LOVE.LIFE. ETERNITY (Book of Love 2)
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“Human lives are not pieces of string that can be separated out from a knot of others and laid out straight. Families are webs. Impossible to touch one part without setting the rest vibrating. Impossible to understand one part without having a sense of the whole”


                                      {Exclusive interview with: The Kwons}


Yesterday, Dazed and Confused Korea was able to spend some time with one of Korea’s hottest families. They are no other than, Ishi, G-dragon and their daughter Athena Kwon. The three will be featured for the magazine’s anniversary. As expected, they arrived at the studio with glam and swag. Appa and his little girl walked in the room first, hand in hand with their matching outfits. Both are wearing John Galliano shirts matched with Prada denims, while Omma walked in wearing a stylish Chanel jumpsuit matched with suede Louboutins. They’re all smiles and so kind to the staffs. Not only that, they also brought food for everyone. “It’s a little something for all” Ishi said, making everyone’s heart melt.

The shoot started with Little Athena posing for the camera. Ishi and G-dragon are there to support their daughter for it’s her first time to face professional cameras. She started nervously and pulled herself up in the middle of the shoot. The proud parents came next with their solos and as usual, they ruled the set with their wonderful poses. The sweetest and most fun moment was the family shoot. The three are all wearing white outfits with their radiant smiles lighting the whole studio. All we can say is, they are naturals, it feels like they’ve practiced at home for this.

After three straight hours of endless smiling and posing, they sat down with us for an exclusive interview. They are still bubbly and giggly after the long shoot which made the whole talk lively and fun.

How was it working with each other?

I: It feels so good….actually…I still can’t believe that Jiyong Oppa and I are doing a feature with our daughter.

GD: Yes…that’s true….it’s still a bit surreal…this will be Athena’s first public appearance…and her first photoshoot as well…being with my wife and daughter now really feels so good...there’s no words to explain what I’m feeling right now.

Does Athena know that she’s going to have her magazine debut in a month’s time?

GD: Yes…she knows…truth is….before we agreed to do the feature…Ishi and I talked to her first just to know what she thinks about the whole idea…at first she was hesitant because in her mind…only adults can do magazines…but after explaining some things to her…she came to us one day and said “I’m good with it already!” and now…we’re here”

I: Athena is really a private person…we can see it in her this early for every time we go out in public…she’ll tell us that she doesn’t want cameras on her face…that’s why when she agreed to this…we were really shocked.

Athena, how are you feeling now that you already did your first shoot? Was it fun?

*The five year old hid her face behind G-dragon for a while, then after a short talk with her Omma, she finally answered our question*

A: I’m happy because everyone is kind to me….it’s fun

After talking about their shoot experience, we moved to some personal talk, and we are so glad for they answered our questions with so much wit and without filters.

You’re eight years married already. Are there some changes in your relationship?

I: Truth is…we’re nine years married already….that is if you’ll count our casual wedding …anyway…changes? Hmmm…there are a few changes of course…but it’s nothing serious and big…the love that we have for each other is still the same…it never faded or got shaken at all.

GD: I agree with my wife…we do change a bit for we are growing as a couple and we are learning a lot of things as well…but in terms of our love for each other…it’s still the same…I’m still madly in-love with my wife and I’m really confident in saying that she’s feeling the same way for me as well.

*Ishi giggles and pinched G-dragon’s cheek*

I: Yeah….that’s true…we’re still madly in-love with each other.

What’s your secret in keeping a long and strong marriage?

GD: Secret? We don’t have one at all…I think…the reason why we are still together up until now is because we have experienced hell first before heaven…mmm…I don’t know if everybody is aware of how we started…but if you know it…you will clearly say that the road to here isn’t as easy as others thought it was…we have to go through a needle hole just to keep our relationship intact…I guess…these challenges and hurdles are what’s keeping us strong for in our minds…hard and difficult challenges are already a piece of cake for we have surpassed a lot of it in the past already.

I: Exactly! *the couple gave high fives to each other* I can’t say anything more…my husband has said it all *laughs*

Of course, arguments and fights happen from time to time. How do you handle it?

I: I think…that can’t be helped…right? In any relationship…there’ll always be arguments and fights…in our case…we always have petty fights…I’m telling you….we can make a small thing so big…but after a short moment of sulking…we get over it and act like nothing happened.

GD: We always fight because of small things…we can only count through fingers our major fights….sometimes it’s just pure misunderstanding….you see…in a relationship…someone has to give….and with us…it’s always me *laughs* No…seriously….I’m always the one giving…but in all fairness to my wife she doesn’t really make small things big…it’s always me who triggers her for a fight *laughs again*

I: That’s so true! I’ll just find myself defending myself or whoever then after some time…I’ll realize...Oh shoot! This is another non-sense fight and then I’ll stop.

It seems like you have already figured out how your relationship works. Is there something that you want to change or is there still a missing piece for it to be perfect?

I: In my eyes…my marriage is perfect…totally spotless …I don’t know…but I can’t ask for anything more…hmmm…I’ve got a good man beside me…whom I wake up every morning with a smile plastered on my face…and a daughter who never fails to make me happy…there are things that needs to be changed…but…if those things are not that big…we can just brush it off.

GD: I have to agree to that….for me…what we have is already perfect…I mean…imperfections are what makes you perfect…we still have a lot to change and it’s not that we have figured out how things work already…but…there’s no need to take everything seriously….what’s important is…you and your partner is living wonderfully and you’re able to wake up every day feeling good and there’s nothing to ask for….well…the missing piece can be another baby…I swear….I’m pretty sure that another baby is going to make things much more perfect for us.

*Ishi slapped G-dragon’s arm upon hearing his last words which made everybody laugh*

Since GD has talked about wanting another baby, are there any plans for baby number 2?

I: Gosh! Hmmm….I don’t know…actually…whenever we’re asked about our plans of having another child…we always say that if God will give it to us…we’ll take it…but if there’s none for the moment…then we’ll just wait…but after hearing my husband….I guess…we really have to change that perspective *laughs*

Why does it seem like Ishi is not that good with baby plans yet?

I: It’s not that I’m not good with it…I guess…the right thing to say is…I’m not that ready to get pregnant again…although I really want to…but…just by thinking of how hectic our schedules are right now…a baby will really need to wait for we are so busy and there are still a lot of commitments to attend to…but…as I’ve said awhile ago…now that my husband voiced out his want to have another baby….my mind is changing and I might give it to him…SOON.

GD: I love that! *smiles so wide*

Do you think Athena will go well with a baby brother or sister?

*There’s a long silence. The couple looked at their daughter who is so busy playing video games in her Ipad*

GD: Actually…we don’t know…not like other kids…she’s not asking for a baby sister or brother at all…maybe one reason as to why the possibility of her having a sibling is still far from her mind is that…we don’t talk about baby plans at home...but I have a feeling that she will take things lightly if ever.

I: Athena is really protective….she’s territorial as well…I think it’s a kid thing actually…but…I am positive that she’ll take things well if ever I get pregnant in the near future…after all…she’s so used to seeing other kids with their brothers or sisters…it’s just that…she’s not yet thinking that she might have a sibling as well…I guess…things are going to be light for her once we talk to her about it.

Athena, can we ask you a question?

*The little girl looked up and waited for the question shyly*

Do you want to have a baby brother or sister?

*Looks at her parents and shook her head* “No”

GD: Why is that Munchkin?

A: I just don’t want.

I: It looks like we’ll be dealing with a big problem *laughs*.

GD: But having a baby sister or brother is cool.

A: I don’t want to have a baby sister or brother because I’m the only baby in the house….maybe I can have…but only one and I want it to be a girl…I guess.

*Everybody laughed upon hearing this because Athena looks like she was really battling with her mind and heart*

It seems like Athena is not yet ready to be a big sister. After that interview with her, she went out to breathe some fresh air, leaving her parents with us.

If you’re going grade yourselves when it comes to parenting, what grade will you give?

I: hmmm…’s low and is still so far from the perfect score because there are still a lot of things that I have to prove before reaching the high mark…for years now…I’ve been working so much and there are times wherein I tend to forget about my mother duties…but whenever I have free time…I always make sure that I spend it with my husband and most especially with Athena.

GD: I’m around that number as well…as Ishi said…there’s still a lot to prove…but I’m confident that we’ll be able to reach a hundred as time goes by.

Is Athena aware of how big you are in this country? Does she know that you are celebrities and your job is really a big thing?

GD: All she knows is that we sing…we perform in front of a big crowd and there are a lot of people who knows us…but in terms of her knowing how it works…I don’t think she’s aware of it…but she asks us like “Why are you always being followed by people?” “Why do we need to go out of the country always?” “Why are there so many cameras whenever we go out?”...but it has never been a big deal at all…she really just goes with the flow and with whatever.

I: Yeah….I think…Athena has an idea of what and who we are in the industry…but she’s not giving a damn on it…one reason why she’s like this is because we always move around her normally…we are Omma and Appa at home…we’re not Ishi Shin and G-dragon....and it goes the same with the people close to us…we don’t really put her under the limelight…that’s one reason why my husband and I don’t wa

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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
Chapter 64: Finished! I love youuuuu (you know that right?)
Chapter 64: finished reading :))) ...... once again amazing story <333333333333
goood joooob author-nim .... :D
Autumnaree #5
Chapter 53: wow, your characters realy go through the ringer.
unnie4ver #6
Chapter 64: It's 1:18am here. Gosh this story seems sooooo real...with the twitter and everything! Good job authornim! <3
Chapter 64: Kyaaa I finished it! Daebak! Tgis Fic made me Cry,laugh,nervous and its awesome! Author-nim daebak"
Chapter 13: Im loving the twitter post's BIG TIME!!
savygirl #9
Authornim im so inlnve with ur wrting skills my fave i she drives me crazy did u knw that i even posted a pic of gd and georgna wilson on my instagram coz im so inlove with. That story :-) oh btw georgina liked that pic too :-)
Chapter 64: omg. this was my first ever fanfic and THANKS SIMPLY FOR WRITING SUCH AN AMAZING STORY!