LOVE.LIFE. ETERNITY (Book of Love 2)
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“Happy people have two things in common. They know exactly what they want and they feel they’re moving toward getting it. That’s what makes life feel good; when it has direction, when you are heading straight for what you love”


                                             {Youngest fashion icon}



Athena Hera Kwon is making waves in the entertainment industry and in the cyberworld as well because of her exquisite fashion style. Being the daughter of two super idols, this five year old has a lot of eyes watching her. She’s being compared with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ daughter, Suri Cruise. Well, she can really compete with her for she’s got A list parents as well, who are fashion icons too. Like Suri, Athena is always seen with her mother roaming in the streets of Seoul with glam and total swag. But there’s one thing that the netizens have noticed. According to them, she can really go from boyish to girlish in just a snap of a finger. According to an insider, G-dragon dresses his daughter in high end label capris, long pants, shirts with matching sneakers, caps or beanies. While his wife, Ishi dresses their little princess in dresses and skirts.

“She’s always dressed by both her parents…you can actually tell who’s she with just by looking at her outfit for that particular day….whenever she’s hanging out with G-dragon and the other Big Bang members…she’s always dressed in simple denims and shirt matched with sneakers and caps…but whenever she’s with Ishi…she’s always in couture dresses and stylish flats...although you can clearly see that Athena is really cool and much comfortable with her father’s style”

It was also said that the “glam baby” as people call her is really boyish. It’s actually given for she’s always around her father’s friends. Oh well, whether it’s denims or dresses, this little fashionista made it to the list of the most stylish celebrities this year. Well done Athena Hera! You’re already following your mommy and daddy’s footsteps at such a young age.



When you’re happy, all you can think about are the good things in life. Your smile is plastered on your face no matter how tired, exhausted and fed up you are. Nothing in life is perfect, but when things falls into their right places, you’re already close to perfection that all you need to do is enjoy it and do everything just to keep it that way. I’m happy, and I’m glad because everything is turning out well for me and my family.

It’s been five months now since G-dragon and I had our second honeymoon and up until now, our sweet escapade is still fresh in my mind. The four days that we spent together in Paris are just so great. We’ve talked about the future and even solved petty problems as well. Right now I can say that we are at the peak of our relationship where our love for each other is overflowing and all we want to do is shower each other with it and do things that will make us much stronger. I can say that I’ve realized a lot of things after that trip. One of them is to give more time to my family. Truth is it’s my husband who made me realize that and his words really stabbed me badly.

“Baby” he pulled me closer to him and hugged me tightly.

“I don’t know…but…I just want to tell you something” he sounds so serious and I suddenly felt nervous.

“What is it?” I asked and he gave a small smile.

“It’s about you and work” he stared at me, waiting for any huge reaction.

“What about it?” I’m already in my panic mode for I really don’t know where this talk will go.

“mmm…I’m gonna be honest to you….Ishi….I really think that you’re working too much once again…it’s been what? Nine months since you had a full rest…I don’t know…but I feel like…your schedules are once again eating you up and your time for us is being affected by it as well…I’m not saying that you’re not doing your job as a wife or a mother or whatsoever…but…there are times wherein I feel like you cannot relate to us anymore…that the connection isn’t there…most especially with Athena…yes…I’m also busy…but she’s always with me so our bond is really tight…but…I’ve just noticed that whenever it’s only the two of you…I feel like you’re weighing each other…that you’re afraid to move or do something…I know that you can feel it too baby….and our daughter has felt it as well” he said and I just went blank.

Honestly, I’m shocked with what I heard. I didn’t know that these things would come out of him. I admit, I really feel like an outcast whenever the three of us are together for G-dragon and Athena are so close and they can relate so well to each other, while I cannot even share whatever is on my mind for I know that they will not get me or understand me.

“Did you know that Athena asked me randomly “Appa….why is your wife always busy? Why are other kids’ Ommas with them all the time...why is mine always not in the house?” I’m telling you baby…that question really stoned me…I don’t know how to explain things to her even if I know the answer to her questions…all I told her is…you’re working and unlike other Ommas….you’ve got a job that is so hard to let go….and when I asked her how did this question came into mind…she told me that she really wants you to take care of her more…she wants to be with you always….she wants to play with you and go to parks with you as well…she wants to show you off to the kids at the park…that was the time when I realized that Athena isn’t like any other five year olds out there…she’s much mature than them….and I guess…we really have to blame ourselves for it because we surrounded her with so many adults to the point that she moves and talks and thinks like them….on the positive note…it’s all good because she’s learning a lot…thing is…her childhood is not like any usual kids out there…and I don’t want that…I really want her to experience being a child in full swing….and I want her to feel that she’s got a mother and a father who is always with her…supporting her and taking care of her” he continued and that brought me to tears.

G-dragon is right. Athena was forced to grow up right away and somewhat take care of herself because most of the time we weren’t there to take care of her. I actually thought that I’m doing well as a parent, but after hearing this, I suddenly feel like I’m not even the good mother that I thought I am. That everything is just cool with her, but I’m wrong. My little girl is burdened by me and it’s really dragging me down.

“Look at me” he cupped my face with both hands and made me look at him “This doesn’t mean that you are a bad mother or you are neglecting her…it’s just that…you have to make her feel your presence…that she doesn’t have to wait for the night to come just to see you…I’ve talked to her and it’s not a big deal at all…she just wants to know what’s going on with you and why you’re so busy…she has asked me about my work as well and why I’m busy…I think…our daughter is just curious about some things…all you gotta do is give her some time…hmmm…MORE time...but you’re doing good as a mother and Athena loves you so much even if  she always go against what you want….it’s actually entertaining for her whenever you tell her not to do this or not to wear that” he said and I kissed my forehead.

“Oppa…I really feel like I need to think things over again…I mean….before when Athena is still younger and she doesn’t care much about the world yet…I can still do whatever I want and work as much as I want because she doesn’t need me that much yet…but now that she’s growing up and is having a mind of her own…I feel like…as a mother…I need to be there for her in every step of the way because that’s what mothers do…they are the ones who will teach their kids…most especially their daughters the things that they need to learn to be able to handle the craziness of this world…she’s in her crucial stage wherein a lot of questions are going in and out of her brain….I really should be there for her” I told him and he smiled at me.

“You can still do whatever you want baby…you can work….but be sure that you’ll still have time for her….I’m all good…you don’t have to worry about me at all because I can understand you…all I’m asking from you is time for Athena…bond with her…turn her into a girl again….coz I admit…she’s really boyish and she moves like a guy already” he said and I chuckled.

And after that, I’ve made a decision to lessen my work. The moment I went back after our trip, I talked to JYP Sajangnim about the matter and explained things to him, and I’m so thankful for he’s so considerate. We talked for hours about my plans and we end up with a pretty good deal. I’ll give up my modeling career fully and will not go on with my international career as well. I know that giving this all up is really a big loss, but I’d rather not have them than not be connected with my daughter.

In the end, I still have my endorsement deals but we made it clear that I won’t be doing any international promotions anymore. I will not do any fashion shows as well not unless I’m really needed. Our focus now is my singing career here in Korea and nothing more. Everything will go on as usual, but I’ll be having intervals every after project. Like now, I’m going to have a series of concerts here in Seoul and in some parts of Asia then after that, I’ll be resting for three to five months max. Those months will be for my family only. This is good, right?

“Omma! Omma! OMMA!” Athena started jumping wildly on our bed and it’s more than annoying.

“Aigoo…go ahead…jump all you want munchkin” G-dragon said and he sounds so happy.

“Athena Hera” I called and she stopped then looked down at me.

“Omma! Omma! Omma!” she started jumping again while giggling like there’s no tomorrow.

“Gosh!” I grabbed her and lay her down beside me.

“You are really one of the cutest…but can be the most annoying of all” I said while tickling her.

“Stop now Omma…Stop now” she said in between laughs.

“Tell Omma how much you love her first” I said, still tickling.

“I love you this big Omma” she stretched her arms widely and I stopped already.

“Aigoo….I love you this big too” I said and stretched my arms as well.

“How cheesy” G-dragon said and I stuck out my tongue at him.

“Yaaa…Athena did that to me as well awhile ago and I

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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
Chapter 64: Finished! I love youuuuu (you know that right?)
Chapter 64: finished reading :))) ...... once again amazing story <333333333333
goood joooob author-nim .... :D
Autumnaree #5
Chapter 53: wow, your characters realy go through the ringer.
unnie4ver #6
Chapter 64: It's 1:18am here. Gosh this story seems sooooo real...with the twitter and everything! Good job authornim! <3
Chapter 64: Kyaaa I finished it! Daebak! Tgis Fic made me Cry,laugh,nervous and its awesome! Author-nim daebak"
Chapter 13: Im loving the twitter post's BIG TIME!!
savygirl #9
Authornim im so inlnve with ur wrting skills my fave i she drives me crazy did u knw that i even posted a pic of gd and georgna wilson on my instagram coz im so inlove with. That story :-) oh btw georgina liked that pic too :-)
Chapter 64: omg. this was my first ever fanfic and THANKS SIMPLY FOR WRITING SUCH AN AMAZING STORY!