LOVE.LIFE. ETERNITY (Book of Love 2)
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“Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable”


                                            {Ishi K. is ruling the charts}

                                  {Ishi Shin-Kwon bagged awards one after another}

                                                {She has succeeded!}

                                  {Ishi’s say on marriage, motherhood and success}

  Exactly a month ago, Ishi Shin-Kwon made a comeback with a hot album. A lot of people have waited for this and their idol didn’t disappoint them, hence she exceeded their expectations. And after a month of high sales and ruling the charts, we were lucky for she agreed to sit down with us and have a talk after her photoshoot for a top cosmetic brand.

The mother of one never changed for she’s still as honest as she was before. Interviews are always a “no holds bar” kind of thing for she talks freely and doesn’t filter words at all. This is one thing that we love about this girl.

Ishi arrived at the waiting room with her daughter, Athena Hera in her arms. The first thing that she said was “She doesn’t wanna let go of me”, making everybody in the room warm and touched. As usual, their mother-daughter style is to die for coz they are both worth millions. Ishi is wearing a red Valentino baby dress matched with Black Christian Louboutin pumps, while Athena is wearing a black Junior Gaultier dress matched with a limited edition gold glittered Simonetta Junior flats. By looking at the kids’ shoes alone, it can already feed a person for one week.

How are you after your comeback?

“I’m proud to say that I am getting by…mmm…I’ve got a lot in my plate right now but by the help of God and the people around me…I was able to handle everything” Ishi answered with a wide smile on her face.

Your “Pieces of Me” album sold like hot pancakes here and abroad, how do you feel about that?

“Actually…up until now I still can’t believe it….before the album was released…I’ve got a lot of fears because I don’t know what’s waiting for me once I get back…I thought the people were already done with me and all…but the moment my management told me that the album has climbed up the sale charts…I was relieved and so happy”

Are you really going to promote the album in America?

“Yes….JYP Sajangnim and I have talked about this already and we both agreed that I’ll do a short promotion there …to give back to the people who supported my comeback there….this is already a long time plan…I think…ever since my second album was released…but because I got pregnant…I wasn’t able to push through with it”

That just means, you’re going to America. How long will it be and what are your plans?

“Yes I’ll go to the States two months from now for a week only…I’d be having a fanmeeting and album signing…I don’t know if I’ll appear in shows coz it’s still under negotiation”

With your busy schedule, how do you handle your wife and mother duties especially now that you’re going to go out of the country?

“mmm…it has never been easy…I’m telling you…there are times wherein I feel like I’m in hell…but…I’m thankful for my husband is helping me in every way possible…for eight months now…he…along with my mother in-law are the ones babysitting Athena whenever I’m out of the house…Jiyong Oppa and I have talked about our arrangement once my promotion in the States starts and we’ve agreed that I’ll take Athena with me for a week”

Can G-dragon take being away from you and your daughter?

“Honestly…he can’t…I actually have a feeling that he’d be following us there…but I don’t know...he’s so busy with Big Bang right now…they’re having their Asian tour as of the moment”

Speaking of G-dragon being hectic, how’s your marriage going? Isn’t it hard?

“mmm…we are actually used to each other’s hectic schedules already…but of course…there are times that it’s taking a toll on us as well…I think…if you really understand each other and have open communications…issues are not going to rise at all”

How do you give time to each other? Do you still date or go out once in a while?

“Jiyong Oppa is a man who is full of surprises and is oozing with romance…I’m so used of being kidnapped by him…I’m telling you…he’ll just grab me by the hand after a photoshoot or a performance then drive me somewhere romantic…we talk about things at night after going to bed too”

Why do I have a feeling that baby number 2 is still far from possible?

“Well…what you’re feeling is correct…Jiyong Oppa and I don’t have any plans on making another baby…primarily because we can’t handle it as of the moment…we also want to focus on Athena more”

But time is ticking and you two are not getting any younger.

“I know…but we are not super old yet…we’re in our early thirties and from what I know…we can still make two babies coz I can still give birth by forty” she answered cheerfully, making everybody in the room laugh.

Lastly, can you say that you’re already complete after all your success?

“mmm…I’m complete even before I reached this point of my life…I mean…my family is what’s making me complete…my husband and daughter is enough reasons for me to be whole…but of course…I’m thankful because I was able to have a taste of success after all the bumps and humps that I’ve gone through in the past”

With this interview, we can say that Ishi’s feet are still on the ground. We can also say that she’s happy with all the things that are happening in her life right now. This girl is not only a successful superstar, but a wonderful wife and an amazing mother as well.



How hectic can things be? It’s been months since I’ve made my comeback and it really blew me off my feet. I’m in total bliss with all the recognitions and attention that I’m getting. Everything is so unexpected and up until now, I still cannot believe that I’m back in the game again.

Days before the release of my new album, things got really twisted and totally stressful. As usual, I’m doing my wife and mother duties at home and in the studio, I’m an artist who is itching to perform on stage already. My life really turned upside down for I’m trying to perfect each and every detail. My family on the other hand, is taking my insanity at its best.

“Baby...can you please…take a break even just for an hour? Yes…you’re here at home…but your mind is still thinking of work” G-dragon said, making me look at him.

“Oppa…the release of the album is in two days and I’m not even sure if it’s worth releasing” I told him and he sat on the table in front of me and looked straight into my eyes.

“You are overthinking once again…Ishi…everything is already settled…all you have to do is wait for the day of its release…you can’t change anything anymore for it’ll be out in the market before you know it…and…there’s no need for you to worry at all for the album is amazing” he said and I sighed heavily.

“But…I’m not that sure of it…I mean…Oppa…it’s been what? Nearly two years since I decided to take a break…I don’t even know if the people who loved me before is still loving me up until now…what if all of this fails? What will I do? It’ll surely bring embarrassment to JYP Sajangnim and most especially…to you” I told him and he smirked.

“You are being so negative again…look…you have millions of people waiting for your comeback…and if this fails…so what? At least you’ve tried…and it’s not about failing baby…it’s about doing what you want…if this doesn’t work anymore…then fine…just be a full time wife and mother…after all…you don’t have to work for I’m earning enough for our family” he said and smiled at me.

In all fairness to G-dragon, he’s really the one pulling me up whenever I feel so down. My husband is the positive energy that keeps me going. I don’t know, maybe my negativity is just brought by my nervousness and stress.

And THE day has arrived. I will never forget that Saturday morning. I woke up with a heavy and nervous feeling. My stomach keeps on turning to the point that I wasn’t able to eat breakfast at all. My mind is so out of its element and even though I’m physically present, my soul is absent.

“Aigoo” G-dragon and Athena joined me in bed after breakfast.

“Yaaa….why are you so nervous?” my husband asked while our daughter is so busy playing with the buttons of my PJ’s.

“Oppa…how can I not be nervous? My album is going to be released in an hour” I told him and he smirked.

“Here we go again....Yah Ishi Kwon! How many times do I have to tell you that EVERTYHING’S FINE…there’s nothing to worry or be nervous about” he said and pulled me and Athena close

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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
Chapter 64: Finished! I love youuuuu (you know that right?)
Chapter 64: finished reading :))) ...... once again amazing story <333333333333
goood joooob author-nim .... :D
Autumnaree #5
Chapter 53: wow, your characters realy go through the ringer.
unnie4ver #6
Chapter 64: It's 1:18am here. Gosh this story seems sooooo real...with the twitter and everything! Good job authornim! <3
Chapter 64: Kyaaa I finished it! Daebak! Tgis Fic made me Cry,laugh,nervous and its awesome! Author-nim daebak"
Chapter 13: Im loving the twitter post's BIG TIME!!
savygirl #9
Authornim im so inlnve with ur wrting skills my fave i she drives me crazy did u knw that i even posted a pic of gd and georgna wilson on my instagram coz im so inlove with. That story :-) oh btw georgina liked that pic too :-)
Chapter 64: omg. this was my first ever fanfic and THANKS SIMPLY FOR WRITING SUCH AN AMAZING STORY!