LOVE.LIFE. ETERNITY (Book of Love 2)
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“Happy people have two things in common; they know exactly what they want and they feel they’re moving towards getting it. That’s what makes life feel good: when it has direction, when you are heading straight for what you love”


“Happy people have two things in common; they know exactly what they want and they feel they’re moving towards getting it. That’s what makes life feel good: when it has direction, when you are heading straight for what you love”

After tonight, my life will take a huge turn. I’ll be closing a door that made me happy for so many years and will fully open one that I’m sure will give me extreme happiness and fulfillment. Kissing that one special thing goodbye is never easy, but I have to do what I’ve got to do. I’m leaving my career fully to focus more on my family.

This day will be so crazy. I’m telling you, the moment I opened my eyes, my nerves kicked in already and it’s making me anxious and giddy. I’m totally nervous for I haven’t been on stage for a long time and I don’t even know what’s waiting for me there. I’ve told myself last night while looking at the big stage, that I’ll just enjoy the night and be confident all throughout. Thing is, when you’re just a few hours away from your final stage, you can’t even think right.

“Baby” G-dragon sat beside me on the couch with his messy morning hair and half opened eyes.

“Hey” I said and kissed his cheek.

“Aigoo…you’re up so early….are you getting THE NERVES?” he teased and received a slap on the thigh from me.

“How can I not be nervous Oppa? I mean…tonight is going to be my final stage…not only that…I’m gonna be facing a lot of people…I’m not even sure if my performances are already good…this is so freakin bad!” I told him and he just gave a hearty laugh.

G-dragon is my confidence booster and he never fails to lift my spirits up. Thing is, my mind is really getting ed up by my worries that no matter how he tells me that I’ll do good, it’s not making me feel better anymore.

We just stared at each other for a long time. I feel like, he’s trying to calm me down with his heavy and sticky stares. Actually, he’s making me want him this early in the morning and is not for me yet coz I’m too occupied as of the moment.

“Aigoo” he said when I looked away.

“Why?” I asked and he wrapped his arms around my waist, making me lean on him “Stop thinking…everything’s gonna be fine….trust me” he said softly and it made me smile.

I turned to face him and stared at him for a few seconds and then next thing I know it, we’re already making out on the couch and his hands are under my loose shirt already. The way he touches me is really soothing and as his kiss deepens, my mind is going wild.

“Omma! Appa!”

This is not happening. Can someone slap me so that I can go back to reality? This is just so insane! Our daughter just caught us making-out and this is her first time seeing us this intense.

I pushed my husband away from me in a flash and sat up “hey there beautiful!” I was too shocked and totally disheveled that I can’t even think of anything good to say.

“Aigoo” I heard G-dragon say and I looked at him and shook my head.

“Good Morning Munchkin!” he greeted and our daughter didn’t even move an inch.

It seems like Athena was really surprised with what she saw that she can’t even move on from it. Her eyes are big like an owls and is open as well. I know that seeing your parents kissing is not normal and it’s kinda gross too.

“Come here” I moved a bit and patted the space between me and G-dragon for her to sit.

She walked slowly, with her eyes looking back and forth her father and me. This is really not the Athena that we know and from the looks of it, she really needs someone who’ll make her forget what she just saw.

“This is really a shock! Why are you up this early Munchkin?” G-dragon tried changing the mood but our daughter is still in deep shock.

“Hey beautiful…what’s up?” I asked and G-dragon looked at me as if I’m the weirdest and dumbest person on earth.

As I’ve said, my mind is so ed up because I don’t know how to pull things off this time. I know that it’s just normal for me and G-dragon to kiss, but to be seen by our daughter is a totally different story. Actually, I’m all good with her seeing us giving each other a peck on the lips, but making-out? DEFINITELY NOT!

“Omma…Appa…why are you kissing here in the living room?” she looked at me first then to G-dragon.

Crazy question number one. This is really insane! “uhmm….” I can feel myself going pale and my tongue suddenly feels like it has rolled back.

“Aaahhh….that….uhmm…Appa is just calming Omma down because she’s nervous” G-dragon answered and all I want is to laugh like crazy for my husband’s answer is really epic.

“So great” I mouthed at him and he giggled without sound.

“But…why are you on top of Omma?” Athena asked in her most innocent voice.

Can I just run and hide myself in a cave? Seriously, I’m not that ready to answer these intense and totally mind wrecking questions. I know that curiosity kills, but I really think that we just have to make her curious than to think of a crazy answer to her question.

“mmm….are you hungry Munchkin? Do you want to help Appa prepare breakfast?” G-dragon is really trying to get out of this insane moment and from the looks of it, his strategy won’t work at all.

“Omma…why is Appa on top of you? I’ve seen people kiss on television and they’re mostly sitting down or standing…I didn’t know that you can also lie down” she is just so innocent and what she just said really alarmed me.

“What? What are you watching these days?” I asked in shock.

It’s now my time to be curious. Isn’t this alarming? My five year old has already watched a couple kissing. As far as I can remember, I was already a teenager when I found out that men and women are allowed to kiss each other for my grandmother wouldn’t even allow me to watch shows that are not kid friendly.

“I saw it when I had a sleep over at Aunt Dami’s house…the Oppas and Unnie are watching a movie and the girl and boy kissed there….twice” she said and all I can do is sigh.

Well, Dami-unnie’s kids are grown-ups already and it’s a bit normal for them to watch cheesy movies. Now, I don’t know if I have to just let this pass or what.

“Aigoo…Jung su and Jin ae will really get it from me later” G-dragon said and I shook my head.

“It’s alright Oppa…no one’s to blame here….they are just watching a movie and it’s not that intense….I think” I said unsurely and he smirked.

“Beautiful” I faced her to me and caressed her face “A boy and a girl kisses because they love each other…and they are already grown-ups” I am trying to explain things to her in a way that her young mind can understand and I’m telling you, it’s frying my brain to a different level “And…kids like you shouldn’t do that yet…alright? You can kiss whoever you want…but not like what you saw on television and most especially…not like what you just saw awhile ago…are we clear?” I asked and she gave me a nod and a smile.

And our crazy kiss talk stopped there. I swear. I will not make-out with my husband in the living room again and I will monitor the shows that my daughter watches closely from now on so that she won’t be seeing things that are not yet for her to see.

I think I sho

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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
Chapter 64: Finished! I love youuuuu (you know that right?)
Chapter 64: finished reading :))) ...... once again amazing story <333333333333
goood joooob author-nim .... :D
Autumnaree #5
Chapter 53: wow, your characters realy go through the ringer.
unnie4ver #6
Chapter 64: It's 1:18am here. Gosh this story seems sooooo real...with the twitter and everything! Good job authornim! <3
Chapter 64: Kyaaa I finished it! Daebak! Tgis Fic made me Cry,laugh,nervous and its awesome! Author-nim daebak"
Chapter 13: Im loving the twitter post's BIG TIME!!
savygirl #9
Authornim im so inlnve with ur wrting skills my fave i she drives me crazy did u knw that i even posted a pic of gd and georgna wilson on my instagram coz im so inlove with. That story :-) oh btw georgina liked that pic too :-)
Chapter 64: omg. this was my first ever fanfic and THANKS SIMPLY FOR WRITING SUCH AN AMAZING STORY!