. this was my first ever fanfic and THANKS SIMPLY FOR WRITING SUCH AN AMAZING STORY!