BABY 101

LOVE.LIFE. ETERNITY (Book of Love 2)
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“The place of happiness you can return to is in the arms of the one you love”

Being a mother is a full time job. It’s almost a week now since I gave birth and up until now, I’m still in the middle of adjustment. Things are calmer and mellow now than before and I’m so thankful to the people who helped me get through my first mom days. Seriously, I owe my knowledge to Omma for she’s the one who really taught me everything that I need to know.

After G-dragon left for Japan, Omma is the one who filled his place and I must say, life has been easier since she came. She taught me how to do things in an easy way and how to do it right. From burping the baby to bathing her. I’ve learned them all in matter of three days and I can proudly say that I’m doing so well.

My husband came back yesterday and he was really emotional the moment he arrived and saw our daughter for he misses her so much. I actually thought that he won’t last for three straight days without seeing and holding her. I’m telling you, we’re always talking over the phone and video chatting every night. It just feels so good for I can really feel his love for Athena and me as well. G-dragon is taking fatherhood seriously and I love it.

“Aigoo…you woke Grandma so early beautiful” I said to my daughter while my mother in-law is carrying her.

“It’s all good Ishi-ah” Omma said and I smiled at her.

“Omma…you can go back to sleep now…I can handle her” I told her and she shook her head.

“I’d be leaving in a few hours and I want to spend it by taking care of my granddaughter” she said and it really touched my heart.

Seriously, Omma is so good in taking care of a baby. She’s an expert! I don’t even know how and where she learned all that she knows. I told myself that I will really put all her teachings in my head for I’m gonna need them not just for Athena, but for my future kids as well.

“Oh Jiyong-ah” Omma said upon seeing her son walk in the living room.

“Omma…you’re still here? I thought you already left?” he asked while rubbing his eyes.

“Yah Oppa! Are you making Omma leave already?” I asked and he smirked.

“Aigoo…of course not!” he said and wrapped an arm around my waist.

“Good Morning” he kissed my temple, making me smile.

“Good Morning” I replied and gave him a peck on the lips.

“Good Morning Omma” he went near her “and Good Morning to my little girl” he bent down and kissed Athena’s forehead.

“Aigoo…it feels so good to have my girls here” he said, making me and Omma laugh.

“Your Noona will surely be envious” Omma said and I nod in agreement.

“Where is she anyway? I thought she and the kids will stay here for a week?” he sat beside me on the couch and pulled me closer to him.

“She’s so busy with her boutique…she can’t leave it at all…but…the kids stayed here yesterday for the whole day and I’m telling you…we had a blast” I told him and he gave out a pout.

“Now I’m the one who’s envious” he said and I caressed his cheek.

“Don’t worry…we can ask them to come here again…they’re good Oppa’s and Unnie to Athena...they can make her smile in just a snap” I said proudly and he smiled.

“Omma…can I carry her?” he stood up and got our daughter to his mother.

“Aigoo…look at you…Appa have been away for only three days and your cheeks got so chubby already” he said while looking at her.

Seeing G-dragon carrying Athena with a smile that rarely shows up feels so warm and wonderful. My husband is so in-love with our daughter and it’s making me really happy. I can say that he changed a lot after she came for he’s much sweeter and happier as well. I guess being a father is really for G-dragon.

After breakfast, Omma decided to go home to Appa for he’s been alone for three straight days already. My father in-law is really understanding coz he let Omma to be with me even if they’ve got a lot of work to do at the restaurant.

And I’m left with my husband and daughter once again. In all fairness to me, I’m not in my panic and super stressed mode anymore for I’m confident that I can do things perfectly already. I’m telling you, changing diapers and bathing the baby is a piece of cake to me now.

“Oppa” I joined him on the couch and hugged him tightly.

“Aigoo…you missed me so much…huh?” he asked and I kissed his cheek.

“Yeah…I missed my husband so much!” I said and kissed his cheek again.

“What happened here while I was away?” he asked and I sighed.

“Everything went well Oppa…I’ve learned a lot from Omma and I can now say that I am a full bloom mother already” I bragged and he chuckled.

“Really? Alright…whatever you say” he said like he’s not buying it at all.

“YAH! I’m serious here…I know a lot of things already” I told him and he just nods his head.

“Seriously Oppa…I can do things without even getting nervous of breaking Athena’s bones…I know how to handle her now and I think” I said and cupped his face with both hands “You as an Appa should learn the things that I’ve learned as well” I continued and he just stared at me.

There’s nothing bad in teaching him what I know, right? I mean, he also needs to learn how to change diapers and the right way of bathing a baby for he needs it if Athena happens to be left with him only.

And because my husband is a good father and wants to be hands-on, he agreed to learn all the things that Omma taught me and I find this really interesting. I want to see him change dirty and stinky diapers.

“Alright Oppa” I said and brought out all the things that we need for Athena’s bath.

“First of all” I looked at him intently with a small smile on my face.

“What?” he asked and I started laughing.

“Yah! What’s in that mind of yours?” he asked and I took a deep breath while trying to control my laughter.

“Oppa…why so serious?” I asked and he smirked.

“I don’t know…but…why do we need a lot of things? I mean…we’re just going to bathe a little baby” he said and I rolled my eyes at him.

“Oppa….all of this are a must…shall we start now?” I asked and he sighed heavily.

“Alright” he said.

G-dragon looks so eager and he is so focused as well. I let him check the water if it’s good for Athena and he is also the one who soaped her.

“Oppa…check the water using your wrist” I told him and he looked at me curiously.

“Why is that? I can just use my finger you know” he said and dipped a finger in the tub of water.

“Aigoo…Oppa…we use our wrist to check the water if it’s all good already coz it’s one of the most sensitive part of our body” I said and tested the water myself.

“It’s all good now…it’s just the right temperature” I told him.

“I’ll just get Athena” I went out of the bathroom and scooped up our daughter from her crib.

The hardest part of all is bathing a baby. I’m telling you, it’s really challenging for you have to endure her cries and all the movements as well. I can still remember the first time that I bathed Athena, she cried her lungs out.

“Aigoo…yes…you’ll be taking a bath now and Appa will help Omma do it” I told her and she just stared at me.

“There you go” I said and placed her down on the changing table.

“Omma will remove your clothes now…alright beautiful? This will just be fast” I said and slowly removed her one piece.


“sshhh…it’s Ok …Omma will get your head out of this first and we’re done” I cooed and she stopped from crying.

And I continued talking. I’ve read in a baby magazine that whenever you bathe a baby, you should talk to him/her coz they love the interaction, it stimulates their brain and they will feel more comfortable as well.

“Say hi to Appa” I said when G-dragon came near us.

“Aigoo” he reached for her hand and kissed it.

“Let’s get that stinky baby in the tub now” he said and it made me laugh.

“Oppa…I’m wa

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lienabudakbaik #1
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 64: Finished!!! Its so amazing..
Chapter 64: Finished! I love youuuuu (you know that right?)
Chapter 64: finished reading :))) ...... once again amazing story <333333333333
goood joooob author-nim .... :D
Autumnaree #5
Chapter 53: wow, your characters realy go through the ringer.
unnie4ver #6
Chapter 64: It's 1:18am here. Gosh this story seems sooooo real...with the twitter and everything! Good job authornim! <3
Chapter 64: Kyaaa I finished it! Daebak! Tgis Fic made me Cry,laugh,nervous and its awesome! Author-nim daebak"
Chapter 13: Im loving the twitter post's BIG TIME!!
savygirl #9
Authornim im so inlnve with ur wrting skills my fave i she drives me crazy did u knw that i even posted a pic of gd and georgna wilson on my instagram coz im so inlove with. That story :-) oh btw georgina liked that pic too :-)
Chapter 64: omg. this was my first ever fanfic and THANKS SIMPLY FOR WRITING SUCH AN AMAZING STORY!