LOVE.LIFE. ETERNITY (Book of Love 2)
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“Cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey”


                                                           {Athena Kwon, voted as the most beautiful baby}



Big Bang’s leader, G-dragon and global star, Ishi’s daughter is making waves nowadays after she was first seen in public at the Seoul Fashion Week. The one year and six months old baby girl ranked first as the “Most beautiful celebrity baby” yesterday.  Athena Hera, who was born with superstar parents and popular social circle is a true beauty. Her parents’ genes are well mixed. She got her American-like beauty from Ishi and of course, the swag and charm from G-dragon. This is not the first time that she was seen by the public although it was her first time being shown in public by her parents. Fans always get to see Athena through Twitter. She has trended in the said social network twice, worldwide as well. Not only that, she’s always spotted with her mother and father around the city, in her most stylish clothes.

“This didn’t shock me….I mean…Athena is really beautiful…she actually looks like a doll” a fan said in an interview.

“Jiyong and Ishi’s daughter is really made out of love I guess…her blood is well mixed!” a fan commented.

“Her charm can really make you love her….I always see pictures of her through GD and Ishi’s tweets and she never fails to make me smile”

Many fans are envious of this little Kwon for she can get everything the world has to offer. Not to mention, she’s so close with a lot of celebrities as well. This little girl will surely give us more of her as she grows and we hope to see her in television like her mother and father soon. 



Motherhood. Wife duties. Career. I’m made up with these three now. I’m back in the game and is working so hard to at least give an amazing comeback and of course, I’m a wife and a mother as well. I don’t know how I do it, but I’m trying so hard to juggle everything.

Six months of endless recordings and meetings will pay off soon. A year ago, G-dragon and I talked about our career plans and my lovely husband let me decide on which path to take without intervening at all. I chose to go back to work again since Athena is already one and it’s not like I’m going to neglect my daughter because of work. Of course, my career is important, but my child is much more important.

“A year has passed…are you going to stick with your plan?” G-dragon asked.

“What do you think Oppa?” I asked and he just stared at me.

“Honestly….I can see that you’re ready …and you’re itching to come back” he answered and I sighed.

“Yes…I am…but…I can’t help but worry because Athena is growing up and this is a crucial stage coz she’d start learning things and I want to be there for her always…but then…I want to get my career back as well” I told him with my disheveled mind.

Seriously, I’m torn. I know that the moment I start working, my time will be limited once again, knowing how demanding this line of work is. In addition with that, Athena is going to be a handful for she’s going to explore and learn about everything already. I really need to figure out how my two worlds will meet because I know that once I got it all figured out, things are gonna be much easier.

“Baby…it’s all up to you…I mean…I don’t want to tell you what to do” he said and we just stared at each other.

“AISH!” I said, shocking him.

“Oppa…are you willing to help me in this?” I asked and he looked at me weirdly.

“Of course?” he answered unsurely.

“C’mon! Oppa…I really need your help…not just with Athena…but with this whole comeback thing” I told him.

I know that even though I don’t ask my husband for help, he will help no matter what, but I just want to feel that he’s going to be there for me all throughout. Going back to work is a big move and if this fails, I will surely be in ruins.

And with that, I called Eon and told him about my decision. He coordinated with JYP Sajangnim and a week after that, I sat down with him and talked about my plans. I’m just so thankful for his trust in me is still there.

“So…you want to rule again?” he asked, making me laugh.

“Aigoo…Sajangnim…that’s so weird to hear” I told him and he chuckled.

“What? Are you going to continue what you left behind?” he asked and I nod my head.

“Yes” I answered and he gave out a satisfied smile.

“You just don’t know how much this decision of yours made me happy….seriously Ishi…your comeback will surely be awesome” he said and it flattered me.

“Sajangnim…why do I feel so nervous upon hearing that?” I asked and it made him laugh.

“Look Ishi...we both know that you’ve left a lot when you decided to be on hiatus” he started and I nod my head “And now…our plans can push through again…your official international debut…the concert that we have already planned and the album that you left hanging can be finished as well…and if you’re still fine with acting…we can get you roles in dramas…well with your modeling…you are still signed with top brands even after a year of not doing runways” he finished and I sighed heavily.

Hearing these things already got me tired, what more if I’m already attending to all of them? I don’t know, but I told myself that I will give myself a limit when it comes to work for I don’t want it to eat all of my time. My being a wife and mother is still on top and my work is just second to it.

“Sajangnim…is it fine if I’ll just do music first? I mean…acting can sit on the bench for the meantime coz I don’t think I can handle everything now that I have a kid already” I told him and he nods at me.

“Aigoo….how can I forget about that?” he asked, making me chuckle.

“AISH! Athena really slipped through my mind” he scratched his head and sighed.

“Alright…tell me what you want to do…we’ll go by with what you want and how you want it done” he said and I started thinking.

In the end, I go with music and modeling. I told Sajangnim that I want to be active on the runways again and in terms of music, I will start working on my comeback album as soon as possible. We ended with a good plan and if everything goes well, I’d be the happiest person on earth.

I promised myself that I will be really hands-on with my album more than ever. That’s why I started writing songs after meeting with Sajangnim. I know that I’m not as good as my husband, but there’s no harm in trying. After all, I’ve written some songs for myself in the past so this is going to be a little easy for me.

“What are you doing?” G-dragon asked when he and Athena walked in the room.

“hmmm…writing?” I answered unsurely as they joined me in bed.

“Oh! That’s my lyric notebook” he said and I grinned at him “You’re writing songs for your album?” he asked and got the notebook from me.

“Aigoo….you’ve written almost a whole song already” he said while reading my randomness.

“Oppa…it’s nothing serious…I’m telling you…I’m still testing my writing skills…I’ll scratch that off for sure” I told him and he shook his head.

“No baby…there’s no need…your words are wonderful” he said and I looked at him weirdly.

“If you’re being sarcastic Oppa…stop it because it’ll just annoy the hell out of me” I said while hugging our daughter.

“No! I’m serious! This is wonderful!” he said and I stared at him in shock.

Honestly, the words that are written on that notebook are all pulled out from my . I’m not even thinking right while writing it. I don’t know what’s going on with my husband, but him, approving whatever I’ve written is so weird.

“Are you sure of this Oppa?” I asked, still unsure of what’s happening.

“Yes…look baby…this song will surely hit the charts…no ” he said and I slapped his arm.

“Your daughter is here…how can you say that word?” I asked and he cupped his mouth with his hand.

“Aigoo…Appa is being so careless once again” I told Athena and she gave out a chuckle.

Now that Athena is learning how to talk already, we are being so careful with the words that we use because she is so fond in imitating whatever we say. She once said “” after hearing Seungri saying it and Big Bang’s poor maknae got bullied by his hyungs after that.

Days passed by and I’m doing a lot of things for my comeback. I’ve already met up with my producers and they promised me a good album. Our target release is by the end of this year and it looks possible for we are working so fast nowadays.

“Alright Ishi Kwon…here’s all the demos…just listen to it and choose whatever you feel like recording” Eon, who is so happy to work again handed me the demo CDs and I clapped in excitement.

“Eon” I called while listening to a track “Do you think this comeback will hit?” I asked and he rolled his eyes at me.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t it? I mean…Ishi…a lot of people are waiting for your comeback…not only that…you’ll go international officially this time” he said and I sighed heavily.

“I don’t know…but I’m still worried that this might not work at all” I told him and he held my shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.

“Look…why are you being so negative about this? Aren’t you the one who wants to do this? C’mon! Show some confidence! Everybody’s working so hard for this and if you’re going to continue being like that…we better stop all this already” he said and I shook my head.

“I can’t help but think about my daughter…Eon…she’s growing up so fast and I’m afraid that I might not be there in the most important moments of her life…I know that mothers should be there for their children during these crucial years for they are the ones who will teach them things that they need to learn…I just don’t know if I can do that to Athena because this line of work is really crazy and totally demanding” I said and he sighed.

“Ishi…the reason why you cut down work is because you want to have time for your daughter and for Jiyong as well…all you need is a good strategy and plan…after all…you won’t be recording that much at the JYP studio…right? Coz you’d be doing that at home” he asked and I sighed.

G-dragon’s decision of having a studio in the house is really good for I’ve decided to just do some of my recordings there. Thing is, we cannot do everything there, so I still don’t have a choice but to hit the JYP studios from time to time.

Weeks have passed and things are going well as planned. I’ve recorded three songs already and I’ve finished writing two songs as well. I’m learning how to handle Athena and work, and I can proudly say that I’m doing well in it. G-dragon on the other hand is a big help in this whole album making process for he checks on my work from time to time and tell me if I have to improve or change something. Of course, in my eyes, he’s still a monster for he critiques me as if I’m not his wife. As a matter of fact, he made me cry days ago because he was so mean to me.

“This sound freaky…baby…are you changing your tone? I mean…all I can hear from you is air” he said while listening to my first recorded song.

“Really?” I asked and sighed.

“Yeah…no offense…but it sounds bad…are you sure this is you?” he asked and I looked at him in disbelief.

“Are you serious? You find my singing bad? Kwon Jiyong…are you playing on me again?” I asked and he shook his head.

“I’m just being real” he answered and it really broke my heart.

I don’t know what’s with him, but that song is my first record and everybody who has heard it told me that it was freakin awesome. YG Sajangnim heard it as well and even sent me a message saying that it’s so good. What’s going on with Kwon Jiyong?

“I’m not expecting this…at all” he said and removed his headphones.

“You didn’t finish the song…is it that bad?” I asked and he sighed.

“I don’t know baby…but…something is missing…or…it’s just your voice…I don’t know” he said while shaking his head.

“Fine…I’ll just scratch that track off” I said and walked to Athena’s room.

“Wait” he grabbed my arm, making me stop.

“Baby…I’m just being honest…please…don’t be too affected by it” he said and I smirked.

“Oppa…how can I not be affected by it? I’ve recorded that track for THREE days and everybody who heard it told me that it was damn good and now…here you are…telling me that it’s so freakin more thing…you are my husband…and this is all I get from you” I removed his hand away from me and walked fast as I can.

I know that I’m being close minded once again, but it’s just so painful to hear your husband talking about a thing that you’ve worked so hard on. I know that he’s just being honest, but he can say it to me in a not so hurtful way.

“Baby” G-dragon called when he entered Athena’s room.

“Oppa…it’s all good…I’m fine” I told him while playing dolls with our daughter.

“You’re not” he said and I stood up from the floor and came near him.

“Yeah…I’m not…wanna know why?” I asked and crossed my arms across my chest.

“Baby…I’m sorry” he said and I shook my head.

“Oppa…I’ve been working my out for WEEKS now just to get everything perfect or at least close to perfect and here you are…ting all over me…alright…maybe  that track is really bad and the people who told me that it’s good is just being kind…but…I’m not

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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
Chapter 64: Finished! I love youuuuu (you know that right?)
Chapter 64: finished reading :))) ...... once again amazing story <333333333333
goood joooob author-nim .... :D
Autumnaree #5
Chapter 53: wow, your characters realy go through the ringer.
unnie4ver #6
Chapter 64: It's 1:18am here. Gosh this story seems sooooo real...with the twitter and everything! Good job authornim! <3
Chapter 64: Kyaaa I finished it! Daebak! Tgis Fic made me Cry,laugh,nervous and its awesome! Author-nim daebak"
Chapter 13: Im loving the twitter post's BIG TIME!!
savygirl #9
Authornim im so inlnve with ur wrting skills my fave i she drives me crazy did u knw that i even posted a pic of gd and georgna wilson on my instagram coz im so inlove with. That story :-) oh btw georgina liked that pic too :-)
Chapter 64: omg. this was my first ever fanfic and THANKS SIMPLY FOR WRITING SUCH AN AMAZING STORY!